What's wrong with the meat and how to minimize this harm?
Since ancient times it is believed that "we are what we eat", and this statement is utterly true determines the position of things: our physical health is entirely dependent on diet. Most people that have significantly changed their health and as to the best (and need to emphasize consistently the best), acknowledge that there is the starting point and fundamental principle, on which converges the experience of many peoples and lifestyles and the personal experience of many of our contemporaries is the experience of coming to reasonable health through vegetarianism.
The first and main thing will be discussed in the section on nutrition is the fundamental harm of animal products. This article will not sound the call for a total rejection of meat or milk, eggs and fish, but undoubtedly the choice of each person must be conscious and well informed (and, incidentally, there are quite a reasonable compromise). It is extremely unfortunate that the basics of nutrition is not taught in schools, they often don't know the parents, denies them the majority of physicians acting locally and thinking, to some extent, disease is the norm, although these are the most basic knowledge will change the quality of life.
What you need to understand about meat (and dairy) products first?
Let's start with just the facts and to understand them in detail later. So meat, fish, eggs, dairy products animal proteins, and with each other in terms of digestibility, they have shared much more than with any other product, including proteins of plant origin. All our fabrics are composed of proteins — but the proteins that our body synthesizes itself, never foreign protein does not arise simply on a place of our own. Animal proteins foreign to the human body – getting of these proteins in the blood provokes the reaction of "the stranger": the synthesis of antibodies. The real war of extermination, in which are destroyed and "like strangers" cells!
The same proteins that do not fall intact into the bloodstream in the intestine decompose releasing, including cadaveric poisons (putrescine, cadaverine, ptomaines, etc: many specific names, but the fact that these processes are described in the student course in biochemistry). In addition to the "rigor" of poisons during the decomposition of proteins are formed and other toxic substances such as methane and nitrogen compounds, macevoy acid, is destructive to the tissue and a portion of these substances is carried to the tissues limfoottoka and blood, lingers in the body for many years. In this inner quiet decay with all its main and inevitable dangers of meat and animal proteins in General. Probably why a significant reduction in animal products for many enough to feel more energy to stop often to catch a cold, for many women to forget about menstrual cramps...
Should probably run a bit ago. Why do we need protein at all? To build our own new cells. How does it happen? Animal protein is broken down into "building blocks"-amino acids, from a complex set which our body collects proteins for themselves according to their own requirements, spending a lot of energy synthesizing the enzymes for the digestion of animal protein (that's why we say alien) and straining every nerve to fight the toxic by-products. No other animal protein we do not learn, except in the parallel leakage of zamedlenie digestion and rate of passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract.
At the same time, actually, in vegetable and animal food ratio of protein to calorie content is almost the same, (and in the green, by the way, almost like meat!) but from plant foods it is easily digested by man, as it has a different structure and a small amount of protein relative to the volume/weight of vegetables and herbs allows you to protect yourself from the risk of a strong "protein overdose", while meat/milk/fish/eggs – permanent, until the pores are invisible poisoning, often the weight returns faster hunger, a lot of cholesterol, and in the future, all kinds of diseases. Reasonable vegetarian diet forces people have more a feeling of acute hunger attends the less, the more in the diet of fresh plant foods rich in fiber.
By the way, is now increasingly said that the constant presence of dairy products in the diet has an even more negative impact on the body than some meat: there are several factors: Carcinogenicity, toxicity related to the quality of the milk mass milk yield, intolerance to milk sugar (lactose) and milk protein (casein), the latter is a recognized allergen, but as a rule, sensitivity to casein is not straightforward. However, you can trace connection: stuffy nose, procurement, migraines, eczema, General lack of energy, diseases of bones, blood vessels, vision... and many other seemingly unrelated symptoms to milk, vplot to cancer... the most Interesting thing in this regard is not even research and experience of people, comparing their health before and after "with" and "without".
Returning to the meat, incidentally, is quite popular historical reference to the country where there used to be a "torture meat" — sentenced were fed only boiled meat, and he is in pain died within a few weeks. That's the story — or fact — but in the end of XX century appeared the "protein diet", including the Atkins diet, and now most of the dietitians comments about this method as a quiet suicide. To lose weight — it is really possible, but what are the principles that the body is exhausted and poisoned on this diet — worth a read.
On the forums bodybuilders — people who consume protein foods, often there is a section to discuss "side" of health problems. The list is impressive.
On the other hand, should pay attention to the fact that the actual protein needs in humans have not so big, several times less than most: 25-35 grams per day or less. If we talk about digestible protein.
So why is meat bad for us product?
Very simple: predators eat it raw and they have a strong acidic gastric juice, it is necessary for the breakdown of proteins. For the same the predators are and the temperature is higher than humans, and much shorter intestines to quickly withdraw decaying — toxic protein residues, in fact, cadaveric poisons.
The man began to eat meat only after the ice age, out of necessity. Being creatures superbly designed, with an enormous reserve of strength, we can survive on meat and milk, but these products significantly spoil the quality of life after thirty and reduce it, sometimes for decades, and often spoil her with the moment of birth – diathesis, allergies, rickets, bad teeth, tonsillitis, children's diabetes and even the most simple snot – result "meat and dairy toxicity", compounded by a large amount of flour and sugar, but this should be read separately for the tag "gluten free".
Toxic products of protein breakdown as possible neytralizuya liver and the rest enters the bloodstream and settles in different tissues, and "pozdravlenie tissues" — is the root cause of many diseases.
Improved health, greater ease and stamina, vitality and vigor, a reduction in the required amount of sleep, reduce weight, improve color and skin tone can be achieved quite simply by reducing the consumption/frequency of the presence of meat and milk, and even faster with these changes, you can feel yourself pass the simple "reboot", cleaning herbs or asking comprehensive remedial power handling systems, such as fasting (see the materials on the tag "fasting" and "detox").
Another interesting fact — heat-treated animal protein, when digested, gives a narcotic effect and a certain dependence (described experiments in favor of this statement). Produces endorphins – that is, "internal morphine", the structure is similar to opiates. Not only fun, but also a drug. We all know that meat is very tasty and usually it is "good", the necessity of it more it with more frequent use.
About the narcotic nature of some products can be read on ECOWAYS tag "naloxone" is a blocker of the opiate receptors in the brain. This medication turned out to be equal to blocks the effects of opiates and certain foods that cause a strong "dedication".
By the way, even vegetarians-gorillas in the experiments develop dependence on meat, and the more were added to the diet — the more manifest the dependence.
Is it any wonder that meat did not want (and not tasty) to those who have refused it? And parents know that small children until they are taught, often trying to give up meat eating – the first time the instincts are still strong, but the attachment when formed, the strongest.
After gentle cleansing does not arise so sharply the question "to give or not?" The choice remains, but it becomes a voluntary and objective choice. The purpose of this material is not to convince of the necessity of abandoning animal products, but to show the false nature of the dogma of "meat/protein — rich and basic nutritional component of food, the center of the table and any food, the key to the prosperity and even survival..."
Still a little sad about: milk and meat pull calcium from bones and teeth – Yes, it is they, not the sugar (in the first place). This effect seemed to be related to takikawa nature of protein: proteins are composed of amino acids, acid — acidification, calcium is the most available to the body alkaline a resource withdrawn from bones and teeth to restore a more alkaline PH of the tissues; many parasites, germs and bacteria prefer tissue "meat eaters" for the same reason of increased acidity – acidic animal food tissue, and for all of this infection the acidic environment preferred, while fresh vegetables and fruit, greens have an alkalizing effect, and moderate PH shift to the alkaline side promotes cell renewal, i.e. rejuvenation.
At the same time toxins and substances formed during the decay of proteins, often form "anaerobnye" zones in the tissues, where oxygen ceases to flow in the right amount and in these zones are only parasites and bacteria, creating their own kingdoms (their own homeostasis). One of the obvious examples of such zones are tumors but we'll talk in the news about parasites and cleansing of the tissues.
Milk and meat provoke the development of diabetes: the pancreas is constantly producing insulin to handle animal protein, not only for sugar, and many critically exhausted from the constant voltage – for the same reason, these products also lead to pancreatitis (and increasingly already to 30-40 years).
At the same time on whole plant foods people sometimes "get off insulin", there are cases of diabetes treatment – a very exciting brief description of such "medical experiments" can be found in the "resources" section — a fragment from the book "The China Study" about atherosclerosis, diabetes, Oncology in conjunction with the consumption of animal proteins and in the context of long-term scientific research.
Another important fact: cholesterol is a sticky fat, an integral component of any animal product. All the cholesterol we need – we develop ourselves and, at the same time, this external, excess cholesterol is maintained even in low-fat animal products. Excess cholesterol – plastered blood vessels (atherosclerosis), gallstones, hormonal disruption, heart pain, strokes and, of course, pressure. (The risk of heart attack, heart pain and blood pressure problems safest kontroliruyut whole and vegan diet is proven in clinical trials on experimental groups of patients/cured).
This does not mean that animal products are absolutely not there. It is important to understand what we're dealing with, and to approach food sensibly. For example, to observe a few basic rules that significantly reduces the harm of animal protein:
1) protein products preferably eaten alone or with greens and vegetables. Eaten at the same time with something starchy – dough, cereals, (rice or semolina especially), pasta, potatoes, they retard the digestive processes, since proteins and starches require opposite conditions for digestion. In case of simultaneous consumption, is the lack of processing enzymes and gastric juice, resulting in even greater protein putrefaction in the intestine simultaneously with the fermentation of carbohydrates — decomposed starches, and blending undecomposed (in the stomach, in the neighbourhood with animal protein, starchy foods impregnated with acidic gastric juice and becomes a paste – similar to those which once hung Wallpaper!) Such food poisons the blood, leading to constipation and sliseobrazutee (colds, runny nose, sore throat), ulcers and stomach cancer in the sad case (of course, slowly and quietly), and the pancreas is forced to work in tens and hundreds of times more intensively that leads to its wear – pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, etc.
2) our body is much easier to deal with one animal protein at a time — ie. better not to disturb the scrambled eggs with meat or marine products, meat and eggs — with cheese, etc.
3) less damage from animal protein, if it turns out after an interval of 6-8 hours — that is, either for dinner until 8-9 in the evening (if I woke up late and the evening is considered later), or, if in the afternoon until the next morning already not to eat anything sweet, including fruits and starchy foods — breads, rice, cereals, potatoes.
4) from dairy products the easiest homemade sour cream and cream, because there is almost no protein: this is, in fact, grease — and homemade cheese type Adyghe cheese unsalted and silenai naturally. Also less harmful can be considered a type products yoghurt – natural products, acidified lactic acid bacteria, milk sugar and protein is already partially broken down into more digestible components (oligopeptides). The kefir in this respect, worse, as "brazen" fungal (supertourisme) culture. In itself, the milk experts suggest to use only the separately from the rest, and better than goat, which is much less harmful, including slime, milk protein — casein. In cow's milk casein is several times greater than the parent. However, more important is the fact that the casein of cow's milk the most aggressive and allergenic. In goat and sheep milk, casein is the other, bad reactions people have to these casein are much rarer.
5) the most "useful" meat and fish – minimally thermally processed: valenina like ham and natural smoked, salted, frozen raw or naturally dried fish, eggs, (bacon — because it is pure fat – not protein, for the same reason fat better goes with bread. However, in all cases, rye bread and bread made from sprouted or at least whole grains are much more harmless than the bread of wheat flour, and of course, natural, whole foods are always better: not sausages / pates / stew. Molecule raw animal protein are larger than thermally processed (chemists speak of "denaturalization of protein"), so it is less enters the bloodstream, so the less heat treatment — however, it is possible to tell, better: agents are more likely to be produced in the gut and will, wherever possible, appear in a natural way.
6) in eggs is much more harmful protein (especially boiled and fried), but raw egg yolks are fat, and that is very helpful (they interfere with the bread with oil and spices, with carrot juice, even pure and raw egg yolk can be added to the salad... of course, the ideal — the yolks from the home, wholepassage chicken that is not injected every day with antibiotics and were not fed food with hormonal additives. Raw proteins are better suited domashnim animal predators in nature). For disinfection including against Salmonella is important to carefully wash and scald the shells, if you plan to use raw yolks.
7) when frying in oil, almost any oil changes its properties, becomes carcinogenic. Combustion products generated during frying on the grill, are even more depressing (so stewing, stir-frying without oil and meat from the tandoor, baked, boiled and without the test / rice / potatoes – is always the best option).
It remains to add that as in meat and dairy products (except organic)– there are antibiotics and growth hormones and "enhance lactation" that disrupt our own hormonal balance and metabolism, provoke tumor, and so on hormones, and fed to fish grown on the farms — everything is cheaper and more effective than high-quality feed, that's the whole answer. For example, breast cancer in women, many researchers now associated with the use of several times of large amounts of milk and meat (saturated with hormones) post-war generations — according to statistics, these problems are not in this volume in countries where milk is not included in the list of main foods.
In the "video and handout", you can watch investigative journalism at the expense of concentration in our meat and dairy production.
Aggressiveness and emotional instability is often associated with hormonal, although it is also often and eating meat in General. In addition, these products delayed antibiotics, which destroy our own flora and inhibit hematopoiesis, preservatives, continue to "preserve" and our tissues, and keep them updated; gels for weight gain in all meat products – allergens, carcinogens, and, in the end, blatant consumer fraud.
And finally, a few words about another aspect: any fun meal is bought at the price of not only the lives of animals, but at the cost of pain and horror, pain and horror of the live spineless creatures. Slaughter is very often the case when animals are awake. Stunned and suspended by a hind leg, they often come in yourself and see and feel how the cut of the same beings, struggling in agony, in terror, in pain, blood dripping on the floor. Growing up in close quarters, "in prison." Nakalyautsya growth hormones so that weak bones can't keep up "growth of meat" and the sick all his life. Birds in cages, stacked on top of each other, one shitting on the other. The paddocks are close to the minimum, the animals moved or did not move at all. It is the agony of a lifetime, for this agony everyone pays with their health and even strange, how easy we include these foods in your festive, fun table or an idle snacking – and it's weird how the habit distorts the perception.
It is logical that we do it for pay... well that's all correctable and remains in our hands, it is good that awareness is increased, that on the Carcinogenicity of milk already talking doctors that at the scale of entire countries, official positions and recommendations vegetarianism ceases to be something beyond, cluttered with recommendations, more associated with improvements in various health indicators.
Does not make sense to force yourself to give up meat – tough measures are rarely effective. It is time to recognize that animal products in our diet should not be the basis of the diet and should not be considered something important or necessary. For your own safety you need to understand what is happening and how to minimize the damage.
In hundreds of studies and living experience of thousands and tens of thousands of people it becomes obvious that, in case of failure from eating meat and milk, animal protein in General, easily the weight goes back down colds and flu, away allergies, asthma, diabetes and many years of migraines, pancreatic, gastric ulcer, gastritis, kidney stones and gall bladder, normal pressure, stronger bones... people are moving away from preinfarction condition and atherosclerosis, cure thyroid, liver, kidney, reliably enlist from Alzheimer's, senility, blindness, recede even cancer and benign tumors – and often drug-free.
Often, for positive change just enough to "clean up" its system and withdraw or significantly reduce the intake of animal protein, primarily meat. Sounds like a miracle, and, in some ways, such a powerful resource it is impossible not to consider the miracle of the nature! Although, on the other hand, there's an explanation, and at other times we will focus more on the, exactly how is a miracle defined by the laws of the biochemistry of metabolism. These principles and guidelines are the most effective naturopaths, and, increasingly, the Western representatives of official medicine.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecoways.ru/ru/gde_vred_i_pochemu/eda/Chto_plohogo_v_mase_i_kak_minimizirovat_vred.html

The first and main thing will be discussed in the section on nutrition is the fundamental harm of animal products. This article will not sound the call for a total rejection of meat or milk, eggs and fish, but undoubtedly the choice of each person must be conscious and well informed (and, incidentally, there are quite a reasonable compromise). It is extremely unfortunate that the basics of nutrition is not taught in schools, they often don't know the parents, denies them the majority of physicians acting locally and thinking, to some extent, disease is the norm, although these are the most basic knowledge will change the quality of life.
What you need to understand about meat (and dairy) products first?
Let's start with just the facts and to understand them in detail later. So meat, fish, eggs, dairy products animal proteins, and with each other in terms of digestibility, they have shared much more than with any other product, including proteins of plant origin. All our fabrics are composed of proteins — but the proteins that our body synthesizes itself, never foreign protein does not arise simply on a place of our own. Animal proteins foreign to the human body – getting of these proteins in the blood provokes the reaction of "the stranger": the synthesis of antibodies. The real war of extermination, in which are destroyed and "like strangers" cells!
The same proteins that do not fall intact into the bloodstream in the intestine decompose releasing, including cadaveric poisons (putrescine, cadaverine, ptomaines, etc: many specific names, but the fact that these processes are described in the student course in biochemistry). In addition to the "rigor" of poisons during the decomposition of proteins are formed and other toxic substances such as methane and nitrogen compounds, macevoy acid, is destructive to the tissue and a portion of these substances is carried to the tissues limfoottoka and blood, lingers in the body for many years. In this inner quiet decay with all its main and inevitable dangers of meat and animal proteins in General. Probably why a significant reduction in animal products for many enough to feel more energy to stop often to catch a cold, for many women to forget about menstrual cramps...
Should probably run a bit ago. Why do we need protein at all? To build our own new cells. How does it happen? Animal protein is broken down into "building blocks"-amino acids, from a complex set which our body collects proteins for themselves according to their own requirements, spending a lot of energy synthesizing the enzymes for the digestion of animal protein (that's why we say alien) and straining every nerve to fight the toxic by-products. No other animal protein we do not learn, except in the parallel leakage of zamedlenie digestion and rate of passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract.
At the same time, actually, in vegetable and animal food ratio of protein to calorie content is almost the same, (and in the green, by the way, almost like meat!) but from plant foods it is easily digested by man, as it has a different structure and a small amount of protein relative to the volume/weight of vegetables and herbs allows you to protect yourself from the risk of a strong "protein overdose", while meat/milk/fish/eggs – permanent, until the pores are invisible poisoning, often the weight returns faster hunger, a lot of cholesterol, and in the future, all kinds of diseases. Reasonable vegetarian diet forces people have more a feeling of acute hunger attends the less, the more in the diet of fresh plant foods rich in fiber.
By the way, is now increasingly said that the constant presence of dairy products in the diet has an even more negative impact on the body than some meat: there are several factors: Carcinogenicity, toxicity related to the quality of the milk mass milk yield, intolerance to milk sugar (lactose) and milk protein (casein), the latter is a recognized allergen, but as a rule, sensitivity to casein is not straightforward. However, you can trace connection: stuffy nose, procurement, migraines, eczema, General lack of energy, diseases of bones, blood vessels, vision... and many other seemingly unrelated symptoms to milk, vplot to cancer... the most Interesting thing in this regard is not even research and experience of people, comparing their health before and after "with" and "without".
Returning to the meat, incidentally, is quite popular historical reference to the country where there used to be a "torture meat" — sentenced were fed only boiled meat, and he is in pain died within a few weeks. That's the story — or fact — but in the end of XX century appeared the "protein diet", including the Atkins diet, and now most of the dietitians comments about this method as a quiet suicide. To lose weight — it is really possible, but what are the principles that the body is exhausted and poisoned on this diet — worth a read.
On the forums bodybuilders — people who consume protein foods, often there is a section to discuss "side" of health problems. The list is impressive.
On the other hand, should pay attention to the fact that the actual protein needs in humans have not so big, several times less than most: 25-35 grams per day or less. If we talk about digestible protein.
So why is meat bad for us product?
Very simple: predators eat it raw and they have a strong acidic gastric juice, it is necessary for the breakdown of proteins. For the same the predators are and the temperature is higher than humans, and much shorter intestines to quickly withdraw decaying — toxic protein residues, in fact, cadaveric poisons.
The man began to eat meat only after the ice age, out of necessity. Being creatures superbly designed, with an enormous reserve of strength, we can survive on meat and milk, but these products significantly spoil the quality of life after thirty and reduce it, sometimes for decades, and often spoil her with the moment of birth – diathesis, allergies, rickets, bad teeth, tonsillitis, children's diabetes and even the most simple snot – result "meat and dairy toxicity", compounded by a large amount of flour and sugar, but this should be read separately for the tag "gluten free".
Toxic products of protein breakdown as possible neytralizuya liver and the rest enters the bloodstream and settles in different tissues, and "pozdravlenie tissues" — is the root cause of many diseases.
Improved health, greater ease and stamina, vitality and vigor, a reduction in the required amount of sleep, reduce weight, improve color and skin tone can be achieved quite simply by reducing the consumption/frequency of the presence of meat and milk, and even faster with these changes, you can feel yourself pass the simple "reboot", cleaning herbs or asking comprehensive remedial power handling systems, such as fasting (see the materials on the tag "fasting" and "detox").
Another interesting fact — heat-treated animal protein, when digested, gives a narcotic effect and a certain dependence (described experiments in favor of this statement). Produces endorphins – that is, "internal morphine", the structure is similar to opiates. Not only fun, but also a drug. We all know that meat is very tasty and usually it is "good", the necessity of it more it with more frequent use.
About the narcotic nature of some products can be read on ECOWAYS tag "naloxone" is a blocker of the opiate receptors in the brain. This medication turned out to be equal to blocks the effects of opiates and certain foods that cause a strong "dedication".
By the way, even vegetarians-gorillas in the experiments develop dependence on meat, and the more were added to the diet — the more manifest the dependence.
Is it any wonder that meat did not want (and not tasty) to those who have refused it? And parents know that small children until they are taught, often trying to give up meat eating – the first time the instincts are still strong, but the attachment when formed, the strongest.
After gentle cleansing does not arise so sharply the question "to give or not?" The choice remains, but it becomes a voluntary and objective choice. The purpose of this material is not to convince of the necessity of abandoning animal products, but to show the false nature of the dogma of "meat/protein — rich and basic nutritional component of food, the center of the table and any food, the key to the prosperity and even survival..."
Still a little sad about: milk and meat pull calcium from bones and teeth – Yes, it is they, not the sugar (in the first place). This effect seemed to be related to takikawa nature of protein: proteins are composed of amino acids, acid — acidification, calcium is the most available to the body alkaline a resource withdrawn from bones and teeth to restore a more alkaline PH of the tissues; many parasites, germs and bacteria prefer tissue "meat eaters" for the same reason of increased acidity – acidic animal food tissue, and for all of this infection the acidic environment preferred, while fresh vegetables and fruit, greens have an alkalizing effect, and moderate PH shift to the alkaline side promotes cell renewal, i.e. rejuvenation.
At the same time toxins and substances formed during the decay of proteins, often form "anaerobnye" zones in the tissues, where oxygen ceases to flow in the right amount and in these zones are only parasites and bacteria, creating their own kingdoms (their own homeostasis). One of the obvious examples of such zones are tumors but we'll talk in the news about parasites and cleansing of the tissues.
Milk and meat provoke the development of diabetes: the pancreas is constantly producing insulin to handle animal protein, not only for sugar, and many critically exhausted from the constant voltage – for the same reason, these products also lead to pancreatitis (and increasingly already to 30-40 years).
At the same time on whole plant foods people sometimes "get off insulin", there are cases of diabetes treatment – a very exciting brief description of such "medical experiments" can be found in the "resources" section — a fragment from the book "The China Study" about atherosclerosis, diabetes, Oncology in conjunction with the consumption of animal proteins and in the context of long-term scientific research.
Another important fact: cholesterol is a sticky fat, an integral component of any animal product. All the cholesterol we need – we develop ourselves and, at the same time, this external, excess cholesterol is maintained even in low-fat animal products. Excess cholesterol – plastered blood vessels (atherosclerosis), gallstones, hormonal disruption, heart pain, strokes and, of course, pressure. (The risk of heart attack, heart pain and blood pressure problems safest kontroliruyut whole and vegan diet is proven in clinical trials on experimental groups of patients/cured).
This does not mean that animal products are absolutely not there. It is important to understand what we're dealing with, and to approach food sensibly. For example, to observe a few basic rules that significantly reduces the harm of animal protein:
1) protein products preferably eaten alone or with greens and vegetables. Eaten at the same time with something starchy – dough, cereals, (rice or semolina especially), pasta, potatoes, they retard the digestive processes, since proteins and starches require opposite conditions for digestion. In case of simultaneous consumption, is the lack of processing enzymes and gastric juice, resulting in even greater protein putrefaction in the intestine simultaneously with the fermentation of carbohydrates — decomposed starches, and blending undecomposed (in the stomach, in the neighbourhood with animal protein, starchy foods impregnated with acidic gastric juice and becomes a paste – similar to those which once hung Wallpaper!) Such food poisons the blood, leading to constipation and sliseobrazutee (colds, runny nose, sore throat), ulcers and stomach cancer in the sad case (of course, slowly and quietly), and the pancreas is forced to work in tens and hundreds of times more intensively that leads to its wear – pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, etc.
2) our body is much easier to deal with one animal protein at a time — ie. better not to disturb the scrambled eggs with meat or marine products, meat and eggs — with cheese, etc.
3) less damage from animal protein, if it turns out after an interval of 6-8 hours — that is, either for dinner until 8-9 in the evening (if I woke up late and the evening is considered later), or, if in the afternoon until the next morning already not to eat anything sweet, including fruits and starchy foods — breads, rice, cereals, potatoes.
4) from dairy products the easiest homemade sour cream and cream, because there is almost no protein: this is, in fact, grease — and homemade cheese type Adyghe cheese unsalted and silenai naturally. Also less harmful can be considered a type products yoghurt – natural products, acidified lactic acid bacteria, milk sugar and protein is already partially broken down into more digestible components (oligopeptides). The kefir in this respect, worse, as "brazen" fungal (supertourisme) culture. In itself, the milk experts suggest to use only the separately from the rest, and better than goat, which is much less harmful, including slime, milk protein — casein. In cow's milk casein is several times greater than the parent. However, more important is the fact that the casein of cow's milk the most aggressive and allergenic. In goat and sheep milk, casein is the other, bad reactions people have to these casein are much rarer.
5) the most "useful" meat and fish – minimally thermally processed: valenina like ham and natural smoked, salted, frozen raw or naturally dried fish, eggs, (bacon — because it is pure fat – not protein, for the same reason fat better goes with bread. However, in all cases, rye bread and bread made from sprouted or at least whole grains are much more harmless than the bread of wheat flour, and of course, natural, whole foods are always better: not sausages / pates / stew. Molecule raw animal protein are larger than thermally processed (chemists speak of "denaturalization of protein"), so it is less enters the bloodstream, so the less heat treatment — however, it is possible to tell, better: agents are more likely to be produced in the gut and will, wherever possible, appear in a natural way.
6) in eggs is much more harmful protein (especially boiled and fried), but raw egg yolks are fat, and that is very helpful (they interfere with the bread with oil and spices, with carrot juice, even pure and raw egg yolk can be added to the salad... of course, the ideal — the yolks from the home, wholepassage chicken that is not injected every day with antibiotics and were not fed food with hormonal additives. Raw proteins are better suited domashnim animal predators in nature). For disinfection including against Salmonella is important to carefully wash and scald the shells, if you plan to use raw yolks.
7) when frying in oil, almost any oil changes its properties, becomes carcinogenic. Combustion products generated during frying on the grill, are even more depressing (so stewing, stir-frying without oil and meat from the tandoor, baked, boiled and without the test / rice / potatoes – is always the best option).
It remains to add that as in meat and dairy products (except organic)– there are antibiotics and growth hormones and "enhance lactation" that disrupt our own hormonal balance and metabolism, provoke tumor, and so on hormones, and fed to fish grown on the farms — everything is cheaper and more effective than high-quality feed, that's the whole answer. For example, breast cancer in women, many researchers now associated with the use of several times of large amounts of milk and meat (saturated with hormones) post-war generations — according to statistics, these problems are not in this volume in countries where milk is not included in the list of main foods.
In the "video and handout", you can watch investigative journalism at the expense of concentration in our meat and dairy production.
Aggressiveness and emotional instability is often associated with hormonal, although it is also often and eating meat in General. In addition, these products delayed antibiotics, which destroy our own flora and inhibit hematopoiesis, preservatives, continue to "preserve" and our tissues, and keep them updated; gels for weight gain in all meat products – allergens, carcinogens, and, in the end, blatant consumer fraud.
And finally, a few words about another aspect: any fun meal is bought at the price of not only the lives of animals, but at the cost of pain and horror, pain and horror of the live spineless creatures. Slaughter is very often the case when animals are awake. Stunned and suspended by a hind leg, they often come in yourself and see and feel how the cut of the same beings, struggling in agony, in terror, in pain, blood dripping on the floor. Growing up in close quarters, "in prison." Nakalyautsya growth hormones so that weak bones can't keep up "growth of meat" and the sick all his life. Birds in cages, stacked on top of each other, one shitting on the other. The paddocks are close to the minimum, the animals moved or did not move at all. It is the agony of a lifetime, for this agony everyone pays with their health and even strange, how easy we include these foods in your festive, fun table or an idle snacking – and it's weird how the habit distorts the perception.
It is logical that we do it for pay... well that's all correctable and remains in our hands, it is good that awareness is increased, that on the Carcinogenicity of milk already talking doctors that at the scale of entire countries, official positions and recommendations vegetarianism ceases to be something beyond, cluttered with recommendations, more associated with improvements in various health indicators.
Does not make sense to force yourself to give up meat – tough measures are rarely effective. It is time to recognize that animal products in our diet should not be the basis of the diet and should not be considered something important or necessary. For your own safety you need to understand what is happening and how to minimize the damage.
In hundreds of studies and living experience of thousands and tens of thousands of people it becomes obvious that, in case of failure from eating meat and milk, animal protein in General, easily the weight goes back down colds and flu, away allergies, asthma, diabetes and many years of migraines, pancreatic, gastric ulcer, gastritis, kidney stones and gall bladder, normal pressure, stronger bones... people are moving away from preinfarction condition and atherosclerosis, cure thyroid, liver, kidney, reliably enlist from Alzheimer's, senility, blindness, recede even cancer and benign tumors – and often drug-free.
Often, for positive change just enough to "clean up" its system and withdraw or significantly reduce the intake of animal protein, primarily meat. Sounds like a miracle, and, in some ways, such a powerful resource it is impossible not to consider the miracle of the nature! Although, on the other hand, there's an explanation, and at other times we will focus more on the, exactly how is a miracle defined by the laws of the biochemistry of metabolism. These principles and guidelines are the most effective naturopaths, and, increasingly, the Western representatives of official medicine.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ecoways.ru/ru/gde_vred_i_pochemu/eda/Chto_plohogo_v_mase_i_kak_minimizirovat_vred.html