IBM and Facebook are working on technology to provide personalized services and products to clients brands

Facebook and IBM Commerce today announced a collaboration to provide the world's leading brands specialized marketing capabilities that enable companies to share with the target audience with relevant information at the appropriate time.
Currently, customers IBM, using cloud solutions for marketing may use multiple advertising opportunities Facebook, such as a function for personalized audience in combination with a deep analysis of the data from IBM. As a result, their end-users will be able to fully use all the functions in any application on different user devices. Due to the decision of IBM Journey Designer brands will create a more personalized approach to customer engagement and at the expense Journey Analytics technology will have a general idea of the reaction of consumers.
Combining advertising technology Facebook and IBM Journey Analytics, brands will be able to more accurately determine whether their clients are active users of the network Facebook, where the audience has already exceeded 1, 44 billion people, as well as to find the relation between their interests and practices of communication on multiple platforms. Such analytical conclusions can be implemented using IBM Journey Designer, which will allow brands to create a more attractive appeal to the Facebook and other platforms.
IBM also announced that Facebook will be the first partner to join the new research environment interaction IBM Commerce THINKLab. The two companies will work directly with brands to accelerate the development of new technologies to improve the personalization of services provided. Researchers at IBM, experts Facebook, experts in the subject areas, designers and other project partners will work directly with customers to identify specific areas where improvements are needed, and work together to develop new solutions for them.
"Our partnership with IBM will help the world's leading brands to achieve an adequate level of personalization of the services provided through the use of cloud-based marketing techniques to find and engage the target audience in Facebook, as well as for solving other complex problems through consultations on a platform of Commerce THINKLab, - says Blake Chandli, Facebook vice president of the Partners. - We will also work closely with IBM Commerce THINKLab to create consumer marketing campaigns that are aimed at achieving specific business objectives of a particular brand ».
IBM will use the platform of advanced analytics in conjunction with impersonal data about the needs of users and information from Facebook marketing cloud IBM, to give marketers a more accurate picture of the target audience of the brand. In addition, experts will be able to repeat the success of marketing campaigns in other areas outside of Facebook, in particular, in the shops, mobile applications, or on the official website to interact with the brand took place on the platform that is most convenient to the client. In the end, it will create a more effective advertising to consumers.
For example, a retail store launches a new collection of sportswear and shoes for running. By using the personalized audiences on Facebook and other solutions for the determination of potential buyers of the owner of a retail store can easily distinguish among them a separate group that is interested in long-distance running. Having ascertained the needs of this group, the retailer will get a general idea about the preferences of the target audience in sportswear and shoes for running and depending on the location will be able to create special offers for the equipment, which corresponds to the climate of a particular region.
"Brands understand the growing need for higher quality personalized customer service to maintain their loyalty - said Deepak Advani, general manager, IBM Commerce. - Through this collaboration, the company's consumer products and retail representatives will be able to quickly and easily get a more detailed understanding of the needs of customers and, based on this information to provide them with a higher level of service, blurring the line between virtual and real ».
Facebook will join IBM Commerce THINKLab
IBM Commerce THINKLab brings together researchers IBM, designers, experts in the subject areas and today experts Facebook - the first company to become a partner platform. The unique technique THINKLab aims to accelerate innovation, which could meet the needs of each individual client, for example, the need to optimize the prices or the provision of data on the presence of goods that will enable companies to quickly apply the solutions in practice to improve the quality of customer service. Teams of experts from different fields will jointly work on the analysis of collected data, conducting research, definition of methodology and test results obtained in the market. Feedback from users in real-time allows teams to open and integrate new technologies into a single solution that will meet the customer's particular problem and have a direct bearing on their business.
IBM Commerce contributed to the fact that more than 35 thousand end users receive a positive experience with brands, which led to an increase in the level of trust and loyalty of consumers. Service Portfolio IBM Commerce, the creation of which were involved investment of 24 billion dollars, involves analytical technology, expertise 8000 specialists in particular industry and more than 100 proposals SaaS, which combine opportunities IBM Research, solutions in the field of intelligence and security, as well as cloud computing. IBM currently has 1,500 active patents in the field of trade, contributing to the promotion of innovation in this area. For more information about IBM Commerce available here .
Source: geektimes.ru/company/ibm/blog/250368/
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