IBM announces new projects and technology adoption Watson opening headquarters Watson Group in New York
IBM has announced new projects on the use of capabilities IBM Watson and cognitive computing technologies. IBM Watson - an innovative platform that underpins the new era of computing due to its ability to understand natural language, but also to handle the massive amounts of big data in order to extract valuable information and further self-study.
IBM Watson technology continues to develop throughout the world and is pleased to share the following news:
• To date, IBM is working with customers in 25 countries on six continents; list of countries includes South Africa, Australia, UK, Thailand, Canada and the United States;
• Watson began to study Spanish in partnership with CaixaBank;
• Partner companies IBM Watson represent new applications based on Watson for tourism, retail, IT services, healthcare and non-profit sector;
• IBM opens headquarters Watson Group in the area of "Silicon Alley" in New York, as well as five new client Watson centers worldwide.
«Watson is driving a new era of computing, helping organizations around the world to launch new projects, identify target markets and transform entire industries - commented Mike Rodin (Mike Rhodin), senior vice president of IBM Watson Group. - Moreover, Watson is the basis of the creation of new markets and the entire ecosystem, which includes our customers, partners, developers, venture capital firms, universities and their students. The fate of a new generation of innovation is in the hands of those who seek communication in disparate and not obvious datasets using Watson ».
Customers from around the world are adopting the technology Watson
Watson technology development is gaining momentum at the time, as customers from around the world are adopting the technology to transform the cognitive interaction with their customers:
• ANZ Global Health (Australia) - In the coming weeks, ANZ will introduce a new service Watson Engagement Advisor Tool at its center in Sydney, as well as provide its more than 400 financial planners. Thus, ANZ will be able to study the types of requests that come not only from customers but also from financial advisors in order to continue to develop the possibilities Watson. Objective ANZ - help financial professionals reduce the time needed to provide professional advice, from weeks to one session. Now the core competencies Watson - insurance, but soon IBM Watson can analyze the information from the field of pension insurance and investments.
• International Bumrungrad Hospital (Thailand) - Bumrungrad plans to use Watson technology to improve the quality of cancer treatment in a medical center in Bangkok, as well as analysis of the medical cases in offices located in 16 countries on four continents. In the next five years, Bumrungrad plans to use solutions IBM Watson for Oncology, developed jointly by the Centre to them. Sloan-Kettering - one of the world's leading centers for the study of cancer. The innovative system will help employees Bumrungrad Hospital be an effective treatment plan for cancer patients based on medical records of patients, published studies and extensive clinical examination Center. Sloan-Kettering. IBM Watson will analyze vast amounts of information and, as a result, give a short help message that is relevant to each individual case. Bumrungrad Hospital is located in Bangkok and is the largest private hospital in Southeast Asia and one of the most respected hospitals in the world, the host 1, 1 million patients from 190 countries annually.
• CaixaBank (Spain) - CaixaBank and IBM are collaborating to create the cognitive system that understands Spanish. With the goal to provide the highest quality services, CaixaBank is the pioneer of the banking industry in the context of information technology, including the world's first IBM PC placement in their offices, the establishment of the first contactless ATMs and the first online store financial applications. Collaboration with IBM today - an important initiative for CaixaBank, since the bank will be the first organization that took IBM Watson learning the Spanish language.
• Deakin University (Australia) - Deakin University - the first educational institution which plans to use Watson as part of a consulting system for online students. This app will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on the Internet and on mobile devices more than 50,000 students. Moreover, the system can take advantage of applicants and the staff of the institution in order to obtain answers to any questions from the simple to complex personalized. In the coming months, Watson will explore the thousands of pages of unstructured data contained in documents, presentations and brochures University, in future, to provide users with the correct answers to many questions, such as: "Why should I come to this university?", "What cultural event offers a university? "," How to get to the building of biological faculty? "," What are the requirements to enroll in this course? ", and others. Subsequently, students interact with Watson, will be able to receive personalized advice based on personal profile information.
• Metropolitan Health (South Africa) - Metropolitan Health is planning the first commercial implementation of the technology IBM Watson on the African continent to transform the provision of consulting services in the field of health care and health insurance for three million users in South Africa. Using the IBM Watson Engagement Advisor, cognitive computing technology will help insurance agents analyze arrays of structured and unstructured data to establish the connection between the needs of customers and the increasing amount of data about the welfare and lifestyle of people. Watson will allow insurance agents to find the right services and make decisions for the best results.
Partners and startups are applications based on Watson
Partners IBM ecosystem of developers introduce new applications based on Watson, who helped transform the way the organization of the health sector, services, research and education interact with each other and their customers.
For example, an entrepreneur Terry Jones (Terry Jones), founder and chairman of the Travelocity Kayak.com, launches WayBlazer - new application for travelers on the basis of technologies Watson. WayBlazer Watson uses cognitive technologies to attract, train and advise users with visual and interaction of natural language and, ultimately, to provide high quality tourism services. In turn, Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau is using a prototype WayBlazer made to improve the booking process, increase the amount of armor and organize additional revenue stream of income from associates and subsidiaries.
Watson transform health care and veterinary care, retail and non-profit sector:
- Red Ant (London, UK) offers a mobile application that helps employees identify individual stores buying preferences of customers, analyzing demographics, purchase history, and questionnaires, as well as information on products, pricing, customer reviews and technical specifications of the goods. The application supports text and voice data entry, thus providing the opportunity to interact in a natural language.
- Reflexis (USA, Massachusetts) uses Watson-based analytics events, these social networks and other sources and helps to set priorities for task reminders and heads of organizations, regional offices and retail outlets in order to increase customer service.
- Sellpoints (California, USA) provides an understanding of the relationships between the needs of consumers and the products offered. For example, when a customer searches for a product using natural language, the application of Natural Selection Sellpoints gives him unique search results, sorted by the principle of relevance.
- Findability Sciences (USA, Massachusetts) helps members of nonprofit organizations to ask the right questions in natural language and receive quick answers. The service provides sponsors the opportunity to make intelligent decisions in terms of future investment, and increase existing investments to achieve the best results.
- LifeLearn (Guelph, Canada) allows veterinarians to use mobile application for processing the data obtained on the basis of questions and answers, and the planning of optimal medical care to animals.
- GenieMD (USA, California) - a mobile platform that helps patients to ask questions about specific diseases and medications in a natural language. Watson is trained in providing answers to questions, and provides users with useful information about health care.
- Welltok (USA, Colorado) is an application CafeWell Concierge, which processes the data sets to provide users with personalized tips for better health.
- Point of Care (USA, New Jersey) - mobile application for a therapist who uses cognitive Watson technology with the aim to understand the questions in natural language and to quickly find relevant information.
- SparkCognition (Texas, USA) - the first organization representing the field of security services, which uses technology to identify potential Watson may not yet existing threats by analyzing big data.
- CHIPS Technology Group (USA, New York) is developing a solution based on Watson, that can handle a huge number of disparate IT resources, including articles, research, and guidance for use with the aim of providing unique and high-quality technical information support to end users.
More information about the project can be found the link .
IBM opens headquarters Watson in the "Silicon Alley" in New York
IBM also announces the opening of the headquarters of Watson Group at 51 Astor Place in the "Silicon Alley" in New York. At headquarters will operate more than 600 employees IBM (the total number of employees working in the Watson Group employs 2,000 people). Moreover, the doors of the office will be open to developers and entrepreneurs, it will hold workshops and seminars to promote the startup community in New York.
Headquartered Watson Group will provide entrepreneurs and startups technology tools to launch new products and projects based on Watson. Also, IBM plans to develop innovative technologies cognitive Watson, interacting with five customer service centers located in different parts of the world.
Interactive client lab will help IBM customers closely acquainted with Watson technology and understand how these technologies contribute to the business transformation. Moreover, the headquarters will be located laboratory, which will take the staff improve customer experience and improve the quality of services provided to customers and partners. Workshops and seminars on technology development will enable the startup community to learn about ways to bring new applications to market. These activities will also help to take advantage
advantage of educational programs IBM, implemented jointly with universities, with the aim to prepare students for future careers in the field of cognitive technologies and big data analytics. As part of this initiative, IBM plans to offer students new courses, competitions, provide grants and internship opportunities.
Along with the global spread and development of Watson growing need for new personnel possessing proper skills to work in the field of cognitive technologies. In this regard, IBM announces the opening of the first five centers Watson Client Experience Centers, to provide support and human resources necessary for the successful implementation of cognitive platform Watson. The new centers will be located in Dublin (Ireland), London (UK), Melbourne (Australia), Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Singapore.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/ibm/blog/241363/