Kasparov vs. Deep Blue. Part IV: New York secrets

After more than a year of preparation began a landmark match, which was an important milestone in the history of chess.
Neither before nor after 1997 fights between the computer and the man did not attract such public attention.
Stunning result was perceived by the general public as the beginning of an era of new champions.
In the photo - the first moves in the first installment of a new match. I>
1st party. Kasparov - Deep Blue. 1: 0
In the first game Kasparov got white color - it means that the last have to play black. It was not profitable for Harry, as in the case of a tie or losing the account before the final party would have to play to win with black. However, there are lots lots.

Kasparov surprised already from the start - plays an extravagant debut Reti, and even outlandish system with dual fianketto (see. Chart). This seems to have never met in his practice ... Thus, Harry revealed that really going to play "Antikompyuternye chess." This strategy involves the immediate withdrawal from the popular and well-reviewed debut highways, non-standard maneuver in his own half, viscous game with a long accumulation of non-obvious positional advantages that are clear top-class players, but hardly conscious to a machine that evaluates the position of a given pattern.
Party Kasparov played in the best traditions hypermodernism. A feature of this party was the fact that none of the figures Kasparov never visited the "foreign" half of the field (two pawns progressed very far, but they are not the figures). Nevertheless, it is atypical maneuvering within their own camp and brought a deserved victory.

Although the party was completely won, in the end it was something that affected the outcome of the match is not in favor of Kasparov. Look at the chart. Black bad case - white pawns briskly marching to the fields of transformation and will soon become queens. Need to take immediate action and the most stubborn continuation would be coming to mind 44. ... Ld5-f5 + (indicated by the blue arrow). In this case, black is still not saved, but it was the most stubborn resistance method and could even snap moves commercials 15. Instead, the computer played instantly losing move 44. ... Ld5-d1 (red arrow). White pawn went forward: 45. g6-g7
Kasparov and his second came a reasonable question: why the machine has played so poorly and did not opt for a more powerful way to lose? Is supercomputer can not count? It was the wrong conclusion that the machine chosen as a weak move, because he thinks too much foresight and in the case of 44. ... Ld5-f5 + computer will probably find an option where the mat gets 20 or more strokes. Since nothing worse than a mat not, "dark blue" and chose to play a much weaker, but more distant matte threats. As we shall see, this false conclusion to some extent affected the outcome of the next party, and at the same time and on the outcome of the match.
Meanwhile, the cause of the error was in another computer. More in preparation for the match was seen amusing incident - the machine does not distinguish between the very poor and very, very bad position. If the computer evaluates its position as clearly losing and sees that already can not escape, he chooses not the persistence of, and just throws a coin and plays much anything. Deep Blue chess is not created, and programmers, and they found this logic is quite natural. Immediately after the party still fixed a bug. Now, even in the most hopeless case scenario, the computer on the basis of their estimates and calculations went on the most unpleasant way for the opponent. But Kasparov just did not know it.
2nd party. Deep Blue - Kasparov. 1: 0
Spanish party! Kasparov is one of the largest in the world debut of experts and well played by both colors. With the same Karpov they have played more than a dozen parties that the beginning ... Computer white played in strict academic manner, but Kasparov made a blot, movement pawn «c» i> loosening his queenside flank. Machine filigree dribbled, exposing and capturing the extreme vertical. In this invasion from the left edge of the board computer combined with non-subtle maneuvers on the kingside and center.

Immaculately beating world champion, at the end of Deep Blue admits two blunders. First, in response to the Shah king retreats towards the center (and had to hide in the corner). But winning has not missed. And on the next move machine Kasparov gives a chance to get away for a draw. Instead of exchange queens and go to a winning endgame, the computer recklessly attacked rook to the queen (see. Chart).
Here it is - salvation! Now an unexpected jump in the camp ferzёm white 45. ... Fb6-e3 (green arrow) let Garik escape unscathed from a soulless killer chess. White king can not escape from the subsequent shahs. Position analysis shows that White could try to create some sort of bunker, pushing pawn with h3 i> to h4 i> , then the King translate on the field h3 i> , and cover it with a pawn g2-g3 i> and elephant Ce4- g2 i> h6-h5 i> provide an opportunity to give shahi ferzёm also field g4 i> and the rest white king will only dream.
And then the incredible happened: Kasparov reached out to the operator Deep Blue and congratulates! As later explained Garry, he saw the great Queen's invasion. But found that the computer that chance can not fail to notice, which means that no perpetual check is not there, the white king still safely hide. This conclusion affected finals the previous game due to which Kasparov strengthened the false belief that the computer calculates the options are very far.
As soon as the party turned out that there was an easy draw, Kasparov IBM suspected of dishonesty. Subsequently, he has repeatedly accused the team of Deep Blue, primarily based on the failure during the rook in this game. Supercomputer could not see such an obvious option to miss the victory. And yet still allow this development, which, according to Harry, suggests that not all the moves the chess machine did yourself.
Maybe sometimes the decision about choosing a move takes no computer, and one of the grandmasters consultants? The computer would never have admitted to perpetual, and here, for example, Joel Benjamin could not notice the salvation of the black, as well as noticed exhausted by the end of the party Kasparov.
Hairdryer Xu in his book explains in detail the last two false move the computer in this game.
Unsuccessful care of King Shah 44. Krg1-f1 (instead of the correct 44. Krg1-h1 ) was due to the fact that the position on the board Deep Blue interpreted as being in phase transition close to the endgame. In this case, the king really is better to stay closer to the center of the board - because at mass exchanges pass the remaining pawns in Queens mainly support often is king. But still the endgame is not even the king should lead to a corner of the board, after which Black would not be able infinite counterattack.
With regard to travel 45. La8-a6 , finally letting out a prize, there is another story. See the "simple" perpetual check is not so easy for a computer. Black queen can check opponent with a sufficiently large number of fields, and the white king can in the most different directions away from the attack. Alternate these attacks, treatments can be different. A person with a glance at the board understood what was happening, but honestly iterates over all the moves the computer suddenly faced with a huge tree of options, in which the queen with the king on the same fields (but in different order!) Play in the endless "cat- mouse. " And to see the proverbial "eternity", the car would have to look inside somewhere 30 plies. In general, Deep Blue was capable of it, but through all the branches arising from it would take more than an hour. However, programmers programmed "dark blue" on a more rational treatment by time and up to the eternal pursuit computer is not counted.
Whatever it was, it was a turning point. As acknowledged by Harry, the overall result was predetermined precisely in this meeting.
«It is beyond my comprehension. After the second game of the match was virtually over. » Blockquote> 3 party. Kasparov - Deep Blue. ½: ½
Kasparov played white hard, but carefully.
Computer got cramped position, make foreign lurid passages, actually is irreproachable in terms of defense. Pomaia and not finding win (which was not), the world champion agreed to a draw.
4 party. Deep Blue - Kasparov. ½: ½
Kasparov again surprising choice for the debut of black - protection Pirc-Ufimtseva that, like, black color, he never played. On the whole, Harry managed to beat the machine, but the computer hard clung to every possibility and found all new resources to hold the position.
At some point, Kasparov played inaccurately and cyborg managed to wriggle out of the clutches of homo sapiens. If black instead of the exchange of queens to double the rooks on the half-open vertical «f» i> , white would have badly: their figures were really quite disorganized. The diagram winning position for Black, which could occur if the world champion went the right way. White has a pawn more, but their figures are worse than the other one. At that time, as black troops occupied the ideal position. But fortunately for Deep Blue and Kasparov unfortunately for this option is not held in reality.
5 Party. Kasparov - Deep Blue. ½: ½
Kasparov urgently needs to win - the score is still equal, and his last white. Again extraordinary "antipozitsionny" debut Reti. The computer has surprised on the 4th course, exchanging bishop for a knight. The fact that the then electronic chess gave undoubted preference ranged elephants, changing them to malopredskazumyh horses only when absolutely necessary. This strengthened suspicions Kasparov, what happened to him play fair. "I know something about chess and computers. This is not a computer game! "- He said after the game. Although this party so early exchange was appropriate, as it allowed the black quickly develop other figures.
In the acute end of white became the masters of the right side of the board and passed pawn «g» i> have given the green light. It seemed that Kasparov, now finally win and lead in the long run. Black its small but well-coordinated forces dropped in the last attack, who personally led the black king. The final position (in the diagram) very impressive - though White can now put the queen, but it will not help them. Small but friendly black and white squad announces autocrat perpetual check.
Miraculous rescue your computer in this game completely demoralized Kasparov. No wonder that last game was a disaster for him.
6th Party. Deep Blue - Kasparov. 1: 0
Kasparov again elect a completely atypical for themselves debut for black. This time he used protection Cockroach Caro-Kann. White Kasparov always happy thugs "karokanschikov" (Karpov included), but for the black this debut is not part of his repertoire.
This allows you to start to build a solid black, but a passive position. White space is given, they are given a lot of opportunities for tactical strikes, traps and victims (if black will play sloppy, then the very first moves may even shlopotat mat). Here is one such victim Kasparov and decided to provoke their electronic counterparts.
Harry just looked like a pawn 7. ... H7-h6 (in the diagram), driving spirited horse. The theory recommends donate dashing white horse, receiving in return a very dangerous attack. After that black is extremely difficult to hold the position, but, in principle, possible. If you still be able to fight off the onslaught of a barrage, then there is the opportunity to stay with an extra piece and eventually win. Apparently, with a cunning plan Kasparov still hoped to finish the match in their favor.
The computer receives a call and gives the horse to the slaughter - 8. Kg5: e6 8. ... Fd8-e7 , after which we can not escape (see. The following diagram).
Looks good on the surface, as it allows to hide the black king on the queenside. However, it turns out that there is much easier to attack. If the black king sought salvation in the opposite direction, then get to him would be difficult. In addition, the black queen violates the coordination of their own figures, in particular, does not provide promptly to bring an elephant from the field f8 i>
Deep Blue won with cruelty. On the 18th move black queen fell on the 19th person admitted defeat. While on board Kasparov still enough material to give up already at the time. Numerous black troops completely disoriented and interfere with each other. White calmly alternate mating attack with systematic devouring enemy pawns and pieces.
The final position of the party and the match. Stroke of black, but it is difficult to give good advice.
"This machine is nothing yet no one has proven!»
At the final press conference Kasparov thundered, alluding to the fact that did not play against the computer, against a bunch of "computer + GMs" that left him no chance.
What made the first and second batch of machines to do frankly weak moves, if obviously were much stronger alternative?
Why in the parties ended in a draw, the machine first played poorly, and then devilishly ingenious?
Where the operator removed the computer before making some moves in the 4th party?
What are the reasons for the 5th batch of computers so quickly parted with their favorite elephant is already on the 4th move?
In this connection, after the 5th batch printing of technical protocol was made so late?
As well in the 6th game computer, without hesitation, went to the knight sacrifice, because it (the theory) does not guarantee victory?
Why is it that at a critical moment in one of the parties, the operator started something very fast typing on the keyboard?
Why errors Deep Blue did not allow a very strong commercial chess program Fritz, when she was given to the analysis of the party of this match?
The last batch. Made with only a dozen moves, but the loss of black already inevitable. I>
Some time later, when several emotions have cooled, Kasparov has refrained from charges and offered to arrange another match. Champion complained that he did not have enough time to prepare for the competition. Also complained too intense schedule of games, which is irrelevant to the supercomputer, but heavy for a man. And 6 rounds - too short a distance and Harry offered to organize a new game, but with a greater number of parties (8 or 10). In this case, the prize was agreed on a formula "all or nothing", that is, in case of loss would not qualify for any money for their participation. And even offered to a contest with a supercomputer to wager the most precious - his title.
Harry seemed to many arguments persuasive and chess community believed that IBM owes humanity one more, this time decisive match. But the third round did not take place, primarily because of financial considerations. The victory over Kasparov brought the company huge image dividends, shares of the corporation increased in price. But if the computer will win in the next confrontation, then such a powerful public response will be gone. Won re-computer hardly be apprehended by the public as an extraordinary event. But the possibility of defeat, wiping out all the marketing gains from victory in the second match. Conducting again expensive exercise is not to promise more benefits, more than that - bore the risk of loss. Therefore, it was decided to let the Deep Blue is guaranteed and will be the winner Kasparov.
Kasparov took a very painful and humiliating defeat IBM refusal to play another game, even more so against the background of their own suspicion of plotting against him. The next time Harry agrees to fight with the robot after many years. This is - the next, the last story.
(To be continued ...)
Table Match 1 th> 2 th> 3 th> 4 th> 5 th> 6 th> Result th> Points th> Deep Blue th> 0 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 +2, -1, = 3 td > 3, 5 th> Mr. Kasparov. th> 1 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 +1, -2, = 3 2 5 th > Statistics debuts
The debut Reti i> - 1, 5
Spanish party i> - 2
English Opening i> - 3
Protection Pirc-Ufimtseva i> - 4
Protection of the Caro-Kann i> - 6
Move the figures in the parties can here .
good article on Wikipedia about Deep Blue.