IBM Watson: where and are now used as the possibility of a supercomputer?

Habré already wrote that the IBM Watson learned prepare recipes , получил medical education , and try yourself in the role sales assistant . Needless to say, these were only test projects, which served as a training system for the IBM Watson, and to verify the capability of a supercomputer.
And not so long ago, the corporation IBM opened resources supercomputer Watson for third-party developers. As a result, it was planned to get various projects where the full advantage of the facilities IBM Watson. Some ideas have already been implemented, and the following are examples of the most interesting projects.
Personalized treatment of brain cancer h4>
At the New York Center for Genome Research проводится great work on personalized treatment of one of the most dangerous types of cancer of the human brain, глиобластомы.
Cancer - is a complex disease, the treatment of which is complicated by two big obstacles. Firstly, it may happen that in the search for effective treatment patients will have to try different options, wasting time. Secondly, oncologists just do not have time to get acquainted with the avalanche of data on cancer, even a certain type, not to mention the additional data on unusual varieties of the disease, and, especially, genome data of the particular patient.
The doctor may be quite capable specialists, but instead of all the information that can help the individual patient, the human brain is simply not capable of.
Opportunities supercomputer "sharpened" to work with Big Data, unstructured huge amounts of information. In this case, analysis of hundreds of thousands of medical certificates (600 thousand), and the data in the genome of the patient. Plus, the system analyzes the biomedical literature and data on the appropriate medication.
With the help of IBM Watson doctors get the right information, after analysis of terabytes and terabytes of data system, and use this information for personalized treatment of the patient. IBM Watson «trained" on each of the cases, getting more and more data, which can help in the treatment of other patients.
Each patient using the IBM Watson offers a personalized treatment that is aimed at the factors that led to the development of cancer in a particular person, in view of its genome. This increases the chances of a successful recovery, and each new case more increases the likelihood of such a a >.
Working with zoos h4>
No, the system IBM Watson still can not watch and care for animals in zoos. And in this case, talking about forecasts for Work Zoo with the help of IBM solutions for large data and analytics, including the preferences of visitors, the volume of purchases of inventory, for animal nutrition, service volume zoo and manpower.
Prior to joining the pioneering work of the zoo / aquarium Point Defiance based on assumptions about how many visitors come to the zoo on any given day. Needless to say, the forecasts made even an experienced person, the employee said areas may be very far from reality, because people can not take into account more than a certain number of factors.
Now forecasts to take into account the number of IBM Chekina potential and current visitors in social networks, mentioning the name of the zoo on various resources, weather and much more. This information helps to anticipate the needs of the visitors and make more effective business decisions.
"Through intelligence we were able to change their work in almost all divisions" - Donna Powell,
Commercial Director of the Zoo and Aquarium Point Defiance. And these changes (pdf):
The increase in ticket sales after the beginning of work is 700%; Reduce annual staff costs due to more far-sighted planning on the basis of the data - 10% (ie, minus 10 percent); < / 3 times the new members of the loyalty program thanks to the rapid creation and targeted marketing campaigns; In general, IBM Watson capabilities allow the system to work and for the benefit of the banking sector, and in the music industry, as well as in the design and manufacture of electronics. More on that later will be published another article.