Wild whistle kill the silence and the monotonous hum of the old bus, a split second and showered glass more second bus and rushed, podkinulo.Te who were killed immediately to the front of almost everyone else who has been kantuzhen or just badly wounded were left to burn.
We jumped through the window of 5-7 people, the whistle, the explosion, several people with cries and groans were falling to the ground all the wild absorbs odor pores, shit and blood, mesevo of devchenok and boys, 13-15 year old brats we all then choose their by chance found themselves on the wrong side at the time of the Civil War ....
Belyaev, Milan, Radovan Ivan these four names will remain with me forever.
It is not clear how and why this has become such a small town poboeschem.i why the driver did not know what's going on here, and maybe knew ...
Belyaev, thick, dark-skinned girl with singed hair and scratched Lietz, a little foolish but like everything in this age
Milan, I remember as a boy with a childish Lietz and very good smile, he smiled only on the bus,
Radovan and Ivan were fashionably dressed, and one of them was a player, the subject of my jealousy.
After the first explosion was followed by second, third, and then all was quiet, someone stanal someone called my mother, Belyaev just cried ...
His head pounded and cut into viskah.Radovan who was sitting next to me said that the need to run, run otsyuda.Menya not persuade prishlos.Nogi gave way in my head buzzing, odbezhav couple of houses we stopped spryatyvshes for concrete fence entrance to the basement.
-Where are we ??
- I do not zanyu,
Next came those places where we could be ...
-Who Shot at us
-For That
You're a fool? Tele smotrish or not?
On the road, a figure Belyany she ran like a strange funny roared into the arms of her was kakayato stick.
-Where It
(I replied in Russian) -In the soul does not Yabu
What ??
-I do not know
EEEYYYYY come here
Belyana stopped without knowing who the covenant
Court Court !!!
-There's All dead, dvaoe only alive,
Where they do not have to beat zanyu court reached.
A couple of minutes later Mlan and Ivan, more Milan carried Ivan Ivanov was seriously wounded in zhevot.
We went into the basement, Ivan put on a cardboard box from under the refrigerator,
He moaned and held his stomach, spitting blood and hrepel ...
What do we do ??
-I Hope to move away
-You Zanesh in what direction? He asked me to Milan
-No, I do not zanyu where we are, we went to the curtained windows few hours I slept all
-There Was a machine I videla.Vstavila Belyana
-I Hope to go back to the bus and can look, who still remained alive
The path to the broken bus went Radovan, He returned after 10 minutes after having not, privolocha with a pack of segoret, grenade (after having learned that I was this Italian pomegranate while for me there was no difference) player and a Kalashnikov.
I do not know why, but we decided to stay here and wait for us to come, who we waited for the police or the parents I do not know,
Ivan continued to moan and hreper hard Disha he spat blood, the blood was a lot I did not when I did not see and did not think it could be so much blood in uotdogo person.
I decided to show heroism and chyudesa look that does not go under the windbreaker he simply presses a ......
I felt sick, vomited ... where they were and where ulcer edges, I do not know, and I saw it all the first time.
Milan said that he needed a hospital,
-What Hospital? I yelled
-We Do not zanem where we are and what's going on and when we take away from this
What happened next I remember vaguely, in general, we were there all night
I got up a couple of times looking out of the basement, did not sleep not kto.K morning quieted Ivan
I approached him, I saw him open his eyes and open mouth, died died exactly pounding in my head.
Belyana cry again.
We decided that as the light will have to get out of here. Until the morning sat in silence, and Radovan Milan searched the basement, the result of their adventures was to found the second exit in the opposite direction.
It bloomed, looking out of the basement and making sure that nobody, no, I straightened up and drew back hissing srazuzhe -bosyantsyyyyy.Po street UAZ went with an open top with a cloth tied (read flag) if anyone has ever seen the flag of Bosnia knows it can not be confused ... For Purley him a few dozen brave bastard (read men).
Huddled in the basement, we sat without moving a couple of minutes,
What shall we do?
Come on tell them everything
-Letshe Zdohnut father said they were Serbs eyes gouged out, their knives are such serbosek
-Bezhat, It is necessary
-I Bad run whimpered Belyana.
-Each Of oneself is proposed Milan.
-No Will all be selected.
So reshili.poskolku shoot from all of them, I could only wonder I dovereli technique called automatic, it was heavy and neudobnyy.Osobogo delight I experienced, I understand that vryatli I could pull the trigger and vryatli'll get.
What shall we do with Ivan ?? Asked Belyana.
What we do next makes me proud of myself to sihpor.
We privernuli Ivan on his stomach, put a grenade under the throat, unclenched mustache and carefully pulled the pin. And now think you dear Can you 14 years to do this ??
We went through the second exit once appeared on the road, we gave tear that there are forces fled to the forest.
Stowe, I froze turned Tuju something pricked me nogu.Razvernuvshis I ran to the place where the forest began
Shots, there is not even vysteryly, it was a hurricane mown branches
Milan who ran on a level with me down, drawing chin ground teeth and collecting stones he had not ran 10 meters to the pit where with all his might, I hooted and Radovan.
How not to fall into Bielany I do not know, she jumped behind them seconds after 20.
Trench went somewhere into the forest.
I looked, Milan was in toyzhe position that fell with strange and funny rastopyrinymi fingers on the hands that were folded in the opposite direction.
Bosnians something and yelling and waving at us, three of them briskly went to the basement where we come from, a minute later there was a dull cotton. I like to think that these fools die for a long time.
-Bezhim Yelling Radovan,
and we fled fled as best they could, and we shot in the back and two obobsravshimisya punk thick girl named Belyana.
Only when I arrived I saw the blood on his sweat pants.
To examine the wound legs and somehow did not feel pain, I thought
-Here it is the first injury.
Shook his leg moved on
We walked for about two days, or rather did not go but just winds and circled.
We were picked up on the road Serbian police detachment in the moment when I almost could not walk, and in Bielany fever ...
Wherefore evening I found my father, yet I spent three days with his leg
Then there was the Moscow Institute school, work
And just below the knee scar reminds me of Bielany, Radovan Ivan, Milan
The more I have not seen them .......
We jumped through the window of 5-7 people, the whistle, the explosion, several people with cries and groans were falling to the ground all the wild absorbs odor pores, shit and blood, mesevo of devchenok and boys, 13-15 year old brats we all then choose their by chance found themselves on the wrong side at the time of the Civil War ....
Belyaev, Milan, Radovan Ivan these four names will remain with me forever.
It is not clear how and why this has become such a small town poboeschem.i why the driver did not know what's going on here, and maybe knew ...
Belyaev, thick, dark-skinned girl with singed hair and scratched Lietz, a little foolish but like everything in this age
Milan, I remember as a boy with a childish Lietz and very good smile, he smiled only on the bus,
Radovan and Ivan were fashionably dressed, and one of them was a player, the subject of my jealousy.
After the first explosion was followed by second, third, and then all was quiet, someone stanal someone called my mother, Belyaev just cried ...
His head pounded and cut into viskah.Radovan who was sitting next to me said that the need to run, run otsyuda.Menya not persuade prishlos.Nogi gave way in my head buzzing, odbezhav couple of houses we stopped spryatyvshes for concrete fence entrance to the basement.
-Where are we ??
- I do not zanyu,
Next came those places where we could be ...
-Who Shot at us
-For That
You're a fool? Tele smotrish or not?
On the road, a figure Belyany she ran like a strange funny roared into the arms of her was kakayato stick.
-Where It
(I replied in Russian) -In the soul does not Yabu
What ??
-I do not know
EEEYYYYY come here
Belyana stopped without knowing who the covenant
Court Court !!!
-There's All dead, dvaoe only alive,
Where they do not have to beat zanyu court reached.
A couple of minutes later Mlan and Ivan, more Milan carried Ivan Ivanov was seriously wounded in zhevot.
We went into the basement, Ivan put on a cardboard box from under the refrigerator,
He moaned and held his stomach, spitting blood and hrepel ...
What do we do ??
-I Hope to move away
-You Zanesh in what direction? He asked me to Milan
-No, I do not zanyu where we are, we went to the curtained windows few hours I slept all
-There Was a machine I videla.Vstavila Belyana
-I Hope to go back to the bus and can look, who still remained alive
The path to the broken bus went Radovan, He returned after 10 minutes after having not, privolocha with a pack of segoret, grenade (after having learned that I was this Italian pomegranate while for me there was no difference) player and a Kalashnikov.
I do not know why, but we decided to stay here and wait for us to come, who we waited for the police or the parents I do not know,
Ivan continued to moan and hreper hard Disha he spat blood, the blood was a lot I did not when I did not see and did not think it could be so much blood in uotdogo person.
I decided to show heroism and chyudesa look that does not go under the windbreaker he simply presses a ......
I felt sick, vomited ... where they were and where ulcer edges, I do not know, and I saw it all the first time.
Milan said that he needed a hospital,
-What Hospital? I yelled
-We Do not zanem where we are and what's going on and when we take away from this
What happened next I remember vaguely, in general, we were there all night
I got up a couple of times looking out of the basement, did not sleep not kto.K morning quieted Ivan
I approached him, I saw him open his eyes and open mouth, died died exactly pounding in my head.
Belyana cry again.
We decided that as the light will have to get out of here. Until the morning sat in silence, and Radovan Milan searched the basement, the result of their adventures was to found the second exit in the opposite direction.
It bloomed, looking out of the basement and making sure that nobody, no, I straightened up and drew back hissing srazuzhe -bosyantsyyyyy.Po street UAZ went with an open top with a cloth tied (read flag) if anyone has ever seen the flag of Bosnia knows it can not be confused ... For Purley him a few dozen brave bastard (read men).
Huddled in the basement, we sat without moving a couple of minutes,
What shall we do?
Come on tell them everything
-Letshe Zdohnut father said they were Serbs eyes gouged out, their knives are such serbosek
-Bezhat, It is necessary
-I Bad run whimpered Belyana.
-Each Of oneself is proposed Milan.
-No Will all be selected.
So reshili.poskolku shoot from all of them, I could only wonder I dovereli technique called automatic, it was heavy and neudobnyy.Osobogo delight I experienced, I understand that vryatli I could pull the trigger and vryatli'll get.
What shall we do with Ivan ?? Asked Belyana.
What we do next makes me proud of myself to sihpor.
We privernuli Ivan on his stomach, put a grenade under the throat, unclenched mustache and carefully pulled the pin. And now think you dear Can you 14 years to do this ??
We went through the second exit once appeared on the road, we gave tear that there are forces fled to the forest.
Stowe, I froze turned Tuju something pricked me nogu.Razvernuvshis I ran to the place where the forest began
Shots, there is not even vysteryly, it was a hurricane mown branches
Milan who ran on a level with me down, drawing chin ground teeth and collecting stones he had not ran 10 meters to the pit where with all his might, I hooted and Radovan.
How not to fall into Bielany I do not know, she jumped behind them seconds after 20.
Trench went somewhere into the forest.
I looked, Milan was in toyzhe position that fell with strange and funny rastopyrinymi fingers on the hands that were folded in the opposite direction.
Bosnians something and yelling and waving at us, three of them briskly went to the basement where we come from, a minute later there was a dull cotton. I like to think that these fools die for a long time.
-Bezhim Yelling Radovan,
and we fled fled as best they could, and we shot in the back and two obobsravshimisya punk thick girl named Belyana.
Only when I arrived I saw the blood on his sweat pants.
To examine the wound legs and somehow did not feel pain, I thought
-Here it is the first injury.
Shook his leg moved on
We walked for about two days, or rather did not go but just winds and circled.
We were picked up on the road Serbian police detachment in the moment when I almost could not walk, and in Bielany fever ...
Wherefore evening I found my father, yet I spent three days with his leg
Then there was the Moscow Institute school, work
And just below the knee scar reminds me of Bielany, Radovan Ivan, Milan
The more I have not seen them .......
