Interesting facts about Italy

1. In Italy 20 regions. They are all very different. If you've been in one or two - you're in Italy was not. 2. In each region its own dialect. Residents of neighboring regions can not understand each other. 3. The regions are divided into communes. Residents of communities may also have their own dialects and do not understand the neighbors. 4. About 80% of businesses in Sicily, Calabria and the Company to pay tribute to the Mafia. 5. In Italy, there are no orphanages. 6. In Italy, there are no homeless animals. 7. Men in families terribly afraid of their wives. 8. The rules of driving in Italy says that when overtaking is possible to prevent the main beam. In other European countries you may be fined for it. 9. If you ask for a coffee bar in English, it can cost 2 times more expensive. 10. For local prices in bars and cafes can be lower than for tourists. 11. The letter "C" on tap is denoted by hot water (Calda). 12. freeway Autostrada almost always paid. Speed is limited to 130 km / h. But many do not care. Police radar is very rare. 13. The majority of Italian designers fortune in sales in Russia. 14. The further south region - the friendliest people. 15. Almost all of Italy is not recommended to drink tap water because of problems with the plumbing 16. Many Italians have a cottage by the sea. 17. All the Italian word ends in a vowel. 18. The kitchen in each region differs significantly. 19. Spaghetti alla Bolognese - the name for the tourists. The locals call this dish Spaghetti con ragu, without taking Bologna attempt to assign this dish. 20. In Italy, one of the highest life expectancies in the world.

21. The Italians and Spaniards understand each other because of the similarity of languages. 22. Aosta region do not speak Italian and understand it poorly. The main language there is German. 23. The language which is considered official in Italy, in fact - the Florentine dialect. He became general after the writing of Dante's "Divine Comedy." 24. In Italy, 54 police organization. They all have a right to bear arms. Even regulators. 25. Italy and Poland are two of the most religious countries in Europe. 26. When completing the annual tax return is necessary to make donations to the Catholic Church. 27. The tobacco shop performs many functions - where you can fill up the phone, buy a parking ticket and even pay some taxes. 28. The most greedy and socially irresponsible mafia (Camorra) in Calabria - the only region in the Salerno - Reggio built more than 40 years. All this time the money stolen. 29. In Italy, there are almost all climatic zones, except the extreme. 30. The main meal in the evening in the form of a dense family dinner. 31. The Italians almost do not drink juice, you will not find in many restaurants. 32. Spirits Italians almost no use. 33. The main drink - water or wine. Sometimes beer. 34. 60% of the world cultural heritage in Italy. 35. Florence - a city in Tuscany, with the largest pedestrian area in the world. 36. Olive oil should be bought from the peasants in the countryside. Buy it in the supermarket is considered bad manners in most regions. To a lesser extent this applies to wine. 37. The Italians are actively using dozens of gestures when speaking. In general, hundreds of them. Born as an aid in communication because of the significant differences between languages in the country. 38. Women are considered indecent gesture. 39. The most insulting gesture - "goat" of the index finger and thumb up - means that you cuckold. The same gesture thumbs down wards off damage. 40. At the wedding send one or two invitations. On the first, you are entitled to come to the ceremony at the church, the second - on the merry drinking party and feast upon. 41. At Christmas, decided to give each other red shorts. Yes, and that was happiness, they have to sleep on Christmas Eve. 42. Most Italians never traveled south of Rome. 43. In some regions, if there were three smokers - the youngest has to put out a cigarette - a bad omen. 44. When talking to credibility, nice to take a friend's elbow. 45. 80% of the Italian territory is covered by mountains. 46. Italy - mononational country. 95% of the population - the Italians. 47. More half a century ago the Italian language was used only in the literature. All regions spoke their own languages. Language spread through television. 48. So far, 20% of the population does not understand the official Italian. 49. The real Italian pizza baked in wood-fired ovens. 50. The EU is trying to ban the production of some cheeses, pizza on wood, some kinds of ham in Italy as inappropriate notions of hygiene and standards (ash falls on pizza, cheese buried in the ground).

51. 98% of Italians - Catholics. 52. Pasta - is not only pasta, but anything made from flour. 53. The most popular sport in Italy - football. Next come the motocross and cycling. 54. The Italian national football team squadra azzurra - translated as the blue team. And the players called azzurri - blue. 55. The world's first ghetto for Jews Italians staged in Venice in the 16th century. 56. "Italian strike" is not a myth - it often means fun at work. 57. The Italians make fun of tourists who visit the cafe on the main square and pay a lot of money for poor quality food. 58. The best restaurants often have no signs. You can get there only on the recommendation. 59. When you purchase it is necessary to take a check. You can delay the financial police with the package from the store or pie in hand with the question of where you bought it and slapped a heavy fine in the absence of a check. 60. Previously, Lamborghini was known as the company that manufactures tractors. And with a fright they began to make luxury cars? 61. In Italy, important cronyism and recommendations. Even if you just want to get a haircut. "Come from anyone" to the doctor or the hairdresser is considered strange. 62. Some laws are not binding. So in Italy there are hundreds of thousands (!) Of illegal structures. Including in the coastal zone. 63. Within Italy there are 2 more states: San Marino and the Vatican City. 64. The Italians dress very "so-so" and even casually, like black. Exceptions - Milan, Rome, several resorts. 65. In Italy, be prohibited at night on the beach. Fine - about 1,000 euros. 66. By the way, it is forbidden to claim home seawater. 67. The Italians are not punctual. Time for them nothing. It is better to come later, so do not wait. 68. The schedule of trains, buses and planes are also quite arbitrary. Time, platforms and gates on bulletin boards - exemplary. 69. The bag on one shoulder are only tourists. Local always dress over her head. Can snatch motorcyclists. 70. The Italians are not the heirs of the Roman Empire, although living in the same territory. 71. On admission to state universities in Italy do not have to take exams. Take all. 72. Italian universities and campuses are no dorm - all rented accommodation according to their capabilities. 73. Exams in Italy in many universities who pass when he wants, when ready - no sessions. 74. The formal procedure of divorce spouses in Italy lasts about three years. Even then the court may order a man keep his ex-wife, if she has enough money. 75. Dress in non-tourist areas must be modest. Short skirts and girls shorts for men are not welcome. 76. Work Italians do not like. But very offended when they talk about it. 77. The form of the Italian police sews Prada. 78. respected man may call adding a prefix to the name "Doctor." This does not mean that it has to do with medical or scientific degree. 79. The further south - the more sincerely men kissing at a meeting and parting. It's okay - but I was a bit hard to get used to when unshaven mug climbs to you with outstretched gubami.

80. Children Italians do not just love, and allow them to do anything. If someone's kid will turn on you tomato sauce - you have to smile and tell how it's cute. 81. The Italians - fans of music and theater. Usually they buy annual passes to. In some theaters are not under subscriptions are no tickets or very bad places. 82. Some organizations may consist solely of members of one family or a clan. 83. In Italy, forbidden to draw chalk on the pavement. 84. Every village or town has its own patron saint - a saint. 85. Number 17 in Italy unhappy. A 13 - it is even pretty. 86. Letters K, Y, W, X, J in the Italian alphabet lacking. I without "to" At first it was very uncomfortable. 87. The Italians are wary of the blue-eyed people. It is believed that they may jinx. 88. In Italy (as well as in the US) can not open an umbrella indoors - to bring bad luck. 89. By the way, pour wine on the table - fortunately. 90. Clothes in Italy is better to buy in large malls in the country. 91. For men it is normal to live up to 40 years with his mother. 92. In August, the whole country goes on vacation together. Even large enterprises stop. 93. They do not yell and do not swear - they talk. 94. Natale - this Christmas. A Santa Claus Babbo Natale, respectively. 95. In Italy congratulate women on March 8. 96. The Italians love to play the lottery and all sorts of betting. To understand them is unthinkable. But they can do. 97. Internet in Italy - only on presentation of a passport and leaving it up to the Internet club. And the phone SIM-cards. Yes, and football tickets, too. 98. Meat, fish, sausage and vegetables of high quality made in small shops to buy from people they know. 99. Bidet - must-have accessory of any (non-public) toilet. Even in the most bedraggled hotel will bidet. Moreover, the Italians are sure that we do not know what it is. 100. In many regions, Friday - Men's Day. In restaurants, the company strictly guys. The girls go to bars that day indecent. : Stebun.livejournal.com
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