11 majestic photos of the most beautiful libraries of Paris and Rome, from which it is impossible to look away ...
Library - a magnificent temple of human knowledge, concealing a special spiritual magic. This is not just a building where books are stored, it is - something more grandiose. That's because many libraries of the world can be compared with the beautiful works of art. So, at least, see their photos Frank Bobotov.
Frank always fond of books. Perhaps it is thanks to them that he had the idea to create a series of works called "House of Books". The lens, as you've guessed, the library throughout its majesty.
The premises of these libraries are of great historical value, they are real monuments. High ceilings, chandeliers, paintings on the walls - all this is embodied in pictures Bobotov. His photo causes incredible awe and delight. But in a different way and it can not be!
The National Library of France (Paris)
Intercollegiate library at the Sorbonne (Paris)
Library Angelica (Rome)
Library Sainte-Geneviève (Paris)
Intercollegiate library at the Sorbonne (Paris)
Library Vallicelliana (Rome)
Senate Library (Paris)
Library Sainte-Geneviève (Paris)
Bibliothèque Mazarine (Paris)
And while Frank continues to make the temples of science, you can enjoy photos of majestic libraries of the world in the lenses of other photographers. Believe me, they are no less beautiful! Show these pictures to your friends, share with them a modicum of unsurpassed beauty!
Frank always fond of books. Perhaps it is thanks to them that he had the idea to create a series of works called "House of Books". The lens, as you've guessed, the library throughout its majesty.
The premises of these libraries are of great historical value, they are real monuments. High ceilings, chandeliers, paintings on the walls - all this is embodied in pictures Bobotov. His photo causes incredible awe and delight. But in a different way and it can not be!
The National Library of France (Paris)

Intercollegiate library at the Sorbonne (Paris)

Library Angelica (Rome)

Library Sainte-Geneviève (Paris)

Intercollegiate library at the Sorbonne (Paris)

Library Vallicelliana (Rome)

Senate Library (Paris)

Library Sainte-Geneviève (Paris)

Bibliothèque Mazarine (Paris)

And while Frank continues to make the temples of science, you can enjoy photos of majestic libraries of the world in the lenses of other photographers. Believe me, they are no less beautiful! Show these pictures to your friends, share with them a modicum of unsurpassed beauty!
No, it's not two different people sleeping in the same bed. It is not so, what do you think ...
The most unsuccessful marriage proposal, which turned into a nightmare. They do not envy!