Experts checked whether it is possible to drink water from the tap in Moscow

The Waterworks said that the water in the supply system of the capital meets all the standards of drinking and that drinking it is safe for health.
Some experts insist that tap water should be boiled or cleaned through the filters.
Correspondents of the TV channel "360 suburbs" decided to participate in laboratory research to understand which party is right.
"Moscow you can drink the water from the tap without further purification. It meets all regulatory requirements," — said a leading engineer of Department of water supply JSC "Mosvodokanal" Ekaterina Ivanova. To confirm or refute this statement, the crew of "360 suburbs" went to independent experts. Together with them, correspondents studied a sample of Metropolitan water in the laboratory.
A leading expert in the environmental laboratory of the center Sergey Sysoev took a little water in a normal kitchen for the analysis. For objectivity of the analysis it is assembled in a specially prepared container. Further, the expert leaked some of the water and gained again. This was done in order to avoid air bubbles. Then the container tightly closed and sent for analysis.
When the water was painted in pink color, and the lab technician using a special scale defined as it contains iron. This figure was 0.1 milligrams per cubic liter, while the acceptable norm is 0.3 milligrams. Hence, the iron content of the water is safe for health. Is there a chance for this water to drink with no heat or any other treatment, the crew asked the expert-ecologist Sergey Sysoev.
"In General, but I would still recommend it to be boiled before drinking. It all depends on the human immune system, with the water getting some intestinal infection, so it is better to boil," he advised the ecologist.
This caution is required because water flowing into the Moscow apartment, runs through the soil. It flows from the so-called shallow ground waters of the Moscow river, Volga river and reservoirs. 20 years ago it was obezzarajivatmi the usual chlorine, now this is done by using sodium hypochlorite. The Waterworks argue that it is safer, however, candidate of biological Sciences Tatiana Farafonova believes that without a filter constantly use of raw water is harmful to health.
"Chlorination of water formed organochlorine compounds such as chloroform, they have a very carcinogenic effect on the liver, so if you use water without purification will earn cirrhosis of the liver," said Farafonova.
While the water boiled specialist called dead. The same as the one that flows from so-called filter-systems — those that are installed under the sink.
"Some people put filters on everything but the water is dead, there is only H2O, and then you need calcium and magnesium, so clean water to zero I don't recommend it," — said the expert in the field of certification of drinking water.
Instead, the expert recommended putting a carbon filter. But the main thing — not to forget its time to change. Otherwise, it at room temperature and constant humidity are ideal conditions for bacteria that are also unsafe for the human body.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ridus.ru