14 reasons to give up meat
Myth: "My forefathers of centuries of eating meat"
Reality: Scientists and naturalists, including Charles Darwin, who put forward the hypothesis of evolution, agree that ancient people were vegetarians. (eating fruits, vegetables and nuts). Throughout human history, our anatomy has not changed.
The Swedish scientist von Linnaeus noted that the internal and external structure of the human body in comparison with other animals shows that fruits and juicy vegetables are the natural food of man.
We will not touch our very distant ancestors, but let’s see what was the basis of the diet of our grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-great-grandparents. Maybe to be healthy, strong and have 10 children, they ate meat every day?
About a weak person in Russia always said: "Little porridge ate!", and the guilty were condemned: "You can not cook porridge."
Grain products were the simplest, most satisfying and affordable food. This is confirmed by such proverbs as:
"Shih yes porridge is our food."
"Bread is the head of everything."
"Good porridge, but small cup."
You can't feed a Russian man without porridge.
“Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father.”
“Bread and water are peasant food.”
“Bread on the table is a throne, and bread is not a piece, and a board table.”
"Lucky lunch, if there is no bread."
"God on the wall, bread on the table."
“As much as you think, you can’t think of bread and salt.”
"Bread is all good."
“My bread is clean, kvass is sour, the knife is sharp, we will cut smoothly, eat sweet.”
"The thick porridge of the family will not disperse."
“As long as there is bread and water, there is no trouble.”
“Bread is Father, Mother’s Water.”
“Before eating simply, but lived for a hundred years.”
"Where there are feasts, there are sicknesses."
So, The basis of the diet of our ancestors was yeastless bread from coarse flour, various porridges from whole grains.They did not boil it, but rather boiled it in the oven for a long time, so that it became soft (it was on the porridge, by the way, that the epic heroes grew up), fruit (Sweet cabbage and apples were not transferred all winter) mushrooms, berries, nuts, kvass, jelly They were made from the beans, from the beans. peas (He was with us from the most ancient times), green (We have forgotten what soup from young nettles is, but it turns out that there is a lot of iron in it.)grasses.
Meat was very rare! Most of them observed Christian fasting – four long periods of fasting and fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays lead to the total number of fasting days in the year exceeding 220!
And do not forget that meat, fish and eggs are just three food names, and even then they are not the best in terms of energy value, and everything else is everything else. Therefore, it is extremely illogical to ask what vegetarians eat, they eat everything except fish and eggs and other slaughter foods.
Simple example.
They say of the weak, “Porridge has eaten little,” and no one says, “Meat has eaten little.” Or “Healthy as a bull” rather than “Healthy as a wolf or like a jackal.” Predators don't live very long. The human body is not designed to digest meat, and that is why a person needs much less energy to digest milk and plants. And in terms of energy intensity, plant products are not inferior to meat products, and even exceed them.
15 Great Reasons to Quit Meat.
1. Meat contains only 35% of nutrients. In plants, 90%. Thus, the efficiency of meat food (the ratio of energy received from the assimilation of meat to the energy spent on its digestion) is very small.
2. In meat there are no essential amino acids other products.
3. When justifying the consumption of meat, they refer to the fact that meat contains vitamin B12, which plants are deprived of. However, there are other ways to obtain this vitamin - for example, the production of intestinal microflora on a raw diet.
4. Meat contains proteins foreign to our body, which inhibit the beneficial microflora.
5. Meat excessively acidifies the internal environment of the body, which suppresses nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the respiratory tract, less nitrogen is absorbed from the air, therefore, the need for food ("Zhor") increases.
6. An excessive amount of proteins and purine bases contained in meat forms in the human body a lot of acid residues - uric acid, causing slagging and poisoning of the body.
7. Meat is heavily contaminated with putrefactive bacteria, eggs of worms. In addition, the meat of the killed animal is slagged with more than 200 harmful hormones that release the animal from horror when it is led to slaughter.
8. Meat contains a lot of extractive substances, so excessively stimulates appetite, which leads to overeating.
9. It takes 6-8 hours to digest meat (vegetables - 4, fruits - 1), so by the next meal this meat will not have time to digest completely and partially begin to rot.
10. Methane also destroys vitamin B6, which controls the process of cell growth, and, becoming a carcinogen, is deposited in slagged subcutaneous tissue in lipomas, papillomas, polyps.
11. No less harmful is fish meat (the same cadaver poison, in addition, all our river fish is infected with worm eggs).
12. Especially harmful meat broth. “Fortifying” broth actually consists of the waste of the animal.
13. All of this applies to meat products as well. In addition, sausages, ham, sausages contain harmful additives.
Food gelatin from bone decoctions is also harmful (superconcentrate).
14. After the consumption of meat food, heaviness occurs, causes sleep, fatigue, irritability occurs. Develops temper, aggressiveness.
15. This is what the writer and doctor V.V. Veresaev noted about meat food (“Records for yourself”). When he was assigned an academic ration in the 20s, the meat was only enough for half a month. And then he noticed that in the first two weeks in the family there was a typical "meat" mood - heaviness in the head, lethargy. When the meat ran out, “the desire to work appeared, the mood became light, the body mobile.”
Full replacement of meat - sprouted grains are absorbed by the human body much easier than even the lightest and so-called "dietary" varieties of meat. A complete set of amino acids necessary for the synthesis of human proteins is contained in peas, beans, beans.
Eliminate all meat from your diet and be healthy!published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: glubinnaya.ru/archives/3509

Reality: Scientists and naturalists, including Charles Darwin, who put forward the hypothesis of evolution, agree that ancient people were vegetarians. (eating fruits, vegetables and nuts). Throughout human history, our anatomy has not changed.
The Swedish scientist von Linnaeus noted that the internal and external structure of the human body in comparison with other animals shows that fruits and juicy vegetables are the natural food of man.
We will not touch our very distant ancestors, but let’s see what was the basis of the diet of our grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-great-grandparents. Maybe to be healthy, strong and have 10 children, they ate meat every day?
About a weak person in Russia always said: "Little porridge ate!", and the guilty were condemned: "You can not cook porridge."
Grain products were the simplest, most satisfying and affordable food. This is confirmed by such proverbs as:
"Shih yes porridge is our food."
"Bread is the head of everything."
"Good porridge, but small cup."
You can't feed a Russian man without porridge.
“Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father.”
“Bread and water are peasant food.”
“Bread on the table is a throne, and bread is not a piece, and a board table.”
"Lucky lunch, if there is no bread."
"God on the wall, bread on the table."
“As much as you think, you can’t think of bread and salt.”
"Bread is all good."
“My bread is clean, kvass is sour, the knife is sharp, we will cut smoothly, eat sweet.”
"The thick porridge of the family will not disperse."
“As long as there is bread and water, there is no trouble.”
“Bread is Father, Mother’s Water.”
“Before eating simply, but lived for a hundred years.”
"Where there are feasts, there are sicknesses."
So, The basis of the diet of our ancestors was yeastless bread from coarse flour, various porridges from whole grains.They did not boil it, but rather boiled it in the oven for a long time, so that it became soft (it was on the porridge, by the way, that the epic heroes grew up), fruit (Sweet cabbage and apples were not transferred all winter) mushrooms, berries, nuts, kvass, jelly They were made from the beans, from the beans. peas (He was with us from the most ancient times), green (We have forgotten what soup from young nettles is, but it turns out that there is a lot of iron in it.)grasses.
Meat was very rare! Most of them observed Christian fasting – four long periods of fasting and fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays lead to the total number of fasting days in the year exceeding 220!
And do not forget that meat, fish and eggs are just three food names, and even then they are not the best in terms of energy value, and everything else is everything else. Therefore, it is extremely illogical to ask what vegetarians eat, they eat everything except fish and eggs and other slaughter foods.
Simple example.
They say of the weak, “Porridge has eaten little,” and no one says, “Meat has eaten little.” Or “Healthy as a bull” rather than “Healthy as a wolf or like a jackal.” Predators don't live very long. The human body is not designed to digest meat, and that is why a person needs much less energy to digest milk and plants. And in terms of energy intensity, plant products are not inferior to meat products, and even exceed them.
15 Great Reasons to Quit Meat.
1. Meat contains only 35% of nutrients. In plants, 90%. Thus, the efficiency of meat food (the ratio of energy received from the assimilation of meat to the energy spent on its digestion) is very small.
2. In meat there are no essential amino acids other products.
3. When justifying the consumption of meat, they refer to the fact that meat contains vitamin B12, which plants are deprived of. However, there are other ways to obtain this vitamin - for example, the production of intestinal microflora on a raw diet.
4. Meat contains proteins foreign to our body, which inhibit the beneficial microflora.
5. Meat excessively acidifies the internal environment of the body, which suppresses nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the respiratory tract, less nitrogen is absorbed from the air, therefore, the need for food ("Zhor") increases.
6. An excessive amount of proteins and purine bases contained in meat forms in the human body a lot of acid residues - uric acid, causing slagging and poisoning of the body.
7. Meat is heavily contaminated with putrefactive bacteria, eggs of worms. In addition, the meat of the killed animal is slagged with more than 200 harmful hormones that release the animal from horror when it is led to slaughter.
8. Meat contains a lot of extractive substances, so excessively stimulates appetite, which leads to overeating.
9. It takes 6-8 hours to digest meat (vegetables - 4, fruits - 1), so by the next meal this meat will not have time to digest completely and partially begin to rot.
10. Methane also destroys vitamin B6, which controls the process of cell growth, and, becoming a carcinogen, is deposited in slagged subcutaneous tissue in lipomas, papillomas, polyps.
11. No less harmful is fish meat (the same cadaver poison, in addition, all our river fish is infected with worm eggs).
12. Especially harmful meat broth. “Fortifying” broth actually consists of the waste of the animal.
13. All of this applies to meat products as well. In addition, sausages, ham, sausages contain harmful additives.
Food gelatin from bone decoctions is also harmful (superconcentrate).
14. After the consumption of meat food, heaviness occurs, causes sleep, fatigue, irritability occurs. Develops temper, aggressiveness.
15. This is what the writer and doctor V.V. Veresaev noted about meat food (“Records for yourself”). When he was assigned an academic ration in the 20s, the meat was only enough for half a month. And then he noticed that in the first two weeks in the family there was a typical "meat" mood - heaviness in the head, lethargy. When the meat ran out, “the desire to work appeared, the mood became light, the body mobile.”
Full replacement of meat - sprouted grains are absorbed by the human body much easier than even the lightest and so-called "dietary" varieties of meat. A complete set of amino acids necessary for the synthesis of human proteins is contained in peas, beans, beans.
Eliminate all meat from your diet and be healthy!published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: glubinnaya.ru/archives/3509