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35 useful facts about careers for those who are yet 35

Recommendations from our list - a real fount of useful ideas. Discover it and take all the best for service, and the rest will come in handy for the overall development.

So, Website publishes three and a half dozen of career advice offered by the publication of The Muse.

1. Hone your presentation style elevator pitch h3>

Elevator pitch - it is literally in the elevator, then there is a very short presentation

blockquote> It is obvious that it will change from time to time, but you should never hard to answer the question: "What are you doing?" Indeed, your speech should be so good that people will never forget it. Therefore, take the time to work out the message you want to convey to people about their careers.

2. Know your superpower h3> Or, in other words, know what you do best. Tina Roth Eisenberg entrepreneur said that all the most successful people she met, know exactly what they are good. For example, John Maeda, who led the MIT Media Lab and the Rhode Island School of Design answered that it was "curiosity". Maria Popova, which oversees the popular blog Brain Pickings, said: "Perseverance." His superpower Eisenberg believes enthusiasm.

3. Know your weaknesses h3> On the other hand, it is also important to know what you are not so strong. And not to make you feel bad, but to help you find out who you need to hire, or to whom you should work to supplement their skill set and what tasks you should delegate (so you can spend more time to spend on it that you get better). And on that note, you need to ...

4. Learn to delegate responsibilities h3> No one can do everything, and especially when you climb the corporate ladder, you should clearly understand that the cost to waste your time. And, more importantly, you should be able to more efficiently and comfortably delegate to others: the interns, employees, partners, and so on. D.

5. Know your career goals h3> You will have many opportunities in your life's journey, and you do not want to waste energy on things that are not compatible with what you want to do. So, be honest about what you want and what you need from your career, and make a list of those things that are "not discussed" in order to use it whenever you need to decide on a career.

6. Make it what you will be very, very proud h3> So, anyway, but that's what will be remembered about you, for which you sometimes get money or something you really want to do in life. Please note that your resume should be something you really proud.

7. Take lessons from what you are not proud h3> We can all add their "failures" in this list, but that's silly. Because, let's face it, we all failed at one time or another. But what is more important? To learn from this mistake, to take the next successful step in his career.

8. Increase your "limits» h3> Do you know that you can hold a meeting for 30 people, but what about the multi-day conference for 100 people? It may be something that is beyond your skills. In fact, it's just that you should definitely try. In the end, you'll never know how much you are able to, as long as you do not step out of their comfort zone to try something new.

9. Make it something that really scares you h3> And it will make you even more to expand their opportunities - you need to leave their comfort zone. This may be a statement at the conference, significant progress on the career ladder, or, finally, writing memoirs. Try something that really scares you. After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

10. Learn how to get feedback h3> Hillary Clinton once said that it's the best advice for young professionals is: "It is important to take criticism seriously - but not personally." That means knowing where you do not meet expectations, the only way to learn and grow as a professional, but if you take every word to heart, then your confidence is shaken rapidly. Learn to accept it as a professional.

11. Learning to give feedback h3> You want to tell your supervisor that his overcontrol destroying team spirit, or bring his subordinate that the meetings need to be on time - all this is a normal working process. You have to give feedback to get what you need and to realize himself as a professional. Learn to do it well (and the sooner the better).

12. Learn to say "no». H3> This is probably the most difficult word that you need to say. But it is, in fact, very important for our careers (and our sanity!), So we learn to use it.

13. Find a lot of people who you can trust h3> We've said it before, and we'll talk about it again (probably at least twice a week, as long as we stay in business), which is the biggest asset in your career are your connections. And building relationships takes time, so start now.

14. Find several consultants career h3> We are not talking now about the mentor (because finding the right mentor is carried out not on the schedule, and because there are many ways to succeed without it), but you must have a couple of experts who advise you on any issues. And, yes, one of them can be your mom.

15. Elaborate their online presence h3> Today what gives Google and social media, this is the first impression of you. So deal with that issue immediately! Set privacy settings and delete old photos or questionable. With SimpleWash get rid of the messages, which may be incriminating. Again, ask yourself searching through Google, and see what everyone else sees.

16. Improve your profile on LinkedIn h3> your profile - it's your face, and this is your most powerful asset. When a client, prospective employer, supplier or a specialist of your industry is looking for you, guess where he will address? Yes, on LinkedIn. Therefore, make sure that your profile shows that you want to convey.

17. Create a portfolio of their best work h3> This may be a collection of articles, marketing campaigns, or annual reports, you worked on, or a personal web site that showcases your skills. Portfolio must always be ready and at your fingertips, so you can show it to your boss (or future boss).

18. Learn how to sell (yourself or someone else) h3> Yes, even if you do not consider the opportunity to work in cold calling. Whatever you do, at some point you will need something to someone to sell. Hone this skill now.

19. Learning to negotiate h3> Because, in most cases, this is the only way to get what you want and deserve. If you have never shared this before, we recommend to start small (ask your boss, for example, pay for your participation in the upcoming conference road).

20. Learning how to manage h3> This is a common misconception that you have to endure and fulfill all the requirements of leadership, his management style, not paying attention to how well-founded are its requirements. In fact, if you are able to manage the situation, or to inform the leadership of his thoughts, or to defend it, then you can achieve a lot in his career.

21. Learn to write great letters h3> You should never send emails that you do not proud (or you might not be proud of them, if your boss saw them). So make sure that you carefully follow their professional correspondence! Refer to the experts for help, if necessary. It may seem that there should be a lot of work (it is!), But, believe me, it's worth it (and, from the time, and you will be all easier and easier to do it).

22. Improve your handshake h3> A handshake says a lot. It affects the first impression. (One of the CEOs once said that when he had to choose between two candidates with equal qualifications, he hires one who best handshake).

23. Find a system for maintaining to-do list that works for you h3> This can be a list which is synchronized on all of your mobile devices, or a list written by hand. Be sure to find the way to accounting affairs, with which you will manage your work well. Yes, you can change the method when you change jobs, or when new applications, but when you know what works for you and what does not, and what you like and what not, then you will always have something that will help to be the most productive one for yourself.

24. Know your energy levels - and use them h3> There is nothing worse (or less productive) than to try to work when you are not up to par. Therefore, you should not waste time of peak activity, or conversely, force yourself to work when you do not have power. You need to understand and accept when you work best, and create your most productive working hours.

25. Know how many hours of sleep you need and stick to it h3> We hope that you have learned it in college, but if not, then that message to you, sleep is very important! How many hours of sleep your body needs, so he let them. It depends on your health and your career.

26. Learning to cope with stress h3> Stress can really control and destroy your life. If stress is a problem for you, then it must stop in the bud. Coachers Lee McLeod is ready to share with you some tips on how to begin to reduce stress levels, but if you can not deal with it by yourself, then seek professional help.

27. Stop constantly apologizing h3> You may think that because you are being polite, or enhance its reputation, but when you apologize too much, especially for minor oversights, or for the fact that you are not independent, others may begin to doubt in your abilities. Make sure that you apologize when you really need it, not when your colleague asks you to return to the previous slide in the presentation.

28. Get rid of the impostor syndrome h3> Whether you start working in a new area, or you quickly climb the corporate ladder, impostor syndrome can pursue any professional. But the truth is that it is very harmful to your career (not to mention your self-esteem).

29. Create a plan "B» h3> So you do if tomorrow you were fired? If you do not have an answer (or your answer is: "Shock! Panic"), it's time to create a career plan "B". You certainly do not want to think about the possibility of the collapse of your company, but if it does happen, then it is better to have on hand a backup plan than to rush in panic, like a madman, looking for any work.

30. Open case on the side h3> Have you ever thought about, to do consulting? Do you want to open an online store and start selling old cars? Try it. At best, you make a new career or get another source of income and, at least, be able to dilute their monotonous routine.

31. Invest in your retirement h3> We know that, especially at the beginning of a career, you may be hard to save money, but you need to start doing it - and the sooner, the better.

32. Invest in yourself h3> Today's working world is changing faster than ever, and to stay on top of Mount Olympus, it is important to continue to develop their skills. But this does not mean that you necessarily have to go to graduate school. There are many simple and inexpensive ways to engage in professional development.

33. Invest in the world h3> You can share your skills, or help younger colleague. You'll feel much better in fulfilling its charitable mission.

34. Know that you do not want h3> You do not need to know who you want to be in 35 years (or 95). But if you want a job or career you love, then you need to think about it (and not only). And often, the first step is to understand what you want, it is to decide to what you do not want. You do not want to work with the boss-dictator? Or have salespeople? Excellent. Drop some of the options, and you're closer to your goal.

35. Give yourself a promise to follow its goal h3> Well, if you know what you want? Then go to its target. Yes, build a career for years, but why spend another that you're not interested? We hope that you give yourself the word to do what you really love.

via hr-portal.ru/blog/35-veshchey-kotorye-vy-dolzhny-sdelat-dlya-svoey-karery-k-svoemu-35-letiyu