World Champion for $ 10

My God, what were the names! Capablanca, Alekhine. Botvinnik, Smyslov, Tal, Petrosian, the world chess champion everyone knew, they were proud. Over the course of the match, in silence, with bated breath, watching the fans, who were able to appreciate the beauty of the tactical plan.
Warm summer evenings on the boulevards and avenues of parks poured charmed man in purple shirts to try to force strategy for the checkered board. Famous Party memorize. In the air flying words "debut", "Gambit", "Endgame", "zugzwang».
From chess skies as demigods, sometimes down to the ground grandmasters blitz tournament with dischargers and candidate masters. Brainstorming was great there, palpable, he builds pieces and achieve victory. In chess, it was a mystic.
The first alarms sounded in 1956. In the famous Los Alamos Laboratory built the first chess computer MANIAC, which won the game for the beginner 23 moves.
10 years later at MIT wrote a program for Mac Hack VI, she was working on a computer with memory of 16 kilobytes and was able to count 10 strokes per second. By the end of 1968 Poppy Haq 6th reached ranking 1529. Prior Boris Spassky car was far.
International Master David Levy said then that in the next ten years will replay any computer. He proved it in the famous match of 1978, beating Chess 4.7 program, but after winning noticed that soon the expected benefits of the machine over man.
In 1989, Harvard University, organized the first match of grandmasters with cars and spent these matches five years. People won by a wide margin.
Machinery, apparently, were not the same. Humming monster Deep Thought in an open competition divided the first place with grandmaster Tony Miles, leaving behind Mikhail Tal and Bent Larsen. Victim machines soon became, and David Levy, who performed his own prophecy.
However, Garry Kasparov did not give up. His indomitable chess thought he forced to give up the computer in two matches in 1989. The man was still master of the universe.
In 1996, Kasparov repeated the feat, beating the electronic cabinet of IBM called Deep Blue. Firm solder which then blocks and a new battle with a huge black box held in May 1997. Kasparov won the first game, lost the second, three brought in a draw, and with a bang lost six.
Kasparov later complained of dishonesty. His party computer could explore without restrictions, and Kasparov in the previous games of the electronic cabinet look no avail. He demanded a replay, but bigwigs computing dismantled its infernal apparatus and taken away somewhere. Their goal was achieved - IBM won the world champion. Shares of the company rose.
Passions ran high. In 2003, the International Chess Association World Championship announced "Man vs. Machine" with a prize of one million. The machine, Deep Junior, calculates three million positions per second. Kasparov, it seems to me, and he is not fully aware of their abilities. The score was equal to, the final game looked 300 million people. Kasparov was nervous and agreed to a draw, but most of these experiments, it is not repeated.
By 2009, the situation has become commonplace. Chess app on your phone has reached the level grandmaster with a rating of 2898, won the Argentine tournament Copa Mercosur (9 wins, 1 loss)
Today undefeated chess partner, as a supplement to the mobile phone will cost you $ 10.
Abandon hope all ye who enter it belongs.
Farewell Capablanca and Alekhine, Botvinnik and Tal.
Hey you guys in purple shirts.
Hello, the game of giveaway.
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