Technologies of the near future
Take, for example, smart watches. Two years ago they were the prototype, and by the end of 2014 we will be able to choose from at least four good options. What other technologies promise to become mainstream in the near future.
1. Smart Glasses
We have some idea what the Google Glass, and some even had the opportunity to try them. Despite the pressure and controversy, Google Glass - still a very young product. All units of Google Glass is in beta test. Over the next few years, Google has released a custom version, which will be much cheaper. You can also assume that the company's competitors also want to let these glasses. Not all of them satisfied the first time, but eventually we will go and this step.
2. Intelligent data
More and more things are becoming automated these days, but is still something that has to be done manually. For example, to add a new number to the list of contacts. Very soon, and this process may come to an end. Some companies, like RelateIQ, are already working to automate the process of building your contact list, mailboxes, messages, and other mundane things. The time will come when it will be enough to say someone's name - and your phone automatically formed a new contact.
3. wearable electronics
With the above Google Glass and clever clock, to a certain extent, we are already seeing, what is it all going. Clever glasses and smart watches - are social devices that connect you to the outside world. There is another wearable electronics, which works in conjunction with your body. For example, the in-ear headphones that measure heart rate; contact lenses that measure blood sugar levels; temporary tattoos, which open the door using NFC technology, and more. Now they are not very popular, but once such a device could save your life, advance warning of a possible heart attack. It is not necessary to embed the implants.
4. Smart home
This item is on the verge of becoming commonplace. We already have smart refrigerators that prompt you that ends a particular food, or oven that can be controlled via smartphone. In the near future, these things come together in the whole house, which you can control via a smartphone, tablet or computer. Change the temperature, change the channel to be notified that the washing machine has finished - for the sake of not even have to get up from the couch. Yes, laziness - a good engine of progress. You can pre-heat the oven and turn on their own meals while traveling home from work. From the house you can literally "talk».
5. games in virtual reality
Gamers with anticipation rubbing their hands in anticipation of a virtual reality headset output Oculus Rift. The company recently bought Facebook, so you can expect the appearance of deeply tied to the social aspect of the device. Samsung has recently shown its headset, which works in conjunction with a smartphone made using Oculus VR. Sony is working on a project Morpheus. The day is coming when you will be able to go out and buy one of these headsets to play, watch, or use it for other purposes. Virtual reality is almost near.
6. Display screens without
Displays no screens are exactly what you think. It displays, but would not display. This technology has come a long way over the past two years and are expected to work remains a long way over the coming years. Things like a hologram, cease to be part of the fiction. Perhaps there was even contact lenses, images are projected directly onto the retina of the eye. This is not just a breakthrough in the entertainment field, and real salvation for people who are blind - they can enjoy the visuals without laser eye surgery.
7. Brain-computer interface
To some extent these interfaces already exist. Paralyzed people use them for many years to control the computer. The technology is not yet perfect, but tries hard to be such. Perhaps in the future we will not need a mouse or keyboard. It will be enough to think about certain things - and they appear on the screen. This can be very convenient for people who are disabled, they want to be productive or just for gamers.
8. Throughout the available services
Sounds a bit complicated, but actually not, because such services already exist. You may have heard about Uber. This taxi service to which you can access anywhere there drivers Uber. What makes the service unique is its ability to be a universal service. There will come a time when you can call a taxi driver using Uber, wherever you are. This kind of services that go beyond borders and continents, using the magic of the Internet, will only be fruitful and multiply. No matter what language you speak or what country are you will be able to use the same services worldwide.
9. Digital downloads will kill physical objects
Nearing the end of the propagation of physical copies of products. Popular computer game platforms such as Steam or Origin already started distributing digital video, without discs or cartridges. With falling prices for flash memory (like the one that stands on your smartphone) and increasing the stability and speed of the Internet, it is clear that video games (and media of any kind) will be distributed once exclusively digitally. No discs, DVD or Blu-ray. Music and movies are also gradually shifting toward distribution through platforms such as iTunes. Very soon will be even difficult to imagine that the film can be bought on the disk - this just does not make sense. However, our ability to retain outdated technology may take another ten years, until it becomes a reality.
10. Robots are everywhere
Over the past ten years in the field of robotics has been achieved tremendous successes, and more can be expected in the coming decade. While there is no question of a fully intelligent robots, but the stability and reliability of robots that can work everywhere - completely. They start out from the assembly line and gradually learning to do more and more things that people do not want. Robots are the best surgeons and sappers, accountants and cosmonauts. They will make you coffee, clean your house and bring fresh water to your room.
11. Biofuels and renewable energy
People living now know one thing for sure. We will be the last generation that thinks that fossil fuels - is the only source of energy available on this planet. In the coming decades expect huge strides in the areas of solar and wind energy. People studying potential sources of fuel even by wheat and algae. Our dependence on oil and coal remains strong, but gradually weakened. In the next ten years we can expect a huge jump in technology in electric cars, solar panels on homes. Oil executives are dissatisfied.
12. Wireless energy transfer
Little by little, and this complex industry develops. The docking station allows you to charge Qi Wireless some smartphones without using a cable. This is important because the wireless transmission of energy have a lot of useful applications. When electric cars become commonplace enough to just park on one wireless Charging station and he bude charged. Perhaps even while driving on roads covered with solar panels. The application is limited only by your imagination, and wireless charging smartphone - is not very popular today - it's just the tip of the iceberg.
13. Mobile data 5G
Yes, today the world's only network actively developing 4G, with much of the US - the rest of the world is stuck in 3G. Currently, 5G is still under development, but will soon move into an active phase of use (the technology is not standing still, remember?). It took only 10 years to go from 3G to 4G. Do not think that you will need more time to transition from 4G to 5G.
14. Artificial Intelligence
You've seen the movie about him, but if he can really come in our lifetime? The answer is - yes, it can. If you've seen how the famous Watson, developed in the laboratories of IBM, then you know about how much progress we have made in the field of artificial intelligence - and that's just the beginning. There is still a long way to go, but thanks to contextual technologies (like Siri, Google Now or Cortana), we learn how to make these programs better and better. They can predict a person's actions and to react to them. It will not be long before we make a robot that can think. Or do thoughtful look.
15. Graphene
In 2004, the first record was made of graphene. Since then, scientists are trying to find out as much as possible about how to mass produce materials of graphene. Why? Because it is a miracle material. He will give us fast internet. It is 100 times stronger than steel, therefore it can be to build anything. It can be used as a filter for water purification from Ocean hazardous waste. It can be used in smart phones, to make them literally neubiennymi. The batteries will be better. Honestly, all the useful applications of graphene yet fully known. But it will produce exactly the second industrial revolution.
Not so long ago, most of the list remained in the realm of science fiction. Gets a little scared of how far we have come, but in ten years it will become a reality, all that you see around you, as these lines you are reading now.
Source: hi-news.ru

1. Smart Glasses
We have some idea what the Google Glass, and some even had the opportunity to try them. Despite the pressure and controversy, Google Glass - still a very young product. All units of Google Glass is in beta test. Over the next few years, Google has released a custom version, which will be much cheaper. You can also assume that the company's competitors also want to let these glasses. Not all of them satisfied the first time, but eventually we will go and this step.

2. Intelligent data
More and more things are becoming automated these days, but is still something that has to be done manually. For example, to add a new number to the list of contacts. Very soon, and this process may come to an end. Some companies, like RelateIQ, are already working to automate the process of building your contact list, mailboxes, messages, and other mundane things. The time will come when it will be enough to say someone's name - and your phone automatically formed a new contact.

3. wearable electronics
With the above Google Glass and clever clock, to a certain extent, we are already seeing, what is it all going. Clever glasses and smart watches - are social devices that connect you to the outside world. There is another wearable electronics, which works in conjunction with your body. For example, the in-ear headphones that measure heart rate; contact lenses that measure blood sugar levels; temporary tattoos, which open the door using NFC technology, and more. Now they are not very popular, but once such a device could save your life, advance warning of a possible heart attack. It is not necessary to embed the implants.

4. Smart home
This item is on the verge of becoming commonplace. We already have smart refrigerators that prompt you that ends a particular food, or oven that can be controlled via smartphone. In the near future, these things come together in the whole house, which you can control via a smartphone, tablet or computer. Change the temperature, change the channel to be notified that the washing machine has finished - for the sake of not even have to get up from the couch. Yes, laziness - a good engine of progress. You can pre-heat the oven and turn on their own meals while traveling home from work. From the house you can literally "talk».

5. games in virtual reality
Gamers with anticipation rubbing their hands in anticipation of a virtual reality headset output Oculus Rift. The company recently bought Facebook, so you can expect the appearance of deeply tied to the social aspect of the device. Samsung has recently shown its headset, which works in conjunction with a smartphone made using Oculus VR. Sony is working on a project Morpheus. The day is coming when you will be able to go out and buy one of these headsets to play, watch, or use it for other purposes. Virtual reality is almost near.

6. Display screens without
Displays no screens are exactly what you think. It displays, but would not display. This technology has come a long way over the past two years and are expected to work remains a long way over the coming years. Things like a hologram, cease to be part of the fiction. Perhaps there was even contact lenses, images are projected directly onto the retina of the eye. This is not just a breakthrough in the entertainment field, and real salvation for people who are blind - they can enjoy the visuals without laser eye surgery.

7. Brain-computer interface
To some extent these interfaces already exist. Paralyzed people use them for many years to control the computer. The technology is not yet perfect, but tries hard to be such. Perhaps in the future we will not need a mouse or keyboard. It will be enough to think about certain things - and they appear on the screen. This can be very convenient for people who are disabled, they want to be productive or just for gamers.

8. Throughout the available services
Sounds a bit complicated, but actually not, because such services already exist. You may have heard about Uber. This taxi service to which you can access anywhere there drivers Uber. What makes the service unique is its ability to be a universal service. There will come a time when you can call a taxi driver using Uber, wherever you are. This kind of services that go beyond borders and continents, using the magic of the Internet, will only be fruitful and multiply. No matter what language you speak or what country are you will be able to use the same services worldwide.

9. Digital downloads will kill physical objects
Nearing the end of the propagation of physical copies of products. Popular computer game platforms such as Steam or Origin already started distributing digital video, without discs or cartridges. With falling prices for flash memory (like the one that stands on your smartphone) and increasing the stability and speed of the Internet, it is clear that video games (and media of any kind) will be distributed once exclusively digitally. No discs, DVD or Blu-ray. Music and movies are also gradually shifting toward distribution through platforms such as iTunes. Very soon will be even difficult to imagine that the film can be bought on the disk - this just does not make sense. However, our ability to retain outdated technology may take another ten years, until it becomes a reality.

10. Robots are everywhere
Over the past ten years in the field of robotics has been achieved tremendous successes, and more can be expected in the coming decade. While there is no question of a fully intelligent robots, but the stability and reliability of robots that can work everywhere - completely. They start out from the assembly line and gradually learning to do more and more things that people do not want. Robots are the best surgeons and sappers, accountants and cosmonauts. They will make you coffee, clean your house and bring fresh water to your room.

11. Biofuels and renewable energy
People living now know one thing for sure. We will be the last generation that thinks that fossil fuels - is the only source of energy available on this planet. In the coming decades expect huge strides in the areas of solar and wind energy. People studying potential sources of fuel even by wheat and algae. Our dependence on oil and coal remains strong, but gradually weakened. In the next ten years we can expect a huge jump in technology in electric cars, solar panels on homes. Oil executives are dissatisfied.

12. Wireless energy transfer
Little by little, and this complex industry develops. The docking station allows you to charge Qi Wireless some smartphones without using a cable. This is important because the wireless transmission of energy have a lot of useful applications. When electric cars become commonplace enough to just park on one wireless Charging station and he bude charged. Perhaps even while driving on roads covered with solar panels. The application is limited only by your imagination, and wireless charging smartphone - is not very popular today - it's just the tip of the iceberg.

13. Mobile data 5G
Yes, today the world's only network actively developing 4G, with much of the US - the rest of the world is stuck in 3G. Currently, 5G is still under development, but will soon move into an active phase of use (the technology is not standing still, remember?). It took only 10 years to go from 3G to 4G. Do not think that you will need more time to transition from 4G to 5G.

14. Artificial Intelligence
You've seen the movie about him, but if he can really come in our lifetime? The answer is - yes, it can. If you've seen how the famous Watson, developed in the laboratories of IBM, then you know about how much progress we have made in the field of artificial intelligence - and that's just the beginning. There is still a long way to go, but thanks to contextual technologies (like Siri, Google Now or Cortana), we learn how to make these programs better and better. They can predict a person's actions and to react to them. It will not be long before we make a robot that can think. Or do thoughtful look.

15. Graphene
In 2004, the first record was made of graphene. Since then, scientists are trying to find out as much as possible about how to mass produce materials of graphene. Why? Because it is a miracle material. He will give us fast internet. It is 100 times stronger than steel, therefore it can be to build anything. It can be used as a filter for water purification from Ocean hazardous waste. It can be used in smart phones, to make them literally neubiennymi. The batteries will be better. Honestly, all the useful applications of graphene yet fully known. But it will produce exactly the second industrial revolution.
Not so long ago, most of the list remained in the realm of science fiction. Gets a little scared of how far we have come, but in ten years it will become a reality, all that you see around you, as these lines you are reading now.

Source: hi-news.ru