20 unusual occupations that you can learn on the Internet
Sometimes we wonder: and whether the profession chosen? Today to "start over" is not difficult and it is not obligatory to go to University. Thanks to the Internet we can explore any and even a very rare profession.
1. Cosmobiology
What does he do?
Thinking about how to live astronauts, animals and plants on space stations and strange planets. Are suffering the issues like, get fat, whether the person is in zero gravity? how to grow parsley in a vacuum? Kind of kosmobiologii — xenobiology, which calculates whether life on other planets.
Where work?
Roscosmos, NASA, Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic.
Where to study?
Space biology, Institute of biomedical problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universarium. Free start 31 August 2015.
Astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life, University of Edinburgh, Coursera in English, 5 weeks. Gratis.
Forty six million seven hundred forty four thousand seven hundred thirty two
2. Film critic
What does he do?
Gives people who do not understand cinema, an opportunity to build yourself the most intelligent. Zvyagintsev's praises and scolds Mikhalkov (or Vice versa). Knows exactly what I wanted to say Nolan "interstellar" and what was in the briefcase of Marcellus Wallace.
Where work?
Marusya house magazine or Cam.ru, your blog.
Where to study?
The history of cinema, Universarium, 7 modules. Free start 31 August 2015.
The language of Hollywood: storytelling, sound, color, Wesleyan University, Coursera, 6 weeks, in Russian. Free, the start will be reported.
Scandinavian film and television, University of Copenhagen, Coursera, in English. Free, 1 Nov — 6 Dec 2015
3. Zoopsychologist
What does he do?
Understand what they think and feel our smaller brethren, helps to achieve good results in training wild animals and truly make friends with domestic animals. Can "cure" the dog from aggression, to choose the breed of pet that best suits the person.
Where work?
The dog training centre, veterinary clinic, give a private consultation.
Where to study?
The course "animal Behavior", Coursera, in English, 8 weeks. Free, is already underway.
Emotional and cognitive abilities in dogs, Coursera, in English with English subtitles 15 hours of lectures.
4. Paleontologist
What does he do?
Embody children's dreams, because a paleontologist wants to be about every third boy, "when I grow up". Exploring all that remained from the era of the giant dinosaurs that reigned on our planet hundreds of times longer than mankind lives.
Where work?
Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, a consultant in the cartoon "dinosaur Train".
Where to study?
Dino 101: dinosaur paleobiology, University of Alberta, Coursera, in English. Free, 1 Sep 2015 to 11 January 2016
5. Kavist (specialist in guilt)
What does he do?
Specialist for luxury wines. In contrast to the sommelier not only knows what red meat and white with fish, and understands the intricacies of storing and caring for wine.
Where work?
In wine boutiques, restaurants, blogging and drinking wine not to get drunk, but for the case.
Where to study?
Lectures about wine and everything that is connected with it, Vnimanie, free.
6. Philosopher
What does he do?
There is a saying: "a True philosopher can not do anything and everything can be judged". Yes, it can't, but render mankind a great service for us all, terribly busy, answering the most important questions: what am I? what is the world? what is the meaning of life? and along the way, like peanuts, clicks unimportant: why is it so often a headache on Sunday morning? what if I shampoo?
Whom to work?
Philosopher of life, author in the journals "problems of philosophy" or "Socrates".
Where to study?
Philosophy of culture, Higher school of Economics, Coursera, 2 and a half months, in the Russian language. Free open date.
Philosophy: the art of creating problems, Baltic Federal University. They. Kant, Universarium, 6 weeks. Free, the start date of the enrolled will be reported.
7. Cartographer
What does he do? Is maps and globes. Long all made up? As it is not so. Need climatic, ecological and historical maps, and new country — I heard, for example, about Eritrea or East Timor? Need maps of the sky, and soon other planets. Cartographers no longer traveling and not sketched hills and ravines, now they are high, including space, technology.
Where work?
Where to study?
Create digital Earth, Moscow state University of geodesy and cartography, Universarium, 8 weeks. Free, start 24 August 2015
8. Multiplier
What does he do?
Sow reasonable, good, eternal in the minds of kids or cultivates the gloomy black humor in cartoons for adults. New "Hedgehog in the fog" or "South Park" — you choose.
Where work?
"Soyuzmultfilm" Warner Brothers, "Animecon", Matt stone and Trey Parker.
Where to study?
Home multitude, Universarium, 12 weeks. For free, you can sign up for the restart.
9. Cryptographer
What does he do?
Encrypts the important information by using clever mathematical and computer methods, to protect it from interception.
Where work?
FSB, IT-companies, engaged in information security.
Where to study?
Course Cryptography, Stanford University, Coursera, in English with English subtitles. Free from 3 August to 14 September 2015
The basics of cryptography, Intuit, 15 lectures. For free, at any time.
10. Dancer
What does he do? Express themselves in dance. Dancing while young, dancing in the rain, dancing out and just dancing-dancing.
Where work?
In Nightclubs, at parties, on public holidays and festivals to give master classes.
Where to study?
Training online. Hip hop for beginners, LendWings, 13 lessons. Free, start at any time.
Dubstep: a complete course for beginners, LendWings, 12 lessons. 1400 roubles, at any time.
11. Orientalist, specialist in exotic Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand
What does he do?
Knows everything about languages, history and culture of Asian countries.
Whom to work?
Organizatorom travel and tour guide, translator, employee of the Russian Embassy in Vietnam, a columnist in the magazine "Asia and Africa today".
Where to study?
Languages and culture of South-East Asia, far Eastern Federal University, 7 modules. Free, the start date will be reported.
12. Consultant for weight loss
What does he do?
Knows: meat with pasta is a no — no, pathetic broccoli 34 calories and other important things. Helps to choose healthy and proper diet and to lose extra weight without suffering from hunger.
Where work?
In clinics weight loss, to give private consultations to blog.
Where to study?
Diet and weight management, LendWings, 8 lectures. 1250 rubles at any time.
Fundamentals of human nutrition, University of Florida, Coursera, in English. Free, the start of the next course enrolled will be reported.
13. Poet
What does he do?
As he wrote to Alexander: "Not the poet, who rhymes weave do able". The poet is a special state of mind, receptive to beauty, love and sadness, he is able to convey his emotions to the readers through the magic of words.
Whom to work?
A songwriter to publish their collections, to write advertising slogans, to become the "voice of a generation" and... not work.
Where to study?
Basic versification, Eidos, 5 days. Price on request.
Learn to write sonnets, Eidos, 5 days. Price on request.
Studied Japanese poems Tanka and haiku, Eidos, 10 days. Price on request.
14. Writer
What does he do?
Snapshotname dealing with the past and describing all the movements of his soul, castigates the vices of society and draws our attention to the problem. Or simply creates a fascinating text that we have to look through half an hour before bedtime.
Where work?
To contract with a publishing company and writing books; the author of the "smart" magazine.
Where to study?
Literature courses for them. Chekhov, Literature courses at the International writers ' Union, 2 semesters for 3 months. 60 thousand rubles per semester.
Courses litmustest A.V. Vorontsov, 3400 rubles a month, 6 months. Start — September 16, 2015, is set.
He is a writer, Universarium, 6 weeks. For free, you can sign up for the restart course.
15. Hypnotist
What does he do?
Provide for a respectable public. In addition, hypnosis today is a respected direction in psychotherapy, use it to treat psychosis and addiction.
Where work?
Psychotherapeutic centres, narcoclinic, circus.
Where to study?
Mental hypnosis and telepathy, LendWings, 6 lectures. Start anytime, 1050 rubles.
Street hypnosis, LendWings, 6 lectures. Start anytime, 1,450 rubles.
16. Calligrapher
What does he do?
If you believe the definition in Wikipedia, "draws signs in an expressive, harmonious and skillful manner". Simply put, art is writing by hand. In Japan and China, calligraphy is an important art form of painting.
Whom to work?
Book Illustrator, designer, graphic designer.
Where to study?
Calligraphy for beginners, drawing School Veronica Kalacheva, 14 lessons (1 month). Price on request, beginning fall 2015 open date.
17. Fashion Illustrator
What does he do?
Magic draws long-legged beauties in stylish dresses in books and glossy magazines. At the beginning of the last century, hundreds of covers of fashion magazines were decorated with watercolor divas. Then they were replaced by photography, but fashion illustration has not lost its relevance. She did not disdain himself, Salvador Dali, drawing for Vogue and Harper's Bazaar beauties with bouquets instead of the head.
Where work?
Illustrator at Vogue, Cosmopolitan, designer, designer, advertising Agency, book publishing.
Where to study?
The course on fashion illustration, drawing School Veronica Kalacheva a month and a half. Price on request, beginning fall 2015 open date.
18. Reducer
What does:
Helps to review the old and build a new image of a person based on his goals: to become President, earn millions, marry a football player "Manchester United". Know what the markers of respectability, youth and style, and knows how to use them.
Whom to work:
personal stylist-image maker, sopera, stylist photo shoots in glossy magazines, fashion stylist, cool-hunter ("hunter" for the latest trend trends).
Where to study?
Image maker Guitarsolo image, International Institute of Image 35 hours. Price — 1 thousand euros, on a personal schedule.
The basics of image-making, International Institute of Image, 5 lectures, free.
19. Creator of the comic
What does he do?
Makes history in pictures for visual learners and for those who simply do not like to read. The first comics appeared already in the XVI century in Spain and is now one of the most popular types of art in which there are a lot of genres, from manga to adapting classics of literature and political satire.
Where work?
To make comics for children and adult magazines, to publish their own books.
Where to study?
Comics and graphic novels, University of Colorado, Coursera, 9 weeks in English. Free, the start will be reported.
Entertainment industry. Superheroes, national University of Singapore, Coursera, 8 weeks, in English. Free, from 28 September to 23 November 2015
20. Engineer drones
What does he do?
In fact, the creation of drones — unmanned aircraft controlled at a distance. They are used for anything that can be dangerous to humans, for example to spy on the Somali pirates or receiving beautiful photos from above. With their help extinguish forest fires, guard borders, broadcast concerts and sporting events (like the Olympics in Sochi), and even Amazon wants to use drones to deliver orders.
Where work?
Ministry of defence, aircraft factories, private business.
Where to study?
Multirotor drone with your hands, Russian technological University. Tsiolkovsky, Universarium, 8 weeks. Free start 7 December 2015. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wiki_inventions?z=photo-56414092_376446155%2Falbum-56414092_00%2Frev
1. Cosmobiology
What does he do?
Thinking about how to live astronauts, animals and plants on space stations and strange planets. Are suffering the issues like, get fat, whether the person is in zero gravity? how to grow parsley in a vacuum? Kind of kosmobiologii — xenobiology, which calculates whether life on other planets.
Where work?
Roscosmos, NASA, Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic.
Where to study?
Space biology, Institute of biomedical problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universarium. Free start 31 August 2015.
Astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life, University of Edinburgh, Coursera in English, 5 weeks. Gratis.
Forty six million seven hundred forty four thousand seven hundred thirty two
2. Film critic
What does he do?
Gives people who do not understand cinema, an opportunity to build yourself the most intelligent. Zvyagintsev's praises and scolds Mikhalkov (or Vice versa). Knows exactly what I wanted to say Nolan "interstellar" and what was in the briefcase of Marcellus Wallace.
Where work?
Marusya house magazine or Cam.ru, your blog.
Where to study?
The history of cinema, Universarium, 7 modules. Free start 31 August 2015.
The language of Hollywood: storytelling, sound, color, Wesleyan University, Coursera, 6 weeks, in Russian. Free, the start will be reported.
Scandinavian film and television, University of Copenhagen, Coursera, in English. Free, 1 Nov — 6 Dec 2015
3. Zoopsychologist
What does he do?
Understand what they think and feel our smaller brethren, helps to achieve good results in training wild animals and truly make friends with domestic animals. Can "cure" the dog from aggression, to choose the breed of pet that best suits the person.
Where work?
The dog training centre, veterinary clinic, give a private consultation.
Where to study?
The course "animal Behavior", Coursera, in English, 8 weeks. Free, is already underway.
Emotional and cognitive abilities in dogs, Coursera, in English with English subtitles 15 hours of lectures.
4. Paleontologist
What does he do?
Embody children's dreams, because a paleontologist wants to be about every third boy, "when I grow up". Exploring all that remained from the era of the giant dinosaurs that reigned on our planet hundreds of times longer than mankind lives.
Where work?
Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, a consultant in the cartoon "dinosaur Train".
Where to study?
Dino 101: dinosaur paleobiology, University of Alberta, Coursera, in English. Free, 1 Sep 2015 to 11 January 2016
5. Kavist (specialist in guilt)
What does he do?
Specialist for luxury wines. In contrast to the sommelier not only knows what red meat and white with fish, and understands the intricacies of storing and caring for wine.
Where work?
In wine boutiques, restaurants, blogging and drinking wine not to get drunk, but for the case.
Where to study?
Lectures about wine and everything that is connected with it, Vnimanie, free.
6. Philosopher
What does he do?
There is a saying: "a True philosopher can not do anything and everything can be judged". Yes, it can't, but render mankind a great service for us all, terribly busy, answering the most important questions: what am I? what is the world? what is the meaning of life? and along the way, like peanuts, clicks unimportant: why is it so often a headache on Sunday morning? what if I shampoo?
Whom to work?
Philosopher of life, author in the journals "problems of philosophy" or "Socrates".
Where to study?
Philosophy of culture, Higher school of Economics, Coursera, 2 and a half months, in the Russian language. Free open date.
Philosophy: the art of creating problems, Baltic Federal University. They. Kant, Universarium, 6 weeks. Free, the start date of the enrolled will be reported.
7. Cartographer
What does he do? Is maps and globes. Long all made up? As it is not so. Need climatic, ecological and historical maps, and new country — I heard, for example, about Eritrea or East Timor? Need maps of the sky, and soon other planets. Cartographers no longer traveling and not sketched hills and ravines, now they are high, including space, technology.
Where work?
Where to study?
Create digital Earth, Moscow state University of geodesy and cartography, Universarium, 8 weeks. Free, start 24 August 2015
8. Multiplier
What does he do?
Sow reasonable, good, eternal in the minds of kids or cultivates the gloomy black humor in cartoons for adults. New "Hedgehog in the fog" or "South Park" — you choose.
Where work?
"Soyuzmultfilm" Warner Brothers, "Animecon", Matt stone and Trey Parker.
Where to study?
Home multitude, Universarium, 12 weeks. For free, you can sign up for the restart.
9. Cryptographer
What does he do?
Encrypts the important information by using clever mathematical and computer methods, to protect it from interception.
Where work?
FSB, IT-companies, engaged in information security.
Where to study?
Course Cryptography, Stanford University, Coursera, in English with English subtitles. Free from 3 August to 14 September 2015
The basics of cryptography, Intuit, 15 lectures. For free, at any time.
10. Dancer
What does he do? Express themselves in dance. Dancing while young, dancing in the rain, dancing out and just dancing-dancing.
Where work?
In Nightclubs, at parties, on public holidays and festivals to give master classes.
Where to study?
Training online. Hip hop for beginners, LendWings, 13 lessons. Free, start at any time.
Dubstep: a complete course for beginners, LendWings, 12 lessons. 1400 roubles, at any time.
11. Orientalist, specialist in exotic Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand
What does he do?
Knows everything about languages, history and culture of Asian countries.
Whom to work?
Organizatorom travel and tour guide, translator, employee of the Russian Embassy in Vietnam, a columnist in the magazine "Asia and Africa today".
Where to study?
Languages and culture of South-East Asia, far Eastern Federal University, 7 modules. Free, the start date will be reported.
12. Consultant for weight loss
What does he do?
Knows: meat with pasta is a no — no, pathetic broccoli 34 calories and other important things. Helps to choose healthy and proper diet and to lose extra weight without suffering from hunger.
Where work?
In clinics weight loss, to give private consultations to blog.
Where to study?
Diet and weight management, LendWings, 8 lectures. 1250 rubles at any time.
Fundamentals of human nutrition, University of Florida, Coursera, in English. Free, the start of the next course enrolled will be reported.
13. Poet
What does he do?
As he wrote to Alexander: "Not the poet, who rhymes weave do able". The poet is a special state of mind, receptive to beauty, love and sadness, he is able to convey his emotions to the readers through the magic of words.
Whom to work?
A songwriter to publish their collections, to write advertising slogans, to become the "voice of a generation" and... not work.
Where to study?
Basic versification, Eidos, 5 days. Price on request.
Learn to write sonnets, Eidos, 5 days. Price on request.
Studied Japanese poems Tanka and haiku, Eidos, 10 days. Price on request.
14. Writer
What does he do?
Snapshotname dealing with the past and describing all the movements of his soul, castigates the vices of society and draws our attention to the problem. Or simply creates a fascinating text that we have to look through half an hour before bedtime.
Where work?
To contract with a publishing company and writing books; the author of the "smart" magazine.
Where to study?
Literature courses for them. Chekhov, Literature courses at the International writers ' Union, 2 semesters for 3 months. 60 thousand rubles per semester.
Courses litmustest A.V. Vorontsov, 3400 rubles a month, 6 months. Start — September 16, 2015, is set.
He is a writer, Universarium, 6 weeks. For free, you can sign up for the restart course.
15. Hypnotist
What does he do?
Provide for a respectable public. In addition, hypnosis today is a respected direction in psychotherapy, use it to treat psychosis and addiction.
Where work?
Psychotherapeutic centres, narcoclinic, circus.
Where to study?
Mental hypnosis and telepathy, LendWings, 6 lectures. Start anytime, 1050 rubles.
Street hypnosis, LendWings, 6 lectures. Start anytime, 1,450 rubles.
16. Calligrapher
What does he do?
If you believe the definition in Wikipedia, "draws signs in an expressive, harmonious and skillful manner". Simply put, art is writing by hand. In Japan and China, calligraphy is an important art form of painting.
Whom to work?
Book Illustrator, designer, graphic designer.
Where to study?
Calligraphy for beginners, drawing School Veronica Kalacheva, 14 lessons (1 month). Price on request, beginning fall 2015 open date.
17. Fashion Illustrator
What does he do?
Magic draws long-legged beauties in stylish dresses in books and glossy magazines. At the beginning of the last century, hundreds of covers of fashion magazines were decorated with watercolor divas. Then they were replaced by photography, but fashion illustration has not lost its relevance. She did not disdain himself, Salvador Dali, drawing for Vogue and Harper's Bazaar beauties with bouquets instead of the head.
Where work?
Illustrator at Vogue, Cosmopolitan, designer, designer, advertising Agency, book publishing.
Where to study?
The course on fashion illustration, drawing School Veronica Kalacheva a month and a half. Price on request, beginning fall 2015 open date.
18. Reducer
What does:
Helps to review the old and build a new image of a person based on his goals: to become President, earn millions, marry a football player "Manchester United". Know what the markers of respectability, youth and style, and knows how to use them.
Whom to work:
personal stylist-image maker, sopera, stylist photo shoots in glossy magazines, fashion stylist, cool-hunter ("hunter" for the latest trend trends).
Where to study?
Image maker Guitarsolo image, International Institute of Image 35 hours. Price — 1 thousand euros, on a personal schedule.
The basics of image-making, International Institute of Image, 5 lectures, free.
19. Creator of the comic
What does he do?
Makes history in pictures for visual learners and for those who simply do not like to read. The first comics appeared already in the XVI century in Spain and is now one of the most popular types of art in which there are a lot of genres, from manga to adapting classics of literature and political satire.
Where work?
To make comics for children and adult magazines, to publish their own books.
Where to study?
Comics and graphic novels, University of Colorado, Coursera, 9 weeks in English. Free, the start will be reported.
Entertainment industry. Superheroes, national University of Singapore, Coursera, 8 weeks, in English. Free, from 28 September to 23 November 2015
20. Engineer drones
What does he do?
In fact, the creation of drones — unmanned aircraft controlled at a distance. They are used for anything that can be dangerous to humans, for example to spy on the Somali pirates or receiving beautiful photos from above. With their help extinguish forest fires, guard borders, broadcast concerts and sporting events (like the Olympics in Sochi), and even Amazon wants to use drones to deliver orders.
Where work?
Ministry of defence, aircraft factories, private business.
Where to study?
Multirotor drone with your hands, Russian technological University. Tsiolkovsky, Universarium, 8 weeks. Free start 7 December 2015. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wiki_inventions?z=photo-56414092_376446155%2Falbum-56414092_00%2Frev
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