IBM Watson supercomputer will be available on your smartphone: a competition for mobile application developers

Not long ago, the corporation IBM opened resources supercomputer Watson for third-party developers who are developing " cloud "applications. As part of this project was opened API, allowing developers to access functions IBM Watson.
Now the company has gone ahead and announced a contest for developers of applications for mobile ustroystv.Zadacha competition - attracting developers to create custom mobile applications and enterprise-based supercomputer Watson. IBM announced a competition for the conference Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, where the company has introduced new mobile technologies and solutions based on the technology of Watson.
aim of the competition - "change the way you work with the data of consumers and businesses using mobile devices." In general, electronics and so many things have changed in our lives, even more - has changed our way of life thanks to the rapid development of technology. And the "cloud" applications for smartphones and tablets, directly working with the resources of supercomputers, can further change everything, probably for the better.
As for the competition, the application will be accepted until March 31. Of course, the contestants have to offer the idea of the application, and a preliminary version of the application. After that, a special jury will select the winners, and there will be several rounds. Winners receive support corporation IBM + access "sandbox» Watson.
Via ibmwatson
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/ibm/blog/214527/
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