Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has decided to become a vegetarian.

The politician said that the desire to eat meat had disappeared after he read about the suffering of animals that go to slaughter. The decision to become a vegetarian 80-year-old Berlusconi has taken recently.

"Ever since I read about the suffering of animals that go to slaughter, and therefore death, the desire to eat meat I have lost. I can do without meat, "- said 80-year-old politician
. "We are talking about the amazing creatures. How can you kill them? How can they have? "- He continued. According to the newspaper, the decision of Berlusconi, who on September 29 was 80 years old, received recently.
As evidence of the seriousness of the intentions of the former prime minister to become a vegetarian Corriere della Sera notes that a few days ago, he instructed his cook at the villa in Arcore near Milan stop "doing stews with meat."