University of Florida removed from the library of paper books

Polytechnic University of Florida opened a new library, with elegant architecture (Santiago Calatrava worked on the project), and design, with a comfortable workplace and comfortable environment. However, in this library are missing one small thing - books. To be precise, the paper books.
Instead of the usual textbooks and scientific literature in the paper, it was decided to use only e-books. And the name of e-books in the library, there are more than 135 thousand.
Access to the electronic library can be obtained from the "reading room", tablet or laptop. In the library there are printers, so if need be, all right, you can print. In addition, if desired, a student, he can buy a traditional paper book in any bookstore, and a traditional textbook can be requested in the library of one of the 11 state universities.
With regard to the electronic library, Florida Polytechnic spent on books, about 60 thousand dollars, making access to free literature for their students. If students need a book, textbook or nonfiction, the student through a special interface selects the desired instance, and click on the book for the second time, after which the purchase occurs at the expense of the university.

It is worth noting that the experience of the Polytechnic University of Florida is not unique: on a similar principle to the library organized by NASA and medical library at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. When creating your own library, workers Polytechnic University consulted with colleagues.
Via businessinsider
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/234689/
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