Lydia Litvyak
Lydia Litvyak - Hero of the Soviet Union, fighter pilot, commander of the aviation unit, Guard Lieutenant. It was one of the most successful women in World War II. This seemingly fragile and sweet girl devoted herself to the fight against the invaders, and do the impossible. Eternal glory to the heroes!
It so happened that among Soviet fighter aces who distinguished themselves in the Great Patriotic War, nation-wide fame and glory went, in fact, only two of them, the best - Ivan Kozhedub (for some data - 64 personal victories) and Alexander Pokryshkin (59). To great regret, our other "hawks" among the people almost do not know. Well, you know the truth, yet - thanks to the book by Boris Polevoy - about Alexey Maresiev (11, including 7 after returning to operation, with amputated legs). Some may remember the glorious son of the Crimean Tatar and Dagestani peoples Amet-Khan Sultan (30 plus 19 victories in the group). Here, in fact, and everything - or rather all ...
In the shadow of Kozhedub Pokryshkina and was even our third ace colleague Pokryshkina - Hero of the Soviet Union Grigory Rechkalov, ceded Pokryshkin quite a bit (56 victories). Here, however, there is one circumstance: Rechkalov was an excellent pilot and a brave man, but had a difficult character, was overly ambitious and "limping" on the part of the combat discipline.
... In general, our people are not sufficiently aware of their heroes-pilots and therefore it is essential to conduct the relevant work to eliminate "blind spots." But, by the way, the Red Army fought the best woman-as in aviation history - Lydia Litvyak. Particularly distinguished it in the Battle of Stalingrad, the 80th anniversary of the victory in which we are celebrating today. A buried Lydia Litvyak Ukraine - in a mass grave in the village of Dmitrievka the mining district, Donetsk region.
Lydia was born in Moscow in 1921. Like many young people 30s, I was fascinated by aviation. With 14 years she attended the Air Club and 15 made his first solo flight. After the end of the Kherson flying school instructor pilot he worked as an instructor at the flying club Kalinin. And Litvyak perfectly proved in this work, preparing the pre-war 45 students. When the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet command did not plan participation of women in combat aviation. However, the huge loss of flight crews forced to change the original intention. Already in October 1941, it was decided to form a volunteer regiment of three women. To lead this work commissioned legendary lёtchitse Raskovoy.
At the beginning of 1942 Lydia Litvyak filed a petition in the military - fighter - aircraft, attributing currently missing 100 flight hours. She enrolled in the 586 th Fighter Regiment (IAP). His first sortie Litvyak made in June in the sky over Saratov. Recalls Sergeant Inna Pasportnikova, the former wartime aircraft technician Lydia Litvyak:
"In October 1941, when we still trained at the training base at Engels, during the construction of Lila ordered out of the building. It was in the winter form, and we all saw that she cut off the top of their fur untov to make a fashionable collar suit for flight personnel. Our commander Marina Raskova asked when she did, and Lily said: "During the night ..." Raskova said that the next night Lily, instead of sleeping, otporet prishёt collar and fur boots back on. Its also more and arrested, put in a separate room, and it really worked all night Altering the back fur. It was the first time the other women paid attention to Lily, as before no one even noticed this low, a tiny girl. In its 20 years, she was so thin, pretty and very similar to the popular in those years, actress Serov. Strange to say, there was a war, and this little girl with blond hair thinking about a fur collar ... »
His first combat sorties brave lёtchitsa made as part of 586th Fighter Wing of the female in spring 1942 in the skies of Saratov, on the Volga covering the raid enemy aircraft. From April 15 to September 10, 1942 completed 35 sorties on patrol and transport aircraft to support critical loads. September 10, 1942, as part of the same regiment, arrived at Stalingrad and in a short time made 10 sorties.
September 13 in the second sortie of covering Stalingrad battle opened its account. First hit by Ju-88 bombers and then rescuing his girlfriend Paradise Belyaev, which ran out of ammunition, and took her place after fierce fight has lined the Me-109. Pilot Me-109 was a German baron, who won 30 aerial victories, Knight Knight's Cross.
At the end of September it had already fought at Stalingrad front in the 437 th "male" Regiment, defending Stalingrad, the sky, flying in the La-5. Later he moved to the Yak-1 with yellow number "44" on the board.
Female fighter unit did not last long. His commanding officer, First Lieutenant R. Belyaev, was soon knocked down and then forced to jump with a parachute was treated for a long time. After it dropped out of the system due to illness Kuznetsova. The regiment were only 2 lёtchitsy: Litvyak L. and E. Budanov. They achieved the best results in the fighting. Soon Lydia was hit by another "Junkers».
Lydia Litvyak was still a very young girl - she was barely 21 years old. Young and very romantic: the memories, Lydia wore long scarves, made of parachute silk, and always keep in the cockpit fighter bouquet of wildflowers. On the hood of his Yak-1, she painted a bright white lily.
Many believed her beauty. And at the front of Lydia came to love: her husband became her own master - Alexey SALOMATIN, won a total of 12 combat victories pobed.Novymi was crowned their fame and after the transfer of 8 January 1943 in the 296 th Fighter Aviation Regiment. By February Litvyak completed 16 combat missions in support of ground attack, reconnaissance of enemy forces, and cover our ground troops.
February 11, 1943 the commander of 296 th Fighter Regiment, Major N.I.Baranov led four of the fighters into battle. And again, as in September, Lydia was hit by the plane 2 - personally Ju-88 and FW-190 group. In one of the battles of her Yak-1 was hit and Lydia made a forced landing in enemy territory. Jumping out of the cab, she said, firing, ran away from the approaching German soldiers. But the distance between them rapidly decreased. For the last cartridge left in the barrel ... And suddenly swept over the heads of our enemy attack. German soldiers pouring fire, he forced them to throw themselves on the ground. Then, releasing gear, planned near Lida and stopped. Not getting out of the aircraft, the pilot frantically waving his arms. She rushed forward, squeezed the pilot on his knees, the plane went to take off and soon Lydia was in the regiment.
February 23, 1943 Litvyak handed new combat award - the Order of the Red Star. Earlier on December 22, 1942, she was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad." By the time the battle on its account already downed samolёtov.V of 8 March, the situation in the air even more difficult. March 22 in the region of Rostov-on-Don Litvyak participated in the interception group Ju-88. During a long and difficult battle, she managed to shoot down one "Junkers". At that time, came up to help "Junkers" of Six Me-109 went to go on the attack. Lydia noticed them first and to thwart a surprise attack, one stood in their way. 15 minutes spun deadly carousel. With great difficulty, I brought a wounded lёtchitsa crippled fighter back home. Reported that the job is done, she lost consciousness ...
After treatment in the hospital, she went to Moscow, giving a receipt, within a month will dolechivatsya home. But a week later Lydia returned to the regiment. May 5 not quite firmly established, Litvyak flew in support of the group of bombers. During the relegation dogfight ensued and Lydia was hit by enemy fighter. Two days later she was hit by another "Messer".
In April 1943, a very popular magazine "Ogonyok" placed on the first page (cover) photo girlfriends fighting - Lydia Litvyak and Catherine Budanov and a short explanation: "12 enemy planes shot down these brave women».
And in late May Litvyak in a brilliant manner, lightning attack from the sun hit by a German balloon-spotter who before could not bring down our other fighters. For this victory Lieutenant Lydia Litvyak was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. About her exploits in the paper, her name became known to the country. Success in battle overshadowed, however, the loss of loved ones. May 21, 1943 Lydia's husband died - Hero of the Soviet Union guards captain Alexei SALOMATIN. A July 19 did not return from the battlefield best friend - Kate Budanov, who at that time was the best female ace (11 victories). July 16, 1943 as part of sixes flew to support attack aircraft. In the area of the front line of our fighters entered the battle with 30 bombers, accompanied by 6 "Messerschmitt", trying to strike a blow to our ground forces. In this battle Litvyak person hit by a "Junkers" and together with the driven Me-109, but she was injured. On the requirement to go to be treated categorically refused. More than once she had ever accompany our attack planes and bombers. In one of the missions it had shot down Me-109, a couple of days - a fight again. July 16, 1943, fighting off three Me-109, Lydia came to the aid of his commander I. Golyshev, who fell upon quartet "Messers". Tag line caught the enemy machine. But it was hit and the plane. Chased to the ground, she was able to put its "yak" in the fuselage. Watching the battle infantry fire covered her landing. They were delighted to learn that a fearless pilot was a girl. August 1, 1943 Lydia Litvyak did not return from a mission. On that fateful day, she made three sorties. In one of them the driven pair hit Me-109. In the fourth radius of Six Yak-1, came into the fight with a group of 30 Ju-88 and 12 Me-109, tied a deadly maelstrom. And that is already burning "Junkers" falling apart "Messer". Coming out of the next peak, Lydia saw that the enemy out. It collects and our of Six. Standing close to the upper edge of the clouds, they went home. Suddenly, a white veil popped "Messer" and, before you dive back into the cloud, managed to turn the drive on the third pair of on-board № 23. «Yak" as it fell, but land lёtchitsa apparently tried to align it ... Anyway, as Lydia told fellow slave in this battle - Alexander Evdokimov. This gave birth to the hope that she is alive.
They were immediately organized her quest. However, neither the aircraft nor lёtchitsy been found. After the death of one of the fights of Sergeant Evdokimova, who knew which area fell Lidin "Yak", the official stopped the search.
During his short, little more than a year military career she performed 186 sorties, conducted 69 air battles and won 12 pobed.Harakterizuya confirmed it as a fighter aircraft, the former commander of the 273rd (31 th Guards) Fighter Wing HSU B. N. Eremin recalled: "It was a natural born lёtchitsa. She had a special talent fighter was courageous and resolute, resourceful and cautious. She could see the air ... »
Lydia Litvyak command of the regiment was presented the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. Soon he returned to enemy territory is one of the downed pilots earlier. He reported that, according to local residents, the road near the village of Marinovka got our fighter. Pilot was a girl - blond, short stature. By plane approached a car with German officers, and she left with them ... Most of the pilots did not believe the rumor, and continued efforts to clarify the fate of Lydia. But the shadow of suspicion has moved beyond the shelf and reached higher headquarters. The command of the division, demonstrating "caution" not to approve the Litvyak the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, limiting the Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree.
Once in a moment of revelation Lydia said aircraft mechanics, his girlfriend: "My biggest fear is an abyss without a trace. Anything, but not this. " For such concerns were well founded. Lida's father was arrested and executed as "enemies of the people" in 1937. She knew very well what it means to her, the daughter of the repressed, the gap missing. Nobody and nothing will not save her good name. Fate played a cruel joke with her, shall prepare just such a fate.
But Lydia searched, searched hard. More summer of 1946 the commander of the 73rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment I. Zapryagaev Marinovka sent to the area by car a few people to look for her next. Unfortunately, fellow soldiers Litvyak late just for a few days. Debris Lidino "Yak" has been destroyed ... In 1968, the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has attempted to restore the good name of lёtchitsy. In 1971 he joined in the search for young rangers school number 1 of the city of Krasny Luch. Summer of 1979, their quest to succeed. Being near the hamlet tannery guys know that the summer of 1943 on its outskirts down a Soviet fighter. The pilot, wounded in the head, was a woman. She is buried in the village of Dmitrovka miner Donetsk region in a mass grave. It was Lydia Litvyak that confirmed the course of further investigations. In July 1988, in the personal record Litvyak "disappeared" was finally replaced by "died performing a combat mission." The veterans of the regiment in which she fought, renewed her request for assignment of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Decree of the President of the USSR, dated May 5, 1990 for exemplary performance of command assignments and for displaying courage and heroism in the battles against the Nazi invaders Guard Lieutenant Litvyak Lidie Tymoshenko was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Order number 460056 Lenin and medal "Gold Star» № 11616 was deposited with the relatives of the victims of heroin.
She was awarded the Order of Lenin (05.05.1990 posthumously), the Red Banner (07/22/1943), the Patriotic War, 1 st degree (10/9/1943, posthumously), Red Star (02.17.1943), the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" (1943) . In the city-hero of Moscow on the house number 14 Novoslobodskaya Street, where she lived and where she heroine went to the front, a memorial plaque. A memorial plate installed at the memorial at the burial site, in the village of Dmitrovka miner Donetsk region.
Source: alex-serdyuk.livejournal.com

It so happened that among Soviet fighter aces who distinguished themselves in the Great Patriotic War, nation-wide fame and glory went, in fact, only two of them, the best - Ivan Kozhedub (for some data - 64 personal victories) and Alexander Pokryshkin (59). To great regret, our other "hawks" among the people almost do not know. Well, you know the truth, yet - thanks to the book by Boris Polevoy - about Alexey Maresiev (11, including 7 after returning to operation, with amputated legs). Some may remember the glorious son of the Crimean Tatar and Dagestani peoples Amet-Khan Sultan (30 plus 19 victories in the group). Here, in fact, and everything - or rather all ...
In the shadow of Kozhedub Pokryshkina and was even our third ace colleague Pokryshkina - Hero of the Soviet Union Grigory Rechkalov, ceded Pokryshkin quite a bit (56 victories). Here, however, there is one circumstance: Rechkalov was an excellent pilot and a brave man, but had a difficult character, was overly ambitious and "limping" on the part of the combat discipline.
... In general, our people are not sufficiently aware of their heroes-pilots and therefore it is essential to conduct the relevant work to eliminate "blind spots." But, by the way, the Red Army fought the best woman-as in aviation history - Lydia Litvyak. Particularly distinguished it in the Battle of Stalingrad, the 80th anniversary of the victory in which we are celebrating today. A buried Lydia Litvyak Ukraine - in a mass grave in the village of Dmitrievka the mining district, Donetsk region.

Lydia was born in Moscow in 1921. Like many young people 30s, I was fascinated by aviation. With 14 years she attended the Air Club and 15 made his first solo flight. After the end of the Kherson flying school instructor pilot he worked as an instructor at the flying club Kalinin. And Litvyak perfectly proved in this work, preparing the pre-war 45 students. When the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet command did not plan participation of women in combat aviation. However, the huge loss of flight crews forced to change the original intention. Already in October 1941, it was decided to form a volunteer regiment of three women. To lead this work commissioned legendary lёtchitse Raskovoy.
At the beginning of 1942 Lydia Litvyak filed a petition in the military - fighter - aircraft, attributing currently missing 100 flight hours. She enrolled in the 586 th Fighter Regiment (IAP). His first sortie Litvyak made in June in the sky over Saratov. Recalls Sergeant Inna Pasportnikova, the former wartime aircraft technician Lydia Litvyak:
"In October 1941, when we still trained at the training base at Engels, during the construction of Lila ordered out of the building. It was in the winter form, and we all saw that she cut off the top of their fur untov to make a fashionable collar suit for flight personnel. Our commander Marina Raskova asked when she did, and Lily said: "During the night ..." Raskova said that the next night Lily, instead of sleeping, otporet prishёt collar and fur boots back on. Its also more and arrested, put in a separate room, and it really worked all night Altering the back fur. It was the first time the other women paid attention to Lily, as before no one even noticed this low, a tiny girl. In its 20 years, she was so thin, pretty and very similar to the popular in those years, actress Serov. Strange to say, there was a war, and this little girl with blond hair thinking about a fur collar ... »
His first combat sorties brave lёtchitsa made as part of 586th Fighter Wing of the female in spring 1942 in the skies of Saratov, on the Volga covering the raid enemy aircraft. From April 15 to September 10, 1942 completed 35 sorties on patrol and transport aircraft to support critical loads. September 10, 1942, as part of the same regiment, arrived at Stalingrad and in a short time made 10 sorties.
September 13 in the second sortie of covering Stalingrad battle opened its account. First hit by Ju-88 bombers and then rescuing his girlfriend Paradise Belyaev, which ran out of ammunition, and took her place after fierce fight has lined the Me-109. Pilot Me-109 was a German baron, who won 30 aerial victories, Knight Knight's Cross.

At the end of September it had already fought at Stalingrad front in the 437 th "male" Regiment, defending Stalingrad, the sky, flying in the La-5. Later he moved to the Yak-1 with yellow number "44" on the board.

Female fighter unit did not last long. His commanding officer, First Lieutenant R. Belyaev, was soon knocked down and then forced to jump with a parachute was treated for a long time. After it dropped out of the system due to illness Kuznetsova. The regiment were only 2 lёtchitsy: Litvyak L. and E. Budanov. They achieved the best results in the fighting. Soon Lydia was hit by another "Junkers».
Lydia Litvyak was still a very young girl - she was barely 21 years old. Young and very romantic: the memories, Lydia wore long scarves, made of parachute silk, and always keep in the cockpit fighter bouquet of wildflowers. On the hood of his Yak-1, she painted a bright white lily.

Many believed her beauty. And at the front of Lydia came to love: her husband became her own master - Alexey SALOMATIN, won a total of 12 combat victories pobed.Novymi was crowned their fame and after the transfer of 8 January 1943 in the 296 th Fighter Aviation Regiment. By February Litvyak completed 16 combat missions in support of ground attack, reconnaissance of enemy forces, and cover our ground troops.
February 11, 1943 the commander of 296 th Fighter Regiment, Major N.I.Baranov led four of the fighters into battle. And again, as in September, Lydia was hit by the plane 2 - personally Ju-88 and FW-190 group. In one of the battles of her Yak-1 was hit and Lydia made a forced landing in enemy territory. Jumping out of the cab, she said, firing, ran away from the approaching German soldiers. But the distance between them rapidly decreased. For the last cartridge left in the barrel ... And suddenly swept over the heads of our enemy attack. German soldiers pouring fire, he forced them to throw themselves on the ground. Then, releasing gear, planned near Lida and stopped. Not getting out of the aircraft, the pilot frantically waving his arms. She rushed forward, squeezed the pilot on his knees, the plane went to take off and soon Lydia was in the regiment.

February 23, 1943 Litvyak handed new combat award - the Order of the Red Star. Earlier on December 22, 1942, she was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad." By the time the battle on its account already downed samolёtov.V of 8 March, the situation in the air even more difficult. March 22 in the region of Rostov-on-Don Litvyak participated in the interception group Ju-88. During a long and difficult battle, she managed to shoot down one "Junkers". At that time, came up to help "Junkers" of Six Me-109 went to go on the attack. Lydia noticed them first and to thwart a surprise attack, one stood in their way. 15 minutes spun deadly carousel. With great difficulty, I brought a wounded lёtchitsa crippled fighter back home. Reported that the job is done, she lost consciousness ...
After treatment in the hospital, she went to Moscow, giving a receipt, within a month will dolechivatsya home. But a week later Lydia returned to the regiment. May 5 not quite firmly established, Litvyak flew in support of the group of bombers. During the relegation dogfight ensued and Lydia was hit by enemy fighter. Two days later she was hit by another "Messer".
In April 1943, a very popular magazine "Ogonyok" placed on the first page (cover) photo girlfriends fighting - Lydia Litvyak and Catherine Budanov and a short explanation: "12 enemy planes shot down these brave women».

And in late May Litvyak in a brilliant manner, lightning attack from the sun hit by a German balloon-spotter who before could not bring down our other fighters. For this victory Lieutenant Lydia Litvyak was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. About her exploits in the paper, her name became known to the country. Success in battle overshadowed, however, the loss of loved ones. May 21, 1943 Lydia's husband died - Hero of the Soviet Union guards captain Alexei SALOMATIN. A July 19 did not return from the battlefield best friend - Kate Budanov, who at that time was the best female ace (11 victories). July 16, 1943 as part of sixes flew to support attack aircraft. In the area of the front line of our fighters entered the battle with 30 bombers, accompanied by 6 "Messerschmitt", trying to strike a blow to our ground forces. In this battle Litvyak person hit by a "Junkers" and together with the driven Me-109, but she was injured. On the requirement to go to be treated categorically refused. More than once she had ever accompany our attack planes and bombers. In one of the missions it had shot down Me-109, a couple of days - a fight again. July 16, 1943, fighting off three Me-109, Lydia came to the aid of his commander I. Golyshev, who fell upon quartet "Messers". Tag line caught the enemy machine. But it was hit and the plane. Chased to the ground, she was able to put its "yak" in the fuselage. Watching the battle infantry fire covered her landing. They were delighted to learn that a fearless pilot was a girl. August 1, 1943 Lydia Litvyak did not return from a mission. On that fateful day, she made three sorties. In one of them the driven pair hit Me-109. In the fourth radius of Six Yak-1, came into the fight with a group of 30 Ju-88 and 12 Me-109, tied a deadly maelstrom. And that is already burning "Junkers" falling apart "Messer". Coming out of the next peak, Lydia saw that the enemy out. It collects and our of Six. Standing close to the upper edge of the clouds, they went home. Suddenly, a white veil popped "Messer" and, before you dive back into the cloud, managed to turn the drive on the third pair of on-board № 23. «Yak" as it fell, but land lёtchitsa apparently tried to align it ... Anyway, as Lydia told fellow slave in this battle - Alexander Evdokimov. This gave birth to the hope that she is alive.

They were immediately organized her quest. However, neither the aircraft nor lёtchitsy been found. After the death of one of the fights of Sergeant Evdokimova, who knew which area fell Lidin "Yak", the official stopped the search.
During his short, little more than a year military career she performed 186 sorties, conducted 69 air battles and won 12 pobed.Harakterizuya confirmed it as a fighter aircraft, the former commander of the 273rd (31 th Guards) Fighter Wing HSU B. N. Eremin recalled: "It was a natural born lёtchitsa. She had a special talent fighter was courageous and resolute, resourceful and cautious. She could see the air ... »
Lydia Litvyak command of the regiment was presented the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. Soon he returned to enemy territory is one of the downed pilots earlier. He reported that, according to local residents, the road near the village of Marinovka got our fighter. Pilot was a girl - blond, short stature. By plane approached a car with German officers, and she left with them ... Most of the pilots did not believe the rumor, and continued efforts to clarify the fate of Lydia. But the shadow of suspicion has moved beyond the shelf and reached higher headquarters. The command of the division, demonstrating "caution" not to approve the Litvyak the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, limiting the Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree.
Once in a moment of revelation Lydia said aircraft mechanics, his girlfriend: "My biggest fear is an abyss without a trace. Anything, but not this. " For such concerns were well founded. Lida's father was arrested and executed as "enemies of the people" in 1937. She knew very well what it means to her, the daughter of the repressed, the gap missing. Nobody and nothing will not save her good name. Fate played a cruel joke with her, shall prepare just such a fate.

But Lydia searched, searched hard. More summer of 1946 the commander of the 73rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment I. Zapryagaev Marinovka sent to the area by car a few people to look for her next. Unfortunately, fellow soldiers Litvyak late just for a few days. Debris Lidino "Yak" has been destroyed ... In 1968, the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has attempted to restore the good name of lёtchitsy. In 1971 he joined in the search for young rangers school number 1 of the city of Krasny Luch. Summer of 1979, their quest to succeed. Being near the hamlet tannery guys know that the summer of 1943 on its outskirts down a Soviet fighter. The pilot, wounded in the head, was a woman. She is buried in the village of Dmitrovka miner Donetsk region in a mass grave. It was Lydia Litvyak that confirmed the course of further investigations. In July 1988, in the personal record Litvyak "disappeared" was finally replaced by "died performing a combat mission." The veterans of the regiment in which she fought, renewed her request for assignment of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Decree of the President of the USSR, dated May 5, 1990 for exemplary performance of command assignments and for displaying courage and heroism in the battles against the Nazi invaders Guard Lieutenant Litvyak Lidie Tymoshenko was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Order number 460056 Lenin and medal "Gold Star» № 11616 was deposited with the relatives of the victims of heroin.
She was awarded the Order of Lenin (05.05.1990 posthumously), the Red Banner (07/22/1943), the Patriotic War, 1 st degree (10/9/1943, posthumously), Red Star (02.17.1943), the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" (1943) . In the city-hero of Moscow on the house number 14 Novoslobodskaya Street, where she lived and where she heroine went to the front, a memorial plaque. A memorial plate installed at the memorial at the burial site, in the village of Dmitrovka miner Donetsk region.

Source: alex-serdyuk.livejournal.com