What the Russian e-Commerce can learn from the US

The conventional wisdom is that almost everything that is good in RuNet itself or it was copied from the West. E-commerce in this case is no exception. We Audiomanii with similar theses do not always agree, but we have to admit that sometimes learn from foreign colleagues have something.
What is the difference h4>
The idea of writing this text first visited me after visiting the exhibition and conference Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition (IRCE) in Chicago. Some trends in eCommerce since changed, both in Russia and abroad, which, on the contrary, continue to exist without significant changes: I will try to highlight them, and also what are the essential differences in the development of the American and Russian markets E-commerce (it is important to note that we are talking about e-commerce in the implementation of the "physical" goods, because online stores selling electronic goods / services provided over the network, rightly make a separate category with its own trends and characteristics).
So, what is the Russian and US eCommerce is fundamentally different from each other? First of all - the online market turnover. As shown by statistics , according to this indicator, our country continues to significantly lag behind the market does not only in North America but also in Asia and Western Europe.
- If the US buyers choose online, mainly to save time, the Russian Internet buyer predominantly "save" money. This "trend" and pick themselves businessmen - while, on the western markets, companies are coming up with new client services, additional services and channels of distribution of goods in Russia eCommerce usually "compete" in an attempt to bring down prices.
- The main category покупателей are the age group of 35-44 people, at a young audience behind them at least 10%.
- A good half of all buyers of America is not interested in prices, they need the goods corresponding to the description, price and delivered on time. This is indicated by numerous polls.
- In comparison with the Russian penetration of advanced mobile technologies in the US is much higher, almost every American has a smartphone, with the exception, perhaps, only babies. Thereby (including) in the United States are actively using QR-codes and other relatively new (or just not good enough clamps on Russian soil) formats of interaction with the client.
- A huge number of non-core activities in the US eCommerce gives outsourcing while, as Russian companies are trying to do on their own - often because of the banal lack of quality services in the market.
- There is no "territorial" features and usability approaches to designing websites. As in many cases, the basis for successful solutions in this area is common sense, rather than a desire to do "everything they have."
- But what really should learn from their American colleagues, is their ability to work with content - primarily with video and e-mail newsletters.
Online vs Offline h4>
In the US, users choose online in the first place because it is quick. Online for Americans - no longer «option for shopping» (people choose and buy products online), while, as in Russia, many buyers still choose online and buy offline, or vice versa. At the same time American buyers almost do not pay attention to the difference between the prices of goods in online and offline - its virtually none. Make purchases on the Internet stimulates them, first, the belief that their order is sure to be processed, and secondly, strict adherence to delivery dates, as well as additional services and opportunities specific online brands.
In Russia, the situation is somewhat different: the main advantage of online shopping users see that they are cheaper, which is not always true. In this case, the buyer makes them "at your own risk," meaning that the application in the shop - sometimes just the beginning of a long journey to the desired product (which means that the buyer will have to spend a lot more time to get what you want: as compared American stores, and in comparison with the "traditional" retailing).
If two years ago the discussion about "Do I need a online reservations offline" in Russia were quite lively, at the present time, these conversations gradually subside: all come to the realization that the consumer in one store, and services and, accordingly, the purchase channels and receipt of the goods can be a lot - so sharply divide on- and offline, in most cases, not only incorrect, but simply bad.
From this we gradually move to the topic of "multi-channel" on eCommerce-markets of Russia and the United States. It is interesting that the West has historically divided the concept of «omnichannel» and «multichannel». For «multichannel» -system online and offline user-buyer - different people (even if in fact this is the same person), while «omnichannel» -variant takes into account this factor and uniquely identifies the buyer, regardless of whether how you made the purchase. As e-commerce began to develop in Russia later than in the US, phase «multichannel» -systems we (at least conceptually) happily slipped, and under the multi-channel we (Audiomaniya in particular) understand it «omnichannel» -formate.
«hybrid» (online, off-line) store in a US airport - another example of multi-channel commerce i>
Mobile Commerce h4>
Despite the fact that direct sales from mobile devices at the moment is accomplished not so much, part smartphone or tablet in the buying process is becoming more visible - before you buy anything from the usual desktop, the user can spend a lot of time studying the products from the catalog using a mobile device. This trend holds for both Russia and the United States, adjusted for the fact that in the United States users of smartphones and tablets is much greater than ours.
Forgetting the fans use a smartphone and a tablet to select the product or study available offers, without offering a convenient means of viewing your site from their mobile devices, the company "cuts" of the customer. It is known that if the buyer, for example, visited the site from your smartphone (for informational purposes) and received a negative experience of the user interaction with the site, the house with a laptop or PC (ie, more convenient and handy device for making purchases in network) it's about this site is unlikely to remember. In this case, smartphones - despite the fact that they never committed a large number of purchases - are an important channel for interaction with customers, you need to understand when assessing the audience and new clients.
And with web analytics in such cases often have problems: usually one and the same customer who visits a website with different devices, is perceived as a number of different users. The result is that customers who visited the site from a smartphone, using one or another channel of attraction, "gone" out of the store without buying anything, while in fact they are simply "smoothly moved" to another device.
This problem, we were puzzled as early as 2005, when finalized our own system of web analytics to take into account the possibility of visiting clients from different computers. Now Audiomanii this system is integrated into CRM, allowing customers we do not "lose" and a conversion to more accurately (but more on that we describe in detail in a separate topic).
New Directions h4>
Technology of QR-codes can not be called anything new, but so far in Russia it is considered more a toy than something really useful for business. In the US, the situation is different - there, QR-codes are used actively and "on purpose." For example, when in IMAX in Chicago did not work board with the schedule of sessions, the functions performed by the application to be accessed by users received by scanning the QR-code.
Yet, as one of the speakers IRCE:
As long as we do not start using the QR-code, they start to work. Blockquote>
Surprisingly little attention paid to the use western counterparts geoservices in e-commerce. Apparently, monetize this trend is not as easy as it seemed a few years ago, although users certainly very actively looking for shops nearby.
Content is King h4>
In the e-commerce quality content plays a key role. And one of the most popular of its type in the United States is now the video. Here is just a brief list of abstracts, regularly voiced by Western experts:
- Video increases the conversion of 50% and above.