Riddle Times Union Thoroughly check your observation and logic

1. How many travelers live in this camp?
2. When they come here today or a few days ago?
3. On what they come here?
4. How far from the camp to the nearest village?
5. Where the wind blows from the north or the south?
6. What is the current time of day?
7. Where did Shura?
8. Who was on duty last night? (Call by name.)
9. What's the date of the month?
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Net login and observation ... but if absolutely nothing - the answers below.
Answers: 1. How many travelers live in this camp? B>
Four. If you look closely, you will notice: cutlery for 4 persons, and in the list for duty - 4 name.
2. When they come here today or a few days ago? B>
Not today, according to the web between the tree and the tent, the guys arrived a few days ago.
3. What they came here? B>
On a boat. Around the tree are the oars.
4. How far from the camp to the nearest village? B>
No. In the picture there is the chicken, then somewhere near the village.
5. Where the wind blows from the north or the south? B>
From the south. In the tent there is a checkbox for which it can be determined where the wind blows. In the picture there is a tree on the one hand branch is shorter, the other longer. Typically, the trees on the south side branches longer.
6. What time of the day? B>
Morning. In the previous issue, we have determined where the north-south, you can now see where the east-west, and look at the shadows cast items.
7. Where did Shura? B>
He catches butterflies. Because the tent is seen net.
8. Who was on duty last night? (Call by name.) B>
Kolya. Today, Nick is looking for something in a backpack with the letter "K", Alex catches butterflies and Bob photographs nature (because of a backpack with the letter "B" is visible from the camera tripod). So, Peter is on duty today, as yesterday, according to the list on duty Kohl.
9. What day of what month? B>
August 8th. Judging from the list, just today on duty Peter, the number - 8. And because watermelon is in the meadow, then in August.
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