Antiglamurnaya profession
In this city of evil and depravity all just told that career. And if they do not repeat, then, at least, give priority internally. It attracts millions. Hoping to move, get, get up, catch on, settle down ... They are driven by confidence, but do not break and do not go the distance only small amounts. Most units - reach the top. Career ... Running on race life in Italian. It has long been axiomatic that modern man has to be useful to society not just as an individual, but also professional. And over the past fifteen years, with the understanding that inexplicably, alternative career choices for the climber is reduced to the immutable triad - an economist, a lawyer and journalist.
From media to bring down the ratings of our most popular and sought after professions today. Darmoedstvuyuschie PR managers, gray polit-technologists, useless lawyers, whom millions pants sit economists zadrochennye programmers, annoying zhurnalyugi, sobchakomerzitelnye presenters, gluttony bankers and hunched plastic surgeons ... We impose garbage indicate where to go to learn, is caused to flow on mainstream. But the glory and power of the country are forging is not white-collar managers. WORKING CLASS. That's where the power. Do not give your children the ten-year, do not force them to go to college. Give them a choice. PeTeU doors are open to everyone who wants to become a true professional in their field and bring maximum benefit home. And it is a real choice of profession is able to turn a man into a person, give him a chance to truly be realized, find themselves in a vocation.
Once, in his spare time I had to reveal the "National Classification of occupations of workers, employees and job wage categories (OKPDTR)", adopted Resolution Gosstandart of December 26, 1994 N 367 (revised NN 1/96, 2/99 , 3/2002, 4/2003) and entered into force on 1 January 1996 and shall analyze it in terms of the rating of the most anti-glamorous occupations. Of course, it cost me a Herculean effort, prolopatit thousands of jobs, try to find out their work functions (sometimes huyandeks came to a standstill, without meeting the required combination of words). Along the way, in order to find a solution professional secrets "saturatorschika" I had to delve into the essence of deep and incomprehensible at first glance process - "in the process of bubbling pulp samples were taken to determine the pH. At pH less than 4, 5 is added to the pulp portion sublimates in an amount of 5 g and maintain the desired pH 4, 5-5, 2, after the closure process, the pulp is separated into solid and liquid fractions. The solid fraction is combined with kekomi from the first step and is processed by the known method of manufacturing a lead release of lead ". Much of what I've seen in the classifier even allowed to develop and implement "debilizma scale", but it is the subject of study of a different essay. Let us return to the classifier.
National Classification of occupations of workers, positions of employees and wage categories (OKPDTR), which is part of the unified system of classification and coding of information (USCC), the Russian Federation, prepared within the framework of the State program of transition of the Russian Federation on the internationally accepted system of accounting and statistics in accordance with the the requirements of a market economy. In this regard, I offer a list of the most anti-glamorous occupations and some commentary. All presented to your attention the profession are real, ie, This means that each of you can have a corresponding entry in the workbook, in accordance with the staffing company.
Averbandschik (something to do with organized crime, apparently - the head of the OPG)
Avtoklavschik to park the briquettes, the same as the Alundirovschik and Angobirovschik, ie it is not clear who.
Apparatus Buchan (formerly known as one of the types of heat treatment of tissue - decoction
Apparatus fortification of fat (as appetizing sounds - "fortified fat" after drinking three-liter jar thereof, on the eve of the winter is not afraid of any influenza, acute respiratory disease, SARS)
Apparatus cooking massecuite (mixture of molasses with crystals of sucrose, for those who do not know)
Apparatus evaporators to produce a liquid product (hard to imagine what this product is and how zhydky difficult apparatchik of solid product)
Apparatus for nasasyvaniyu diaphragms (shift sucked seventeen diaphragms)
Apparatus produce embryos titanium dioxide (probably there colleague of embryos nitrous oxide)
Apparatus mipory wet cooking (something from the category of aggressive vaginal microflora and genital mycotic)
Apparatus vysokozhirnyh preparing emulsions (the zhyrnee better)
Apparatus preparing invert syrup (liqueur and inert)
Apparatus manufacturing bouillon cubes (whole profession with five digits)
Apparatus urea production (piss, poured into the machine and made a)
Apparatus fermentation process (imagine a kind of jug exhibited the heat to bubbling and foaming by shit-pus)
Apparatus expansion (an employee of the morgue)
Apparatus combustion of hydrogen sulfide (someone fart, and someone burns it all, not to stink too)
Apparatus drying Matchbox (all professions are needed, all professions are important. He worked as an apprentice in his youth specialist drying Matchbox)
Apparatus installation for separating the meat from the bones (latent maniac amateur dismemberment)
Fighter cattle (legalized killer)
Brigadier development slag dump (the command of Brigadier - "Nahuas Doha piled here slag perehuyarivayte Forums»)
Brigadier Rough peeling separation (captain, chief of the district police department)
Brynzodel (cultivator podzalupnogo curd)
Props (manufacturer of rubber women)
Vacuum systems thermos flasks (Specialist penis enlargement at home)
Roller and needle roller balls (to the end of the day so tired that I stop the balls for the movie. Why profession combines rollers and balls it was not possible to find out. That can not be an expert on the spiked balls only)
Varschik glaze (the specialist experience persistent difficulty in defecation due to adhesion of the rectum)
Varschik suspensions (sounds provocative and respectable)
Varschik rags (old clothes collected from homeless people, and cooks of this broth rags)
Varschik bristles and hair (the same as with rags, but instead of castoffs, sheared from the homeless scalp and cooks soup)
Vafelschik (Specialist in separation of sperm for artificial insemination)
Veyalschik tea (really titanic work)
Vzdymschik (one who zassykaet fire after picnic)
Driver snowmobiles (right category «s»)
Driver-terrain vehicle (license category "u»)
Vybivalschik flexible packaging (eighth rank. Anyone who can come to the warehouse and easily beat out three to four tons of flexible packaging, while the deficit on a firm and incredible)
Vybivschik refinery goals (a bouncer in a provincial tavern)
Vybivschik titanium sponge (as we already know from the titanium sponge is not only, but also germs)
Vygruzchik dust (arrived on trucks and unloaded five cubes book dust)
Vyzyvalschik locomotive and train crews ("Ale, Ale, you hear me? Calling train crew trains Moscow-Petushki, reception»)
Vyparschik Capo root (and scat horse)
Vytyagivalschik belts (zatyagivalschik their belts)
Gasilschik lime ("gave me a lime, seven kilograms, stubbed Forums»)
Gibschik fiber (wielded at heart)
Gnutar wood ("Well, you and Bob Master bend!»)
Gollendorschik (not what you think, and an expert on asbestos fuzz, although it will not tell you anything)
Gofrirovschik prosthetic blood vessels (obosrёshsya if the dream)
Grohotchik-shurovschik (rumbles and shuruet simultaneously)
Drover (perhaps something connected with a doorman in Ukrainian dormitory)
Davilschik (acne)
Dverevoy (it will not fortochnik)
Degorzher (Special for disgorging (fr. Degorgeage from the gorge - the throat), degorzhirovanie operation, used in the production of bottle of champagne for the release of yeast sediment. In order to reduce the loss of carbon dioxide and wine sediment in the neck of the bottle in front of D. frozen. Master degorzher quickly opens a bottle, converts upside down, with the residue from the cap pressure of carbon dioxide is emitted, then the bottle is in the standing position, wine and liquor is dispensed plugged. D. is performed on a special machine - gerite. Lit .: Frolov Bagreev-AM, Soviet champagne. The technology of production of champagne (sparkling) wines, [2nd ed.], M., 1948; Agabalyants GG, Chemical Engineering production control of the Soviet champagne, M., 1954.) need a bit of information useful to you.
Dezodoratorschik soybeans (in fact it stinks that I have to deodorize)
Delilschik lace (and razdiratel ryushikov. "It is better to pay attention to her case, and that there ryushiki ryushiki SNM, a solid fringe lambrikenami" - advice of a womanizer with online dating. By referring to women's affairs has pisya)
The demonstrator plastic poses (adept Kama Sutra and Tantra)
Denaturatorschik alcohol (we in fact most drinking country in the world, and that's respective profession)
Closer-pritirschik (Specialist to bring females to orgasm by lapping the genitals)
Dolotozapravschik ("tuck your pants into a chisel, Kolya»)
Drazhirovschik (I know just who is prestidezhitator)
Drevopar (imagine well and clearly remember the taste of fresh milk from childhood, but fresh wood ...)
Drenazhist extraction of salts (slightly jarred when the emphasis of the word "production" is put on the first syllable)
Crusher pyrites (pyrites honorary Crusher RF)
Drozhzhevod (drozhzhevoda Day - February 29th)
Zhilovschik of meat (which subsequently make clear to the veins)
Zavivalschik spirals (per zavivalschika spirals will find your straightener curls)
Clicker seaweed (garbage and silt)
Clicker ice (Antarctica)
Clicker boxes of tea (and coffee cans)
Clicker black (from the nail)
Loader grinding bodies (thrilled from body orgasm)
Zakalschik ice cream (not the word "calories»)
Zasolschik skins (salted for the winter two cans skins)
The manufacturer of artificial sausage casings (of roofing material)
Manufacturer reed mats (hunter sitting in the reeds and obscenely swearing in connection with the slip in migratory duck)
Manufactured corn sticks (and rice balls)
Manufacturer tinsel strands (and the spray of confetti)
Manufacturer catgut, casein and burls (very bad people)
Manufacturer subtitles (and black stripes on the eyes of actors in piquant scenes)
Manufacturer sinelki (sinelka - must be something good)
Test paper bags (a very dangerous profession, when tested bags often explode)
Tester prosthetic and orthopedic products (live body hundred percent amputee)
Test rubber products (inflates condom before use)
Calibrator pencil boards (once write thesis on technology calibration of pencil boards)
Kalilschik Cheprak and technical leather (from the word "calories»)
Musher (winner of races on reindeer "Rilet-2005" was the musher from the village Lamutskiy Vladimir Kobelev - infa site www.chukotka.org/ )
Kvartseduv (tubercular)
Kokilschik-collector (same as petsalschik parser)
Konservirovschik antlers ("fuck you then I konserviruesh antlers", in fact, have never eaten canned antlers)
Controller bales (and heap)
Kotlochist (amateur proctologist)
Kumysodel (uzbetsky prostokvashevar)
Laboratory for growing medicinal leeches (antipode moritelya cockroaches)
Catcher stray animals (and homeless)
Makalu (in Chinese: SUN PRICK VCHAY)
Sailor dredge (boatswain kicking)
Macerator (in forensic medicine is such a thing - maceration, when human skin from a long stay in the water is transformed into a corrugated and pozhmakannuyu. Probably something to do with it. But there is also a cadaver emphysema, when from a long stay in the water, the body is filled with putrid gases, is blown up like a balloon and floats to the bottom, but I got carried away with their favorite themes ...)
Machinist automatic wrapping book jacket (this is such a serious septsialist)
Machinist hydrotreating and lubrication of molds (molds - Ustari. Concubine. When the courtyard of the King brought new concubines their vagina had a good wash first and then lubricate to everything went like clockwork).
Machinist mahorochno-packed machines (I wonder whether it is possible today somewhere shag buy pure?)
Machinist oshparochnogo unit (oshparochny unit - Torture Device)
Machinist papochnoy machine ("my mom driver papochnoy machine. And the Pope such a machine between your legs, that will not find»)
Machinist cleaning corncobs (maize children use it instead of a chainsaw for dismemberment)
Washer and inner side of the hair (a specialist in the removal of dandruff)
The installer negative (gloomy pessimist, beech and boring)
Montirovschikom artificial teeth (for that first knocks natural)
Montirovschikom skeletons of small animals (chipmunks, volatile Spesivykh urchins and muskrats)
Motorist rapokachki ("who will take a stack of tickets, he will receive rapokachku»)
Mulyazhist (pros issues pidersii)
Nabivschik odonkov (after odonkov worn out, they need to heighten the deterrent otpizdit)
Navalschik salt basins (exalted profession for women lovers)
Navivschik springs (according to GOST 3057-90 (095) 727-08-48)
Processor glass tubes (the great masturbator)
Processor horns ("right now, I'll Jora, a horn pooblomayu»)
Cutter body material (Amputator)
Obrubschik Vatnikov (razrubschik Valenkov Crusher and stagnant socks)
Obrubschik fin (most likely "burr" - the foreskin in Kalmyk)
Ovoskopirovschik eggs (carder scrotum)
Line operator finishing rails (inlays and sleepers)
Line operator preparing minced (my dream is to become them, and getting paid for it, I will bring a showdown for the disposal of dead bodies Kapotnya old chap, and I'll grind them into mincemeat)
Operator myalno-carding machine (urologist in testicular palpation)
The operator of artificial insemination of animals and birds (as inseminated sheep I have imagine, but an owl or woodpecker?)
Operator delimber setting (Do not cut the branch on which you sit)
Opilovschik papier-mâché (required to work in the women's bath)
Oprokidchik (a cheat, a swindler, napёrstochnik)
Otbivschik mercury (survivor)
Selector anatomical material (selected pair of hands, seven stomachs, intestines four straight and six of the cloaca)
Otzhimschik mass (pros in questions of human minced)
Otopschik on a rotary machine (and kachelnom machine)
Pastizher (grasps the essence)
Pedicurists (the only one of the thousands of occupations referred to in the feminine gender. Is it a man can not handle toenails ladies?)
Recycler radioactive waste (radiopassivnye)
Smelter deoxidants (deoxidizer processed cheese)
Pick colors artificial teeth (the palette is as follows: yellow and black)
Polisher meal (which you do not luschilschik veneer)
Polisher (PeTeU graduated with a degree in buffing)
Posypschik mica (and prisypalschik zhzhёnymi alum cut blade "Neva" warts, like Vladimir G.)
Pravilschik horny plates ("right now, I'll Jora, horns something tinkering»)
Preparator of biological objects (when I was in college, in a closed museum of forensic medicine at the Military Academy showed us banks pёzdami in formalin - to analyze the type of hymen and lifetime sexual actions. Apparently, these banks pёzdami and prepares the preparator. Excellent profession) < br /> Press operator brick tea (and rock sure which sounds)
Press operator collagen harness (even worse than the abrasive slurry is pressed)
Press operator cortex (rate of output - three cubes per shift)
Press operator mahorochnoy dust, as well as inline Press operator from the tobacco (honored workers of the White Sea Canal)
Prigotovitel active masses (Lenin in October. Rose active workers and peasants to storm winter)
Prigotovitel algal powder and grits, molasses wort and Prigotovitel Prigotovitel pulp - masters of their craft
Prigotovitel jet of water (what drink Test Pilots in flight)
Probutorschik small-displacement dredge (Dredge midget - a vessel for young Braga)
Prokalschik (loser in life, which is all fucked)
Promazchik forms (large and small)
Proparschik Lao-cha (in akukara-chu)
Impregnators pencil boards (I am proud of my brother, he chose no simple, but interesting profession)
Protravschik skins ("not herbs pelt me, Peter, and so she unbuttoned»)
From media to bring down the ratings of our most popular and sought after professions today. Darmoedstvuyuschie PR managers, gray polit-technologists, useless lawyers, whom millions pants sit economists zadrochennye programmers, annoying zhurnalyugi, sobchakomerzitelnye presenters, gluttony bankers and hunched plastic surgeons ... We impose garbage indicate where to go to learn, is caused to flow on mainstream. But the glory and power of the country are forging is not white-collar managers. WORKING CLASS. That's where the power. Do not give your children the ten-year, do not force them to go to college. Give them a choice. PeTeU doors are open to everyone who wants to become a true professional in their field and bring maximum benefit home. And it is a real choice of profession is able to turn a man into a person, give him a chance to truly be realized, find themselves in a vocation.
Once, in his spare time I had to reveal the "National Classification of occupations of workers, employees and job wage categories (OKPDTR)", adopted Resolution Gosstandart of December 26, 1994 N 367 (revised NN 1/96, 2/99 , 3/2002, 4/2003) and entered into force on 1 January 1996 and shall analyze it in terms of the rating of the most anti-glamorous occupations. Of course, it cost me a Herculean effort, prolopatit thousands of jobs, try to find out their work functions (sometimes huyandeks came to a standstill, without meeting the required combination of words). Along the way, in order to find a solution professional secrets "saturatorschika" I had to delve into the essence of deep and incomprehensible at first glance process - "in the process of bubbling pulp samples were taken to determine the pH. At pH less than 4, 5 is added to the pulp portion sublimates in an amount of 5 g and maintain the desired pH 4, 5-5, 2, after the closure process, the pulp is separated into solid and liquid fractions. The solid fraction is combined with kekomi from the first step and is processed by the known method of manufacturing a lead release of lead ". Much of what I've seen in the classifier even allowed to develop and implement "debilizma scale", but it is the subject of study of a different essay. Let us return to the classifier.
National Classification of occupations of workers, positions of employees and wage categories (OKPDTR), which is part of the unified system of classification and coding of information (USCC), the Russian Federation, prepared within the framework of the State program of transition of the Russian Federation on the internationally accepted system of accounting and statistics in accordance with the the requirements of a market economy. In this regard, I offer a list of the most anti-glamorous occupations and some commentary. All presented to your attention the profession are real, ie, This means that each of you can have a corresponding entry in the workbook, in accordance with the staffing company.
Averbandschik (something to do with organized crime, apparently - the head of the OPG)
Avtoklavschik to park the briquettes, the same as the Alundirovschik and Angobirovschik, ie it is not clear who.
Apparatus Buchan (formerly known as one of the types of heat treatment of tissue - decoction
Apparatus fortification of fat (as appetizing sounds - "fortified fat" after drinking three-liter jar thereof, on the eve of the winter is not afraid of any influenza, acute respiratory disease, SARS)
Apparatus cooking massecuite (mixture of molasses with crystals of sucrose, for those who do not know)
Apparatus evaporators to produce a liquid product (hard to imagine what this product is and how zhydky difficult apparatchik of solid product)
Apparatus for nasasyvaniyu diaphragms (shift sucked seventeen diaphragms)
Apparatus produce embryos titanium dioxide (probably there colleague of embryos nitrous oxide)
Apparatus mipory wet cooking (something from the category of aggressive vaginal microflora and genital mycotic)
Apparatus vysokozhirnyh preparing emulsions (the zhyrnee better)
Apparatus preparing invert syrup (liqueur and inert)
Apparatus manufacturing bouillon cubes (whole profession with five digits)
Apparatus urea production (piss, poured into the machine and made a)
Apparatus fermentation process (imagine a kind of jug exhibited the heat to bubbling and foaming by shit-pus)
Apparatus expansion (an employee of the morgue)
Apparatus combustion of hydrogen sulfide (someone fart, and someone burns it all, not to stink too)
Apparatus drying Matchbox (all professions are needed, all professions are important. He worked as an apprentice in his youth specialist drying Matchbox)
Apparatus installation for separating the meat from the bones (latent maniac amateur dismemberment)
Fighter cattle (legalized killer)
Brigadier development slag dump (the command of Brigadier - "Nahuas Doha piled here slag perehuyarivayte Forums»)
Brigadier Rough peeling separation (captain, chief of the district police department)
Brynzodel (cultivator podzalupnogo curd)
Props (manufacturer of rubber women)
Vacuum systems thermos flasks (Specialist penis enlargement at home)
Roller and needle roller balls (to the end of the day so tired that I stop the balls for the movie. Why profession combines rollers and balls it was not possible to find out. That can not be an expert on the spiked balls only)
Varschik glaze (the specialist experience persistent difficulty in defecation due to adhesion of the rectum)
Varschik suspensions (sounds provocative and respectable)
Varschik rags (old clothes collected from homeless people, and cooks of this broth rags)
Varschik bristles and hair (the same as with rags, but instead of castoffs, sheared from the homeless scalp and cooks soup)
Vafelschik (Specialist in separation of sperm for artificial insemination)
Veyalschik tea (really titanic work)
Vzdymschik (one who zassykaet fire after picnic)
Driver snowmobiles (right category «s»)
Driver-terrain vehicle (license category "u»)
Vybivalschik flexible packaging (eighth rank. Anyone who can come to the warehouse and easily beat out three to four tons of flexible packaging, while the deficit on a firm and incredible)
Vybivschik refinery goals (a bouncer in a provincial tavern)
Vybivschik titanium sponge (as we already know from the titanium sponge is not only, but also germs)
Vygruzchik dust (arrived on trucks and unloaded five cubes book dust)
Vyzyvalschik locomotive and train crews ("Ale, Ale, you hear me? Calling train crew trains Moscow-Petushki, reception»)
Vyparschik Capo root (and scat horse)
Vytyagivalschik belts (zatyagivalschik their belts)
Gasilschik lime ("gave me a lime, seven kilograms, stubbed Forums»)
Gibschik fiber (wielded at heart)
Gnutar wood ("Well, you and Bob Master bend!»)
Gollendorschik (not what you think, and an expert on asbestos fuzz, although it will not tell you anything)
Gofrirovschik prosthetic blood vessels (obosrёshsya if the dream)
Grohotchik-shurovschik (rumbles and shuruet simultaneously)
Drover (perhaps something connected with a doorman in Ukrainian dormitory)
Davilschik (acne)
Dverevoy (it will not fortochnik)
Degorzher (Special for disgorging (fr. Degorgeage from the gorge - the throat), degorzhirovanie operation, used in the production of bottle of champagne for the release of yeast sediment. In order to reduce the loss of carbon dioxide and wine sediment in the neck of the bottle in front of D. frozen. Master degorzher quickly opens a bottle, converts upside down, with the residue from the cap pressure of carbon dioxide is emitted, then the bottle is in the standing position, wine and liquor is dispensed plugged. D. is performed on a special machine - gerite. Lit .: Frolov Bagreev-AM, Soviet champagne. The technology of production of champagne (sparkling) wines, [2nd ed.], M., 1948; Agabalyants GG, Chemical Engineering production control of the Soviet champagne, M., 1954.) need a bit of information useful to you.
Dezodoratorschik soybeans (in fact it stinks that I have to deodorize)
Delilschik lace (and razdiratel ryushikov. "It is better to pay attention to her case, and that there ryushiki ryushiki SNM, a solid fringe lambrikenami" - advice of a womanizer with online dating. By referring to women's affairs has pisya)
The demonstrator plastic poses (adept Kama Sutra and Tantra)
Denaturatorschik alcohol (we in fact most drinking country in the world, and that's respective profession)
Closer-pritirschik (Specialist to bring females to orgasm by lapping the genitals)
Dolotozapravschik ("tuck your pants into a chisel, Kolya»)
Drazhirovschik (I know just who is prestidezhitator)
Drevopar (imagine well and clearly remember the taste of fresh milk from childhood, but fresh wood ...)
Drenazhist extraction of salts (slightly jarred when the emphasis of the word "production" is put on the first syllable)
Crusher pyrites (pyrites honorary Crusher RF)
Drozhzhevod (drozhzhevoda Day - February 29th)
Zhilovschik of meat (which subsequently make clear to the veins)
Zavivalschik spirals (per zavivalschika spirals will find your straightener curls)
Clicker seaweed (garbage and silt)
Clicker ice (Antarctica)
Clicker boxes of tea (and coffee cans)
Clicker black (from the nail)
Loader grinding bodies (thrilled from body orgasm)
Zakalschik ice cream (not the word "calories»)
Zasolschik skins (salted for the winter two cans skins)
The manufacturer of artificial sausage casings (of roofing material)
Manufacturer reed mats (hunter sitting in the reeds and obscenely swearing in connection with the slip in migratory duck)
Manufactured corn sticks (and rice balls)
Manufacturer tinsel strands (and the spray of confetti)
Manufacturer catgut, casein and burls (very bad people)
Manufacturer subtitles (and black stripes on the eyes of actors in piquant scenes)
Manufacturer sinelki (sinelka - must be something good)
Test paper bags (a very dangerous profession, when tested bags often explode)
Tester prosthetic and orthopedic products (live body hundred percent amputee)
Test rubber products (inflates condom before use)
Calibrator pencil boards (once write thesis on technology calibration of pencil boards)
Kalilschik Cheprak and technical leather (from the word "calories»)
Musher (winner of races on reindeer "Rilet-2005" was the musher from the village Lamutskiy Vladimir Kobelev - infa site www.chukotka.org/ )
Kvartseduv (tubercular)
Kokilschik-collector (same as petsalschik parser)
Konservirovschik antlers ("fuck you then I konserviruesh antlers", in fact, have never eaten canned antlers)
Controller bales (and heap)
Kotlochist (amateur proctologist)
Kumysodel (uzbetsky prostokvashevar)
Laboratory for growing medicinal leeches (antipode moritelya cockroaches)
Catcher stray animals (and homeless)
Makalu (in Chinese: SUN PRICK VCHAY)
Sailor dredge (boatswain kicking)
Macerator (in forensic medicine is such a thing - maceration, when human skin from a long stay in the water is transformed into a corrugated and pozhmakannuyu. Probably something to do with it. But there is also a cadaver emphysema, when from a long stay in the water, the body is filled with putrid gases, is blown up like a balloon and floats to the bottom, but I got carried away with their favorite themes ...)
Machinist automatic wrapping book jacket (this is such a serious septsialist)
Machinist hydrotreating and lubrication of molds (molds - Ustari. Concubine. When the courtyard of the King brought new concubines their vagina had a good wash first and then lubricate to everything went like clockwork).
Machinist mahorochno-packed machines (I wonder whether it is possible today somewhere shag buy pure?)
Machinist oshparochnogo unit (oshparochny unit - Torture Device)
Machinist papochnoy machine ("my mom driver papochnoy machine. And the Pope such a machine between your legs, that will not find»)
Machinist cleaning corncobs (maize children use it instead of a chainsaw for dismemberment)
Washer and inner side of the hair (a specialist in the removal of dandruff)
The installer negative (gloomy pessimist, beech and boring)
Montirovschikom artificial teeth (for that first knocks natural)
Montirovschikom skeletons of small animals (chipmunks, volatile Spesivykh urchins and muskrats)
Motorist rapokachki ("who will take a stack of tickets, he will receive rapokachku»)
Mulyazhist (pros issues pidersii)
Nabivschik odonkov (after odonkov worn out, they need to heighten the deterrent otpizdit)
Navalschik salt basins (exalted profession for women lovers)
Navivschik springs (according to GOST 3057-90 (095) 727-08-48)
Processor glass tubes (the great masturbator)
Processor horns ("right now, I'll Jora, a horn pooblomayu»)
Cutter body material (Amputator)
Obrubschik Vatnikov (razrubschik Valenkov Crusher and stagnant socks)
Obrubschik fin (most likely "burr" - the foreskin in Kalmyk)
Ovoskopirovschik eggs (carder scrotum)
Line operator finishing rails (inlays and sleepers)
Line operator preparing minced (my dream is to become them, and getting paid for it, I will bring a showdown for the disposal of dead bodies Kapotnya old chap, and I'll grind them into mincemeat)
Operator myalno-carding machine (urologist in testicular palpation)
The operator of artificial insemination of animals and birds (as inseminated sheep I have imagine, but an owl or woodpecker?)
Operator delimber setting (Do not cut the branch on which you sit)
Opilovschik papier-mâché (required to work in the women's bath)
Oprokidchik (a cheat, a swindler, napёrstochnik)
Otbivschik mercury (survivor)
Selector anatomical material (selected pair of hands, seven stomachs, intestines four straight and six of the cloaca)
Otzhimschik mass (pros in questions of human minced)
Otopschik on a rotary machine (and kachelnom machine)
Pastizher (grasps the essence)
Pedicurists (the only one of the thousands of occupations referred to in the feminine gender. Is it a man can not handle toenails ladies?)
Recycler radioactive waste (radiopassivnye)
Smelter deoxidants (deoxidizer processed cheese)
Pick colors artificial teeth (the palette is as follows: yellow and black)
Polisher meal (which you do not luschilschik veneer)
Polisher (PeTeU graduated with a degree in buffing)
Posypschik mica (and prisypalschik zhzhёnymi alum cut blade "Neva" warts, like Vladimir G.)
Pravilschik horny plates ("right now, I'll Jora, horns something tinkering»)
Preparator of biological objects (when I was in college, in a closed museum of forensic medicine at the Military Academy showed us banks pёzdami in formalin - to analyze the type of hymen and lifetime sexual actions. Apparently, these banks pёzdami and prepares the preparator. Excellent profession) < br /> Press operator brick tea (and rock sure which sounds)
Press operator collagen harness (even worse than the abrasive slurry is pressed)
Press operator cortex (rate of output - three cubes per shift)
Press operator mahorochnoy dust, as well as inline Press operator from the tobacco (honored workers of the White Sea Canal)
Prigotovitel active masses (Lenin in October. Rose active workers and peasants to storm winter)
Prigotovitel algal powder and grits, molasses wort and Prigotovitel Prigotovitel pulp - masters of their craft
Prigotovitel jet of water (what drink Test Pilots in flight)
Probutorschik small-displacement dredge (Dredge midget - a vessel for young Braga)
Prokalschik (loser in life, which is all fucked)
Promazchik forms (large and small)
Proparschik Lao-cha (in akukara-chu)
Impregnators pencil boards (I am proud of my brother, he chose no simple, but interesting profession)
Protravschik skins ("not herbs pelt me, Peter, and so she unbuttoned»)