Fast-dissolving tablet was much more harmful than expected

Scientists from University College London and the University of Dundee (Scotland) published an article which drew attention to the huge amount of salt in the such tablets. Doctors within 7 years, investigated the condition of 1.2 million patients who regularly took effervescent tablets of medicines and vitamins.

It turned out that long reception of 16 per cent increases the risk of premature death from heart attack and stroke.

"We attribute this to the high salt content," said honorary consultant in clinical pharmacology at Dundee James George.

— Patients who prescribe the soluble aspirin, effervescent vitamin C, or Alka-Seltzer should be warned about the potential dangers of high sodium intake when taking these drugs, because the manufacturers do not indicate this information on the packaging.published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©




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