How does a modern library

Thus, the reader comes to the National Library:

And once we get to the reception, where he make out a library card (cost symbolic, only 50 rubles for 5 years):

The library card is different from what it was 15 years ago, the main difference - it is the presence of a bar code

We put the ticket and pass and go to the desired reading room:

But before you get into the reading room, let's look at the department, which receives all the new books. This sector of the scientific processing of documents:

Information on all new books necessarily entered into a computer program - cataloguer, this is all done by hand:

Every employee on the day of processing approximately 20-30 books (yes, they have a monthly plan). Today, in the electronic catalog of the National Library about 485 000 records! Here is a place to make:

Notice how many fields to fill in for each book:

By the way, here is stamped on the very 17th page:

In addition, for each book is glued a unique bar code and assigned an extension number:

Next, the book passed to the next department, whose task is the most complete description of each book to the reader or bibliographer able to find the book:

This is the book "Blink elven portal" what is it? So I do not know, and if the department has not made details in the program, and her no one ever would have found:

Each book has three code. The lowest code "1311430" - is the internal code book in the library, it was given in the previous section. A top two code assigned in accordance with generally accepted Library Bibliographic Classification:

Previously, library cards handed from Moscow:

Today, they are printed on the spot:

Library card contains the necessary information on the book, necessarily contains the necessary codes for which the library staff will be able to find it:

So back to the reading room. The National Library, they are divided into topics. The reader, using alphabetical catalog, find the right card for the book:

and records its extension, the author and the title of the book:

According to the information officer of the library looking for a book. Some of the books (the most popular) are stored here in the reading room, and the rest are in the stacks. If you need a book is in the library, then at the Department sends a request for delivery. The request is sent through a computer (and earlier such requests were recorded on a piece of paper, folded in "bobbin" and thrown down by a special tube) :)

Book Depository is located in the basement of the building, and we are going to track how our request will be processed:

Book Depository is divided into several separate rooms (this is done for security purposes). There are special fire protection systems that extinguish the fire small, fine spray, so as not to damage the book. After such quenching books dried simple ventilation:

For storing books, it is important to comply with certain temperature and humidity, this is followed by an automated system:

Shelves of books are on the rails, and easy rotation of the handle can be moved:

These numbers employee finds the rack and then looking for the book you have. In the book stacks are not grouped by category or alphabetically, they are mixed and arranged a number Inland:

Therefore, the task of the reader right to rewrite the number. If the reader incorrectly copied the number and the employee can not find the book, he begins to search her computer database, trying to determine the correct number of the book (by title, author, etc.). Therefore, if you do not bring a book for a long time, do not swear, but rather to thank the staff for help (because most likely you are to blame) :)

On the territory of the entire library laid rails on which trolleys are moved telelift:

Need a book placed in the cart:

On the touch screen, the number of the truck and the name of the department where it needs to deliver the book:

Press "OK" to confirm our job and the book is sent to the appropriate department. Watch a quick video:

Mine telelift:

By the way, how the telelift can watch any reader of the library, as part of the route passes along the corridor:

The clever system automatically tells the employee that he had run out empty carts and order a couple of offers. We order a couple of minutes and she comes:

We go back to the reading room, which has already taken the necessary books.

All computers in the reading rooms are equipped with a scanner, through which first library card is scanned, and then the book - so the program is fixed, that the book is checked out. When returning doing similar operations and the book is removed from the reader:

After receiving the necessary literature, you can go to the reading room:
Source: z-alexey.livejournal.com