Milan is a city with hundreds of attractions

The Cathedral Of Santa Maria Nascente
Holiday in Italy, in Milan, is the contact with the wonderful world of history, art and inimitable beauty. The symbol of Milan and one of the main treasures of Italy, along with the Colosseum, Cathedral, aka the Duomo. The full name of the sanctuary — Cathedral of Santa Maria Nascente. This is the greatest specimen of Gothic. The fourth largest Gothic Church in the world impresses with its size and abundance of decoration. The facade of the Duomo is decorated with many sculptural elements characteristic of the Gothic style. The exterior and the interior of the temple is more than three thousand statues. In total, the Duomo, can accommodate up to four thousand people. It is not surprising that the creation of such a monumental creation is gone not years, but centuries. The construction of the Cathedral began in the XXIV century, but its final form it acquired only in the XIX century. Inside you can see an abundance of gemstone jewelry, and stained glass Windows of the XVI century and a nail from the cross of Jesus.But if you think that this is the main object that made the excursion tourism in Italy, it is deeply mistaken, this is only the beginning of a long and exciting adventure in a setting created by the architectural geniuses of art. Sforza castle or the Palazzo Sforzesco, without its lush appearance it would be difficult to present a panorama of Milan. It is built for one of the rulers of Milan, Francesco Sforza, and the decor was made by Leonardo da Vinci, however, from his activities at the Palace so little has survived. Today inside there is a several prominent Museum exhibitions that are definitely worth a visit.

The Pinacoteca Di Brera
The first, which sent critics and connoisseurs, once in Milan is the Pinacoteca di Brera. No wonder she is included in all guidebooks of the country, luring tourists an enormous collection of paintings of the XIV-XIX centuries. In its halls display works of prominent European painters: Caravaggio, Raphael, van Dyck, El Greco, Goya, Rembrandt, etc.

The Theatre "La Scala"
What attracts theatergoers, you can guess from the first time, the theater "La Scala", which with stunning interior and superb acoustics from the first day of its existence, was the favorite of the public. Today it is the main Opera house of Europe, and all significant premieres and performances of "Golden voice" are here.Ambrosiana Pinakothek holds not only pictures of the greatest masters, but also books, manuscripts and other valuable items. In its storerooms are carefully stored rare works of da Vinci, Bruegel, Titian, Raphael.Holiday in Italy — a delight for admirers of art, because in the museums are kept tens of thousands of priceless paintings, frescoes and sculptures. I wish to see this come to the Villa Reale, where the Gallery of modern art. In addition to admiring the paintings of van Gogh, Modigliani, Monet, art Nouveau, Picasso, will be able to enjoy the contemplation of the architecture of the eighteenth century and neoclassical style.

Tower Velasco
In the middle of the city silently and rather grimly towers Velasco as evidence that progress has reached here. It's pretty ugly skyscraper built in the XX century. Despite the apparent affiliation to modern architecture, it is possible to see the features of the Lombard style, which was popular in the middle ages. The main feature of the tower — upper floors overhang the lower, due to the larger area. Building height is 100 meters, and this is one of the tallest buildings in Milan.To experience Italian arts and crafts in the Museum Poldi Pezzoli. The main wealth of the exhibition — paintings by Flemish artists, as well as an extensive collection of weapons, clocks and watches, medieval armor, Venetian glass, furniture, sculptures, antique ceramics and Flemish tapestries. Interesting and rooms are decorated in different styles.If you make a touristic trip to Italy and was in Milan — visit the Royal Palace. Externally, the building is unremarkable, and a special decorative value is not, but inside, there is another major exhibition of painting and sculpture.However, the main interest is in Milan's historic core, which began development of the city. Here the largest and most eye-catching object is the gate of Porta Romana. They are called so because when they began the road to the "eternal city". Huge size and a pronounced Romanesque style makes the gate unique monument of architecture.

The building of the Central station
Quite an extraordinary legacy of recent history — the building of the Central station. It was built along with the development of fascism in Italy and symbolized not only strengthening, but also the strength, the grandeur of the new regime. Externally, the station produces the same gloomy impression as to the circumstances under which it was built, is a bulky, aggressive, and hard to follow structure. It contrasts sharply with others with ease and elegance, but for completeness of sensations to explore, it is still worth it, especially if you happen to come on a sightseeing holiday in Italy.Many admirers of Leonardo da Vinci draws the Museum of science and technology, named in honor of the master. Here you can see his work, sketches and layouts.Milan's antique market is a proud landmark of the city. Here you can buy everything from worthless pseudostring Souvenirs to real works of art.

Gallery Victor Emmanuel II
Shopping in Milan, generally speaking, elevated to the rank of art, and its main urban locations are considered to be real pearls. A striking example — gallery Victor Emmanuel II — in fact this is the main shopping promenade with expensive boutiques, brand shops and stalls. It is not necessary to get all the brochures and review articles about the trip in Milan.What else to visit in Milan? First of all, the Museum of the Castello with a collection of ancient frescoes, majolica and sculpture. Public gardens, Park, Ravizza — a clear proof that natural areas with a light hand designers can turn into real works of art. Well, for a tourist city meets the Park "Mini-Italy", where on one square you can see the main architectural monuments of the country.
Source: ecowars.tv/