One-story veg

Initially did not want to sculpt the sheet, which is still no one will read it, but I suffer graphomania, nowhere on it does not go ... For more than a simple perception tried at least to structure the story, arranging it as a phased description of the "evolution" of my attitude to vegetarianism by "let ka potrolliruyu these fools!" to "vegetarianism - is the only option for the supply of a civilized man":
1. "Vegetarianism - a poor diet used in the Society for Krishna Consciousness, and other destructive sects for the submission of its adherents will»
. Approximately the firm belief I had when I first wandered into the vegetarian community on the Internet. Why wandered? - Trite potrollit, have fun, to mock. And expectations were justified, actually most of the audience was packed during this clearly formed in my mind the stereotype of "vegetarian - it is sectarian, which in the best case as a justification for their point of view can provide a religious dogma or something like that" ... except for a few people who I could not just chop off at the root of all my provocation, but also simple (and thus perfect) logical constructions bring me to a standstill in matters that seemed to me a priori decided. Such as: "incorrectly called" Swarm "and even a" meat-eater "man eat meat" or "rejection of the meat does not affect the number of animals being killed."
2. "Indeed vegetarians among a lot of people are under the influence of religious and esoteric cults or simply impressed by alternative wellness concepts, but also among them there are those who are really able to defend and justify their point of view, despite the fact that at this point view there are contradictions. "
Some time passed, I continued to talk, discussing all the new questions and controversies that came to my mind on and around it. Common among vegetarians more and more interesting, cause I have sympathy, the person who does not fit in my initial presentation. I learned that some of my friends in real life there are vegetarians - And again nice to me and respected my personality.
At the same time I started to deal with the so-called "anti-vegan" - people who come together on the basis of the total of the "struggle", as they say, with delusions and obscurantism, which is distributed by many vegetarians
. 3. "ethical vegetarianism - it is a viable concept, but it is suitable only too emotional people. And I am not one of those people. In a world of so much cruelty, cruelty to animals that do not deserve any attention »
About this conclusion, I gradually came to the discussion of those very issues and controversies, about which I wrote in the last paragraph.
And then there was a landmark moment for the sake of illumination is higher I mentioned the so-called "anti-vegans" I realized that in fact unites these people who are ready for a thousand times obmusolivat the same theme, such as parent-raw foodists that Zamora child hunger, or "pranoedov" who say that giving up meat gives almost the ability to fly. They already had been long understood that the reason for such behavior is not a vegetarian, and mental disabilities: Easy or not, but still obmusolivat and obmusolivat, spread and spread ... The reason is simple: in fact they are united not some noble desire to fight obscurantism and hatred of the banal own cruel, barbaric habits, manifested in the form of hatred for vegetarians. They just did not want to accept the fact that such examples (parents raw foodists, Zamora child hunger and the like) - it is an exception - it is simply inadequate people who are found not only among the far-vegetarians. The logic of justification: "all vegetarians - crazy crazy, so I have to eat animals, not to become the same."
This conclusion I have - then is not a vegetarian, has already forced to distance himself from such communities as it became commonplace disgusting.
4. All the arguments against vegetarianism - it's ridiculous attempts to justify their eating habits. In civilized man is simply no other power options, in addition to vegetarianism.
But this simple conclusion ended up what was going on from the very moment when I realized that my original idea of vegetarians, to put it mildly, is not quite true: the reflection and discussion of controversial arguments that prevented me to become a vegetarian.
Summing up, we can say that the main role in changing my views on vegetarianism, by which I myself became a vegetarian played:
1. People who are taking the time out to discuss all the issues that seemed to me to be contradictory. Among them there is even a single person to whom I am particularly grateful.
2. Self-sufficient, harmonious vegetarians, looking at which you want to say, "Yes! Here's a man I'd like to be like! "And here I can again distinguish one individual.
3. The so-called "anti-vegans', whose behavior clearly demonstrated to me what actually makes people hate vegetarianism and vegetarians. (There is no individual especially distinguished themselves. All the same personalities.)
Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has decided to become a vegetarian.
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