Water - the simplest and most familiar substance on the planet. But at the same time, water is fraught with a lot of mysteries. She still continue to explore the scientists are finding more interesting data about water.
Fact number one: the purest water in Finland
According to UNESCO, the purest water is in Finland. A total of fresh natural water was attended by 122 countries. In this case, 1 billion people worldwide do not have access to safe water.
Fact two: the ice quickly get out of hot water
Which water quickly turned to ice: hot or cold? Logically, then, of course, cold. After all, you must first hot to cool and then freeze, but the cold does not need to cool down. However, experience shows that the ice is fast becoming the hot water. The exact answer to the question, why did the hot water freezes faster than cold, still does not exist. Maybe it's the difference in the supercooling, evaporation, ice formation, convection, or the reason the impact of liquefied gases on hot and cold water.
Fact Three: supercooled water
All is well remembered from school physics course that water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees. However, there are so-called supercooled water. This property has a very clean water - without impurities. Even when cooled below the freezing point of this water remains liquid. But in fact, in both cases there is a temperature at which water would boil or ice.
Fact four: the water for more than 3 states
From school all know that water has a 3: liquid, solid and gaseous. However, scholars have identified 5 different states of water in liquid form, and 14 states in the frozen form.
Fact five: water like glass
What happens if you take the frozen pure water and continue cooling? With water there will be miraculous transformations. At minus 120 degrees Celsius water becomes extra-heavy or viscous, and at temperatures below minus 135 degrees it becomes a "glass" water. "Glass" water - a solid, which lacks crystalline structure, as a glass.
Fact Six: the foundation of life - water
Water - the basis of life. All living animal and vegetable beings consist of water: animals - 75%, fish - by 75%, jellyfish - 99%, potatoes - by 76%, apples - by 85%, tomatoes - 90%, cucumbers - 95 %, watermelons - 96%. Even a person is out of the water. 86% of the water contained in the body of a newborn and up to 50% in the elderly.
Fact Seven: water - a disease vector
Water not only gives life, but can also take it away. 85% of all diseases in the world is transmitted through water. Every year, 25 million. People die from these diseases.
The fact of the eighth man dies without water
If a person loses 2% water by weight of his body, then he has a strong thirst. If the percentage of lost water will increase to 10, then the person will start hallucinating. With the loss of 12% of people will not be able to recover without the assistance of a doctor. With the loss of 20% of people die.
Fact Nine: most fresh water - in glaciers
Where the most water? The answer seems obvious: in the oceans. But in fact, in the mantle of water contains 10-12 times more than in the oceans. Moreover, almost all available on the planet mass of water not suitable for drinking. We can drink only 3% water - so much we freshwater. But even most of the 3% is not available, since it is contained in glaciers.
Fact Ten: water as diet
With the help of water can fight obesity. Eating out drinks only water, you can dramatically reduce the total caloric intake. Firstly, because the person stops drinking high-calorie sugary sodas and juices, and secondly, because after less water pulls take sweets, as is the case with tea or coffee.
Fact Eleven: Water for a Healthy Heart
Water helps reduce the risk of heart attack. During the study, researchers found that people who drink about six glasses of water a day, less risk of heart attack as opposed to those who drink only two cups.
The fact of the twelfth: 35 tons of water for life
Without water a person can live a very short time. The demand for water is on the second place after oxygen. Without food a person can live for about six weeks, but without water - five to seven days. In all his life a person drinks about 35 tons of water.
Thirteenth fact: most expensive water
Water may be free, and can be very expensive. The most expensive in the world of water is sold in Los Angeles. Manufacturers pack a precious liquid with a balanced taste and value ph in bottles with crystals "Swarovski". There is such water 90 $ for 1 liter.
Fourteenth fact: there is water that burns
There is also a dangerous water. For example, in Azerbaijan there is water in which a lot of methane, so it can catch fire if exposed to a match. And in Sicily in one of the lakes have underwater sources of acid which poison all the water in this reservoir.
The fact of the fifteenth: protein in water
Sea water - rather nutritious substance. In 1 cu. refer to such water contains 1.5 g of protein and other substances. Scientists believe that only one Atlantic Ocean on its nutritional value is estimated at 20 thousand. Crops, which are collected for the year across the land.