The library found creepy book of human flesh

Harvard University - one of the most prestigious universities in the world. He is known for being the leader in the number of billionaires among the graduates, as well as its library, which is the largest academic in the US and the third largest in strane.

It was a library, or rather some of it stored in books, the university brought new terrible glory. The fact is that in the vaults were found manuscript, which was used to create human skin. During the next census of books available to Harvard, the librarians have paid particularly close attention to the three books which have suspected something was wrong. During a more detailed examination and consultation with experts, they stated that the smooth cover is nothing but a well-dressed human flesh. These conclusions are supported by the text contained in the book. The researchers believe that, in one case was used skin grazed person alive, which makes the discovery even more eerie. It is reported that among the books with covers of human flesh: a collection of Roman poetry, the work of French philosopher and a treatise on medieval Spanish zakonodatelstve.

The library noted that the practice of using human flesh for binding books were quite popular in the 17th century. Very often this material is used to cover the anatomical textbooks. Medical professionals often use the skin of corpses, which they dissected during their studies. It should be noted that terrible book became the subject of intense interest among the students. Wishing to clarify the situation, the university has decided to conduct an analysis of books used in the manufacture of materials. In spite of the terrible writing in manuscripts, tests have shown that covers two of them were made from a mixture of skin of cattle and pig collagen. However, the binding of the third was indeed made of leather cheloveka.

In the library of Harvard University said they did not plan to get rid of a terrible discovery. However, and to advertise the fact that their collection contains such books, they also do not intend to, said Mother Nature Network. As the director of the University Library Sidney Verba, recently discovered three books are probably not the only ones in the library, which used human skin. Upon further searching, he believes, can be found and others with more horrible instances.
Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/45045-v-garvardskoj-biblioteke-obnaruzheny-zhutkie-knigi-iz.html