That's why you can not boil water twice!
How often do we forget that tea has long been boiled, and has already managed to cool down, and we can not break away from their favorite show or series? We turn on the stove again and again boil kettle. Do you know what happens when we boil the water for the second time?
Website warned that despite the fact that it is very important to know this is not taught in school. When the water boils, it changes the composition, which is normal: the volatile components are transformed into vapor and evaporate. Thus, the boiled water is safe to drink.
But when the water boils again, things are changing for the worse:
Boiled water completely devoid of taste. If it boil again several times, it becomes very, very unappetizing. Some may argue that the raw water has no taste, too. Not at all. Spend a little experiment.
After a period of time definitely one drink of water from the tap, filtered water, boiled once and boiled over again. All of these fluids have different tastes. When you vypёte last option (boiled several times), it will remain in the mouth unpleasant aftertaste, some metallic taste.
Also, if you decide to re-boil the water, then pay attention to, how much time has passed since the last boiling process. If it has been a long time, it is best to drain the water and pour into the kettle with fresh water. The fact that the water will develop stoyaloy various harmful microorganisms, and longer flagged dust and other debris.
So, a few useful tips:
to boil every time pour fresh water; Do not boil the liquid again and do not add to its remains fresh; before the water boil, let it stand for a few hours to heavy material settled to the bottom; pouring boiling water in a thermos (for the manufacture of a medicament for collecting, for example), close it plug in a few minutes, not immediately.
via propochemu.ru/383-chto-delaet-mnogokratnoe-kipyachenie-s-vodoy
Website warned that despite the fact that it is very important to know this is not taught in school. When the water boils, it changes the composition, which is normal: the volatile components are transformed into vapor and evaporate. Thus, the boiled water is safe to drink.

But when the water boils again, things are changing for the worse:
Boiled water completely devoid of taste. If it boil again several times, it becomes very, very unappetizing. Some may argue that the raw water has no taste, too. Not at all. Spend a little experiment.
After a period of time definitely one drink of water from the tap, filtered water, boiled once and boiled over again. All of these fluids have different tastes. When you vypёte last option (boiled several times), it will remain in the mouth unpleasant aftertaste, some metallic taste.
Also, if you decide to re-boil the water, then pay attention to, how much time has passed since the last boiling process. If it has been a long time, it is best to drain the water and pour into the kettle with fresh water. The fact that the water will develop stoyaloy various harmful microorganisms, and longer flagged dust and other debris.
So, a few useful tips:
to boil every time pour fresh water; Do not boil the liquid again and do not add to its remains fresh; before the water boil, let it stand for a few hours to heavy material settled to the bottom; pouring boiling water in a thermos (for the manufacture of a medicament for collecting, for example), close it plug in a few minutes, not immediately.
via propochemu.ru/383-chto-delaet-mnogokratnoe-kipyachenie-s-vodoy
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