Internet of things coming
We begin a series of translations of the appearance of a new category of devices, for which we are all witnessing. Here we listen to reflections analytical companies, universities, and expect further development of the Internet of Things.
Only mind you do not take offense at the big picture!
Internet of things take over the world h4> IW enters into various devices and applications that can be used in all industries and thus connect a huge number of devices. Nearly 2 billion devices involved today and 9 billion by 2018, according to estimates BII. Very bold predictions, is not it? For example, a truly valuable can be the application for the auto insurance industry, which are able to determine the actual amount of time spent by the driver on the road. Forecasts marketing and engineering firms agree that the use of IW enterprises will bring billions in economic development. B>
Among consumers IW already growing ecosystem of startups selling appliances home automation, lighting, heating systems and home security systems that are connected to the Internet.
The main obstacles to the production of IW are still immature and rapidly changing technologies and standards, as well as large scale and uncertain factor inflows to IV-type projects. B>
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Over the past five years, smart phones have taken a strong lead position as a communication device that helps solve everyday problems. It was followed by a tablet with a mobile operating system and a touchscreen interface.
Internet of Things, or IV, is a class of devices that have been determined McKinsey Global Institute, "can control their surroundings, report their status, receive instruction, and even to act based on the received information».
Unlike smartphones and tablets, IW objects often have limited user interface and are only able to collect and send data to other devices.
Internet things are ubiquitous, will lead our daily life to a new level of functionality, efficiency and convenience. IW transforming the once inert objects, instruments and devices equipped with a sensor in the category of intelligent devices that can communicate with other devices familiar to us, especially with the PC, smartphones and tablets.
Once the IW enters into use, easy to imagine entire categories of consumer applications and business applications involved in this new system, which can describe the concept of "connected life", this includes building and home automation systems, heating and air conditioning, traffic management ( for example, an intelligent traffic light), the organization of care for the elderly, security systems, as well as Internet-connected cars and outdoor advertising.
What devices are used to control the IW? Will be a certain distribution of user interfaces. For example, in our refrigerators and thermostats might appear a touch screen. But likely that smartphones and tablets will be a mini-remote control devices by means of IW.
Measurement of current and future extent of IW h4>
IW trend will increase the number of devices connected to the Internet.
In fact, the IW will soon lead to the fact that most of the devices can be connected to the Internet, and by 2018 their number will be approximately equal to the number of smartphones, smart TV, tablets, laptops and PCs, all together.
Internet of Things will be more and more a huge number of connections, 1.9 billion devices by the end of the year and 9 billion by 2018, according to estimates BII.
Value IW will grow exponentially. Ericsson is depicted in the form of three waves: First, connect the devices that serve consumers, then IW expands to connected devices in enterprises, and finally it becomes a mass through the use of government and public processes.
Forrester found that most IT managers have a positive perception of IW and are going to start to use it in the coming years.
How big will be the Internet of Things? In terms of overall economic value in businesses such as the McKinsey Global Institute and Cisco will increase the number of projects in the trillions of times. The name "internet of things" suggests that it will not be an autonomous industry or category, and will be for a class of devices and technologies that can be applied in the workplace. To provide some numerical perspective, we assume that the global GDP is around $ 70 trillion.
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Cisco believes that IW will bring more than $ 14 trillion over the next ten years, because it will help global corporations and organizations to become more efficient, improve their products and services provided to customers. However, it is not the amount of income. Rather it - calculating the probability of total economic profit to be derived from the growth of IW.
Machina defines "market revenue connected life" as the sum of the total turnover to $ 2.5 trillion in 2020.
estimated Markets and Markets , it is expected that the Internet of things or market intercomputer interaction, which was worth $ 44 billion in 2011, will rise to $ 290 billion by 2017.
Obviously, the hype surrounding the technology IW begins to intensify. For example, there have been several major mergers and acquisitions in this area. Here are some of the significant related transactions IW: acquisition by Sierra Wireless firm Wavecom (specialize in designing and making decisions GSM / GPRS / CDMA-standard), the purchase of Gemalto company Cinterion and Telit's acquisition of Business Motorola M2M.
Examples IV devices and applications h4> In only one area of consumer product categories are many already part IV, for example:
. Consumer electronics, including: alarm clocks, digital cameras, home audio system and speakers. . Kitchen appliances and household appliances such as refrigerators. dishwashers, dryers and coffee makers, lamps of various kinds, thermostats and air conditioning. . Security monitoring devices, such as a baby monitor and a monitoring system for the care of the elderly, smoke detectors, fire pumps, cameras, equipped with sensors, boxes and safes, Home Alarm Systems. Machina and GSM Association believe that 2020 will be able to save $ 270 billion thanks to sensors and devices that enable older people to live independently outside of nursing homes. . Musical Instruments . Robots . Toys, since machines with remote control, ending flying kvadrikopterami. . Products for health and fitness, which measures steps, sleep, weight, blood pressure and other data. . Connected advertising and marketing: Cisco believes that this category (meaning connected to the internet billboards) will be one of the top three categories IV, along with smart factories and support systems of telecommunications services. <. Intelligent traffic management systems. B> Study Machina, in the paper prepared for the Association of GSM, expects 2020 revenues of $ 100 billion due to the use of IW in the road payments and fines. Also a source of income is a smart management of parking space, which is expected to bring $ 30 billion in revenue. . waste management system. B> One of the innovations was equipping tanks and garbage bins RFID-sensors that allow you to see when the garbage was thrown. Based on this, the city of Cleveland could eliminate 10 routes loading and reduce operating costs by 13 percent. In Cincinnati the volume of household waste fell by 17 percent, and the processing volume increased by 49 percent through the use of "pay if you litter" ("pay as you throw"). This program, which penalizes those who exceeded a certain limit waste. . smart grid , which can monitor and coordinate the energy consumption. They will provide savings of $ 200 to $ 500 billion a year by 2025, according to the McKinsey Global Institute. . Smart aqua systems and counters Research Machina, in a paper prepared for the Association of GSM, leads the 10 categories of applications IW which by 2020 will provide 60 percent of the income "connected life". They include "connected" cars, traffic management and building automation.
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Categories IV devices: h5>
. Cars and other vehicles. It is expected that the connected cars will account for 90 percent of cars compared to today's 10 percent. . Connected TVs . Smart watches and other portable computers. . So far, the laptops can be identified as a separate category, which we do, also convenient to refer them to a broad category of IV devices, because fitness trackers, and can be connected to other devices, such as "smart balance" or devices for mass of monitoring the health of children and the elderly. IW intersects with many other fields of technology, including telemetry, telematics, M2M-communication (Machine to machine), smart grids, intelligent transport systems and laptop computers. Here are some useful definitions :.
M2M - this interaction between machines, the term is usually applied to systems of machines connected to each other to exchange data and to improve the overall efficiency of what should happen in the case of the factory machines or utility meters. In the context of IW can imagine a system of sensors in the house that "communicate" with smart windows and other devices to ensure efficient use of energy. . Telemetry - is the measurement data collected from remote locations, which are transmitted to a central processing station. In the context of IW this might relate to the measurement of the various divisions of the refrigerator so that the landlord would know whether they are cooled perishable foods - ice cream, wine, etc. - At the right temperature. . Telematics - remote tracking device and remote control device. The term usually refers to vehicles or other road vehicles that transmit information wirelessly, given the settings or the movement itself, the remote control in real time. Telematics can be used in any self-propelled vehicle, in addition to sensors in the transport sredstve.Tak same as the smartphone was created in the image of the PC in terms of user interface and functionality as well as the next generation of devices will IW created in the likeness of the smartphone in terms of standard features connections and applications.
Contact IW with other types of devices h4>
Basically early experience BPI was obtained by us through the converted products that have never been connected to a digital form with each other.
As an example, pedometers Fitbit, thermostats and smoke alarms Nest and smart watches Pebble.
And it's not just startups. Major equipment vendors have made available a web connection and created a user friendly interface software for common devices that surround us in everyday life on a daily basis.
These examples are by LG with its fridge, dishwasher and oven series smartThinQ or Friedrich with his air-conditioned Kühl .
SmartThings , for example, have built their entire business model around a simple-to-use sensors, monitors and applications that allow users to control everything in your home through smartphone. This allowed them to earn $ 3 million at the end of last year.
In the case of other IW applications and devices were based on private property and facilities specially designed for them the software and hardware that allows you to communicate over the Internet or Bluetooth with smartphones and tablets.
One example - the possibility of remote unlock and start the engine for the car, the system Viper SmartStart from Directed Electronics. Indeed, many of the applications of IW - "smart home", "smart car" and others. - Easier perceived as part of a global network of IW.
Also convenient to think of the IW-devices as a new class of devices that exist in the form of connective tissue between something static, unconnected to the network and the new "networked" world of PCs, tablets and smartphones.
The question remains open whether the IV-device to be connected to the Internet to be considered part of this category. For example, some consider the use of RFID-tags and even barcode element IV, as they can be scanned devices connected to the Internet to track products at the exhibition hall or product in stock. But this "connections" to the web is not implemented independently, without readers, because many analysts do not take them into account.
Understanding the things on the Internet of Things h4> Every "thing", whether it is a "smart" refrigerator connected to the Internet or a smart meter will have three main attributes that will talk about her affiliation with IW:
. Sensors: IW-devices and systems have sensors that monitor and measure activity in the real world. Example - sensors closing system Smartthings, locking opened or closed cupboard door, window or door in the house. . Connection: Internet connection is available or the device itself, or is carried out by means of a hub, a smartphone or a base station, while all the IW-system is usually connected to the Internet or "cloud». . Processor: as any computing device, BPI device will have some computing power, "hidden under the hood", allows you to analyze incoming information and transmit it. Of course, these features have all modern smartphones, but there are some such that distinguish many IW devices - especially remote-controlled - from smartphones. . Efficiency: Many IW devices battery replacement or recharging access can be difficult, expensive or dangerous. As an example, you can even take a Mars rover Curiosity. So maybe these devices must be able to work for a year or more without any additional service or be able to periodically "wake up" for the data. . Return: objects that contain sensors probably need widespread, as an example worth considering sensors on foods in supermarkets, which would determine whether a product is spoiled. They should be relatively inexpensive to purchase and widespread installation. . Quality and Reliability: might IW-Soup should be able to work in a hostile environment and outdoors for a long period of time. Security: b > IW devices must be capable of precise and sensitive transfer and ordering information, for example, in case of monitoring of health data. IW raises the level of cost and durability of things. It is likely that the promotion of innovation is due to the need for sustainable IW-system, and that is a step back to the ecosystem of smartphones and tablets.
Service providers for the Internet of Things h4>
Service providers will play a crucial role in IW. One of the most significant opportunities IW is the role of the service provider as a mediator between the device and potrebitelem.Drugimi words, who can be a service provider for IW? Would it be the big telecommunications companies, or it will be scattered specialists supporting joint efforts IV?
. One example of the latter category include Progressive Insurance, which offers the use of specific insurance rates, selected on the basis of behavioral analysis of information from the Snapshot-module. The device is installed on the vehicle and allows the service to keep track of how often users actually use their cars.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/madrobots/blog/236115/
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