Maxim Spiridonov. As a psychopath almost ruined our business
A detective story in a startup. This story may seem a tall tale, a fantasy. I would think that if wouldn't be in the middle of it. Twelve million six hundred seventy thousand six hundred one
Maxim Spiridonov, co-founder and CEO of the center for online learning "netology-group", This story may seem a tall tale, a fantasy. I would think that if wouldn't be in the middle of it.
The perfect employee a year ago, the company, which I run, the position of a marketer came a new employee. He looked very smart, knows his business specialist. We are already at the interview and I have discussed that after the probation period he will be eligible for one of the senior positions in marketing. The employee showed a high degree of ingenuity, quickly took the case and began to act. A little embarrassed by the impression he produced — he seemed so very right. Professional, responsive, very correct and polite, emphatically attentive to colleagues and management. Where in the world is perfect?
Some time passed and he became the informal leader among marketers. Assembled, able-bodied, with good administrative abilities — it was clear that the expert is valuable. And that place him in the Manager. I appointed him one of the marketing leaders of the company.
The appointment seemed even more gave him strength. Our hero has developed rough activity. Its activity, a reasonable proposal, as well as the ability to beautifully present them to management raised its importance in the eyes of colleagues. I really appreciated his help. He charged me a lot of operational issues of marketing and promotion. I gave him control of all the tasks. His role in the company grew.
As part of our borngasse the company established the commercial Department. They included all the departments involved in the marketing, sales, customer support. Get about 30-40 people. This is a significant part of our company of about 150 employees. Guess who I put in charge of this Department?
And of course, since the commercial Department has closed all matters relating to the receipt of the money to the company, the importance of this Department and its head was very large. Our hero became one of the five top managers who are actually managing the company. My interaction with him was daily covered all the questions of tactics and strategy. We talked a lot informally. I did not consider him a friend, but trusted him completely. In the end, he got access to all, even the most sensitive information of the company, became a permanent member of the boards every couple of months we have held with investors. In this mode, we have lived the last six months.
Not that everything was rosy with him completely. I remember the calls came in regularly. He is one of the shareholders something unpleasant privately talks about the other, then begins gently, but consistently to represent the negative side of one of the Manager in the eyes of another. Sometimes this information came to me.
Once I even happened to him quite a sharp conversation about what behavior is unacceptable. That if he wants to Express criticism in someone's address, it does not have to do it gradually and back. Especially if we are talking about managers of the company. Because this behavior can bring discord to the team. Our hero listened to my rebuke, looked me straight in the eyes and smooth voice explained — it's some kind of misunderstanding. He would never do anything to hurt the company that he, like other managers, invests all power, all soul.
The crisis and layoffs In may of this year, when the breath of the crisis reached us, but consumer spending was somewhat below, the top managers of the company decided to reduce expenses. It became clear that it is necessary for the well-being of the company in the long term.
Each of the heads of the company have prepared the concept of reductions in their unit. In particular, it was proposed to close a number of areas that do not bring money or bringing insufficient them. Developed a concept for his subordinate commercial Department and our hero. Irrelevant were 5-6 people from his unit. This number fell and the well-regarded veterans of the company.
No one wished to part with anyone, but his proposal was logical. Reducing costs was vital for the company. And I agreed. Receiving a guarantee of our hero that he will provide the gentle care of the staff, will be able to conduct psychological work with everyone who goes and who stays.
Twenty three million five hundred sixty three thousand five hundred eleven
In parallel, a slight reduction took place in other departments of the company. All senior managers engaged in the explanation to people of what is happening, stressed that the reduction — not a sign that everything is bad, and insurance against possible negative scenarios in the future. The people who left were offered severance packages, advice and active assistance in finding a new job. Most retired (on their own or with our help) were employed within 2-3 weeks after departure.
It's been a couple of weeks. People started to forget about this shake. The exception was the commercial Department. It continued to prevail the strongest tensions. The people were dark, closed, responded to my direct questions weird. Every day we talk with the hero about what to do, why the people of his Department so worried, why so low performance? As always, he was courteous to servility. He said he fully shares my concern, assured that only does that is trying to help colleagues, which leads them to psychotherapeutic work every day. With each of them.
The intrigue He was telling the truth. He really led this work. The only purpose of it was opposite what he needed company.
In the middle of last week, when the voltage of the commercial Department was already sparking with electricity, in the evening I got a call operating officer and, nervously, said that the urgent need to meet, that we've had an accident and it is not a phone conversation. I immediately rushed to meet. After 15 minutes we were sitting in the cafe. With wide eyes, the COO told me that last week our hero is the only busy that treats all its employees and persuaded them to resign from the company. The interview he conducts with each privately. Arguments finds the most diverse. The starting point, he always uses the fact held in the commercial Department cuts. He argues that the CEO just played what he sees in the employees only soulless instruments that the money from the company over tomorrow, and if we don't leave now, then it will be too late.
For the preparation of the indiscriminate dismissal of all commercial Department our hero has mobilized all his considerable energy. As I later learned, and day and night he called, wrote, and talked on Skype with each of their subordinates. Many he found and offered interesting jobs, gave advice on interviews, called then and asked how were the interviews. Never such conversations it is not conducted in groups. Only a personal processing of each. Fine tuning arguments for the type of personality and position of the employee. So, one of the governing officers of the Department he led on a daily basis and almost demanded him a speedy dismissal. Such a systemic treatment was carried out about three to four weeks day by day. In order to prepare for the day X was the best, he even asked me a week off. The urgency of such leave he explained an accident in the family.
Last week, he tirelessly prepared and synchronized people (remember, each separately) to a day X all together submitted a letter of resignation. Those who doubted, in the last days he spoke something in the spirit of "What's the point you stay? All gone. This company is doomed". All of this took place, remember, on the background of what he was telling me about what works with people, helping them to survive conducted reduce that a little more and everything will be over. All these details I learned later. I am sure that many do not know still.
The exposure will Return to that evening when we were sitting in a cafe with operations Director and she was horrified talked about the situation. One of the doubters employees told her that on Monday the whole commercial Department at once resign, and that under it is preparing the publication in the trade press. Indeed, the event did not go by news sites writing about the Internet. Such a scandal they would not be missed.
We operating officer and a shareholder of the developed action plan. And began to hold it. The next morning, to ensure that information about the upcoming mass dismissal is not fake, I had a few personal conversations with some members of the commercial Department. As always, in recent weeks, they looked distressed, lowered his eyes, answered reluctantly. But in the end each of them confirmed what he thinks to go and what their immediate boss also believes that "to catch there is nothing more".
Making sure that mind the company and I personally really woven intrigue, I began to act. We turned off all access to our hero to corporate channels of information and communication. Mail, CRM, knowledge base, etc. then I wrote in the General chat of the commercial Department long text in the spirit of "guys, you throw". The fact that the main argument why people can no longer work in the company and need all together to leave, our hero brought the last reduction. He argued that passionately defended and fought for each employee. And that I, as the General still held these reductions through his head.
So, in your chat message to all those he brainwashed, I brought screenshots of the documents and letters in which our hero he proposed these cuts, assumed the responsibility for their correct implementation and even offered ideas for more drastic layoffs.
Eleven million one hundred sixty four thousand seven hundred thirty two
After the publication of the text with a mass of evidence of lying on the part of our hero, I went to the open space of the commercial Department. Officers with gray faces greeted me with the words "We don't know who to believe." We had a two hour conversation, during which I also spoke about the fact that the financial situation of the company more than great — and how and why were the cuts. I brought new arguments that the life of a company continues, the company appreciates them. As in the fairy tale about Snow Queen, very slowly some of the guys started to thaw and to ask clarifying questions. In the course of these issues came to light the incredible amount of lies, poured them into the ears of their leader. And lies are often so outrageous and far from the truth that it was difficult to believe that such a thing is possible.
Since the week before the mass dismissal, which our hero was prepared, he took leave, he wasn't in the office. The staff hooked it up via Skype. Using the speakerphone was organized confrontation. People asked him in my presence to confirm what he was telling them. He spun like much in the pan. Until recently tried to wriggle out. But how varied the faces of my colleagues, I saw that they cease to believe him.
In the next two days were still dozens of interviews that I conducted and my colleagues. Came to light and important. Careful, imperceptible Subversion of our hero had not just last week. It was just the climax. He started doing that from the first days of work we have. Private conversations with each, the conquest of its location and the constant soft allusions to the incompetence of the leadership of the company and that everything is kept only on it.
Motives All the time from the moment when I learned what kind of things our hero was doing behind my back, I was not left with the question — why? I guess I know the answer.
The last few weeks he was visibly nervous. I gave him a view of several failures. First of all, the horrific mood of employees in his Department. Plus, I continued to communicate with people directly. At lunch, passing in the hallway, in the process of discussing business issues.
Our hero, apparently, found this means that I no command of his Department himself. And with him want to leave. Here, presumably, was born he got that idea. If you leave, then pump. To care only of the commercial Department. In fact, if a Manager leaves all the unit, this means that he is an outstanding leader. That is followed by people even in the fire, even in water!
Scorched in the fire of combat with insane leadership, our hero is removed from combat squad of his soldiers. All this is being actively discussed in social networks, in the media. Applause. Flowers. And our hero gets a few generous offers, and the reputation of the Savior and cool leader.
I knew that the ambitions of the guy is very large. But that is so... can't argue with beauty and the riskiness of the plan. After caring all the people working in the company for the incoming financial flows, could indeed have very much to damage her. This story would have remained in my memory as one of the brightest and most inexplicable examples of human meanness if his eyes did not caught the article a psychiatrist. It is called "Liars, cheaters, schemers" and examines the phenomenon of "corporate psychopathy". I can't explain how she caught the eye of one of my colleagues, and why he decided to send me the link. But this coincidence is phenomenal.
In the described where the mental disorder I saw our hero: "victims of psychopaths often remember them as significantly more pleasant and interesting than most normal people around. (Stout, 2005, 7) <...> Of the mind of a psychopath in reality there is warmth and sympathy to those he fascinates. <...> The intelligence of this man is very specific, mainly unidirectional. Psychopaths — people, whose whole mind went to the trick. Also they can not regret their actions, feel guilt or shame, not able to love and to get attached and therefore build relationships only for the use of others. They are deceitful, unreliable and do not learn from experience."
The idea to write this text came to me not only because of the desire to share with colleagues a sad experience, but out of a desire to make some psychological relief. This Monday I was able to leave all the merchants, and the company would be bloodless.
The hero of the publication, the former commercial Director "Netology" Alexander Ugrasen sent a "Secret" the following comment
I had a wonderful General Manager. This is the same — a week personally, in isolation from the business, engaged in brand promotion of the employee, who wished to leave him on their own. The last days only the lazy has not asked with the phrase a La: "So, good boots, we must take." Thanks to him, but really, you didn't have to worry.
Now I'm worried about him. Coming year, and in his repertoire changed, only the scenery — as the conflict in the podcast, the company gave way to conflict in the educational company. The script of the play is the same — a poor head of a company deceived by crafty employees. I'm afraid if the actor will not start to change the roles, risks becoming eternal D'artagnan.
In column read surprisingly exact diagnosis of "psychopath". Probably with me and the whole team of the commercial Department like shaped psychopaths: after all, worked together for more than a year under 100 hours a week, did not distinguish weekdays from weekends, to give the company record revenue (with growth of over 100%).
Don't think that was the perfect employee, as may be perceived from the column. I will say more — I am sure that a lot of things I probably did right: we made mistakes, blunders, and ambiguities. But they're not exactly wrong is he who does nothing.
The public expects that I will begin to stir up the "dirty Laundry", to refute the lies, to draw attention to the inconsistencies of the material, to put incriminating photos and a written confirmation. Will not — we are not created for this, probably one of the best educational brands to demolish it, demonstrating corporate skeletons. That allowed the actor is not allowed a Manager.
I am ashamed to users who entrusts their education and their children, and the unwitting witnesses of a corporate showdown. Please accept my apologies for the behavior of a former employer. Thanks to investors "netology-group" for the support expressed in the current situation.
P. S. Yes, and still. For their 26 years, I can grow quite rapidly through the ranks, but I hadn't planned to become CEO "Netology-group". Marketing and sales. That's what I love. What went to do. While! published
P. P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: secretmag.ru/articles/2015/06/10/spiridonov/
Maxim Spiridonov, co-founder and CEO of the center for online learning "netology-group", This story may seem a tall tale, a fantasy. I would think that if wouldn't be in the middle of it.
The perfect employee a year ago, the company, which I run, the position of a marketer came a new employee. He looked very smart, knows his business specialist. We are already at the interview and I have discussed that after the probation period he will be eligible for one of the senior positions in marketing. The employee showed a high degree of ingenuity, quickly took the case and began to act. A little embarrassed by the impression he produced — he seemed so very right. Professional, responsive, very correct and polite, emphatically attentive to colleagues and management. Where in the world is perfect?
Some time passed and he became the informal leader among marketers. Assembled, able-bodied, with good administrative abilities — it was clear that the expert is valuable. And that place him in the Manager. I appointed him one of the marketing leaders of the company.
The appointment seemed even more gave him strength. Our hero has developed rough activity. Its activity, a reasonable proposal, as well as the ability to beautifully present them to management raised its importance in the eyes of colleagues. I really appreciated his help. He charged me a lot of operational issues of marketing and promotion. I gave him control of all the tasks. His role in the company grew.
As part of our borngasse the company established the commercial Department. They included all the departments involved in the marketing, sales, customer support. Get about 30-40 people. This is a significant part of our company of about 150 employees. Guess who I put in charge of this Department?
And of course, since the commercial Department has closed all matters relating to the receipt of the money to the company, the importance of this Department and its head was very large. Our hero became one of the five top managers who are actually managing the company. My interaction with him was daily covered all the questions of tactics and strategy. We talked a lot informally. I did not consider him a friend, but trusted him completely. In the end, he got access to all, even the most sensitive information of the company, became a permanent member of the boards every couple of months we have held with investors. In this mode, we have lived the last six months.
Not that everything was rosy with him completely. I remember the calls came in regularly. He is one of the shareholders something unpleasant privately talks about the other, then begins gently, but consistently to represent the negative side of one of the Manager in the eyes of another. Sometimes this information came to me.
Once I even happened to him quite a sharp conversation about what behavior is unacceptable. That if he wants to Express criticism in someone's address, it does not have to do it gradually and back. Especially if we are talking about managers of the company. Because this behavior can bring discord to the team. Our hero listened to my rebuke, looked me straight in the eyes and smooth voice explained — it's some kind of misunderstanding. He would never do anything to hurt the company that he, like other managers, invests all power, all soul.
The crisis and layoffs In may of this year, when the breath of the crisis reached us, but consumer spending was somewhat below, the top managers of the company decided to reduce expenses. It became clear that it is necessary for the well-being of the company in the long term.
Each of the heads of the company have prepared the concept of reductions in their unit. In particular, it was proposed to close a number of areas that do not bring money or bringing insufficient them. Developed a concept for his subordinate commercial Department and our hero. Irrelevant were 5-6 people from his unit. This number fell and the well-regarded veterans of the company.
No one wished to part with anyone, but his proposal was logical. Reducing costs was vital for the company. And I agreed. Receiving a guarantee of our hero that he will provide the gentle care of the staff, will be able to conduct psychological work with everyone who goes and who stays.
Twenty three million five hundred sixty three thousand five hundred eleven
In parallel, a slight reduction took place in other departments of the company. All senior managers engaged in the explanation to people of what is happening, stressed that the reduction — not a sign that everything is bad, and insurance against possible negative scenarios in the future. The people who left were offered severance packages, advice and active assistance in finding a new job. Most retired (on their own or with our help) were employed within 2-3 weeks after departure.
It's been a couple of weeks. People started to forget about this shake. The exception was the commercial Department. It continued to prevail the strongest tensions. The people were dark, closed, responded to my direct questions weird. Every day we talk with the hero about what to do, why the people of his Department so worried, why so low performance? As always, he was courteous to servility. He said he fully shares my concern, assured that only does that is trying to help colleagues, which leads them to psychotherapeutic work every day. With each of them.
The intrigue He was telling the truth. He really led this work. The only purpose of it was opposite what he needed company.
In the middle of last week, when the voltage of the commercial Department was already sparking with electricity, in the evening I got a call operating officer and, nervously, said that the urgent need to meet, that we've had an accident and it is not a phone conversation. I immediately rushed to meet. After 15 minutes we were sitting in the cafe. With wide eyes, the COO told me that last week our hero is the only busy that treats all its employees and persuaded them to resign from the company. The interview he conducts with each privately. Arguments finds the most diverse. The starting point, he always uses the fact held in the commercial Department cuts. He argues that the CEO just played what he sees in the employees only soulless instruments that the money from the company over tomorrow, and if we don't leave now, then it will be too late.
For the preparation of the indiscriminate dismissal of all commercial Department our hero has mobilized all his considerable energy. As I later learned, and day and night he called, wrote, and talked on Skype with each of their subordinates. Many he found and offered interesting jobs, gave advice on interviews, called then and asked how were the interviews. Never such conversations it is not conducted in groups. Only a personal processing of each. Fine tuning arguments for the type of personality and position of the employee. So, one of the governing officers of the Department he led on a daily basis and almost demanded him a speedy dismissal. Such a systemic treatment was carried out about three to four weeks day by day. In order to prepare for the day X was the best, he even asked me a week off. The urgency of such leave he explained an accident in the family.
Last week, he tirelessly prepared and synchronized people (remember, each separately) to a day X all together submitted a letter of resignation. Those who doubted, in the last days he spoke something in the spirit of "What's the point you stay? All gone. This company is doomed". All of this took place, remember, on the background of what he was telling me about what works with people, helping them to survive conducted reduce that a little more and everything will be over. All these details I learned later. I am sure that many do not know still.
The exposure will Return to that evening when we were sitting in a cafe with operations Director and she was horrified talked about the situation. One of the doubters employees told her that on Monday the whole commercial Department at once resign, and that under it is preparing the publication in the trade press. Indeed, the event did not go by news sites writing about the Internet. Such a scandal they would not be missed.
We operating officer and a shareholder of the developed action plan. And began to hold it. The next morning, to ensure that information about the upcoming mass dismissal is not fake, I had a few personal conversations with some members of the commercial Department. As always, in recent weeks, they looked distressed, lowered his eyes, answered reluctantly. But in the end each of them confirmed what he thinks to go and what their immediate boss also believes that "to catch there is nothing more".
Making sure that mind the company and I personally really woven intrigue, I began to act. We turned off all access to our hero to corporate channels of information and communication. Mail, CRM, knowledge base, etc. then I wrote in the General chat of the commercial Department long text in the spirit of "guys, you throw". The fact that the main argument why people can no longer work in the company and need all together to leave, our hero brought the last reduction. He argued that passionately defended and fought for each employee. And that I, as the General still held these reductions through his head.
So, in your chat message to all those he brainwashed, I brought screenshots of the documents and letters in which our hero he proposed these cuts, assumed the responsibility for their correct implementation and even offered ideas for more drastic layoffs.
Eleven million one hundred sixty four thousand seven hundred thirty two
After the publication of the text with a mass of evidence of lying on the part of our hero, I went to the open space of the commercial Department. Officers with gray faces greeted me with the words "We don't know who to believe." We had a two hour conversation, during which I also spoke about the fact that the financial situation of the company more than great — and how and why were the cuts. I brought new arguments that the life of a company continues, the company appreciates them. As in the fairy tale about Snow Queen, very slowly some of the guys started to thaw and to ask clarifying questions. In the course of these issues came to light the incredible amount of lies, poured them into the ears of their leader. And lies are often so outrageous and far from the truth that it was difficult to believe that such a thing is possible.
Since the week before the mass dismissal, which our hero was prepared, he took leave, he wasn't in the office. The staff hooked it up via Skype. Using the speakerphone was organized confrontation. People asked him in my presence to confirm what he was telling them. He spun like much in the pan. Until recently tried to wriggle out. But how varied the faces of my colleagues, I saw that they cease to believe him.
In the next two days were still dozens of interviews that I conducted and my colleagues. Came to light and important. Careful, imperceptible Subversion of our hero had not just last week. It was just the climax. He started doing that from the first days of work we have. Private conversations with each, the conquest of its location and the constant soft allusions to the incompetence of the leadership of the company and that everything is kept only on it.
Motives All the time from the moment when I learned what kind of things our hero was doing behind my back, I was not left with the question — why? I guess I know the answer.
The last few weeks he was visibly nervous. I gave him a view of several failures. First of all, the horrific mood of employees in his Department. Plus, I continued to communicate with people directly. At lunch, passing in the hallway, in the process of discussing business issues.
Our hero, apparently, found this means that I no command of his Department himself. And with him want to leave. Here, presumably, was born he got that idea. If you leave, then pump. To care only of the commercial Department. In fact, if a Manager leaves all the unit, this means that he is an outstanding leader. That is followed by people even in the fire, even in water!
Scorched in the fire of combat with insane leadership, our hero is removed from combat squad of his soldiers. All this is being actively discussed in social networks, in the media. Applause. Flowers. And our hero gets a few generous offers, and the reputation of the Savior and cool leader.
I knew that the ambitions of the guy is very large. But that is so... can't argue with beauty and the riskiness of the plan. After caring all the people working in the company for the incoming financial flows, could indeed have very much to damage her. This story would have remained in my memory as one of the brightest and most inexplicable examples of human meanness if his eyes did not caught the article a psychiatrist. It is called "Liars, cheaters, schemers" and examines the phenomenon of "corporate psychopathy". I can't explain how she caught the eye of one of my colleagues, and why he decided to send me the link. But this coincidence is phenomenal.
In the described where the mental disorder I saw our hero: "victims of psychopaths often remember them as significantly more pleasant and interesting than most normal people around. (Stout, 2005, 7) <...> Of the mind of a psychopath in reality there is warmth and sympathy to those he fascinates. <...> The intelligence of this man is very specific, mainly unidirectional. Psychopaths — people, whose whole mind went to the trick. Also they can not regret their actions, feel guilt or shame, not able to love and to get attached and therefore build relationships only for the use of others. They are deceitful, unreliable and do not learn from experience."
The idea to write this text came to me not only because of the desire to share with colleagues a sad experience, but out of a desire to make some psychological relief. This Monday I was able to leave all the merchants, and the company would be bloodless.
The hero of the publication, the former commercial Director "Netology" Alexander Ugrasen sent a "Secret" the following comment
I had a wonderful General Manager. This is the same — a week personally, in isolation from the business, engaged in brand promotion of the employee, who wished to leave him on their own. The last days only the lazy has not asked with the phrase a La: "So, good boots, we must take." Thanks to him, but really, you didn't have to worry.
Now I'm worried about him. Coming year, and in his repertoire changed, only the scenery — as the conflict in the podcast, the company gave way to conflict in the educational company. The script of the play is the same — a poor head of a company deceived by crafty employees. I'm afraid if the actor will not start to change the roles, risks becoming eternal D'artagnan.
In column read surprisingly exact diagnosis of "psychopath". Probably with me and the whole team of the commercial Department like shaped psychopaths: after all, worked together for more than a year under 100 hours a week, did not distinguish weekdays from weekends, to give the company record revenue (with growth of over 100%).
Don't think that was the perfect employee, as may be perceived from the column. I will say more — I am sure that a lot of things I probably did right: we made mistakes, blunders, and ambiguities. But they're not exactly wrong is he who does nothing.
The public expects that I will begin to stir up the "dirty Laundry", to refute the lies, to draw attention to the inconsistencies of the material, to put incriminating photos and a written confirmation. Will not — we are not created for this, probably one of the best educational brands to demolish it, demonstrating corporate skeletons. That allowed the actor is not allowed a Manager.
I am ashamed to users who entrusts their education and their children, and the unwitting witnesses of a corporate showdown. Please accept my apologies for the behavior of a former employer. Thanks to investors "netology-group" for the support expressed in the current situation.
P. S. Yes, and still. For their 26 years, I can grow quite rapidly through the ranks, but I hadn't planned to become CEO "Netology-group". Marketing and sales. That's what I love. What went to do. While! published
P. P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: secretmag.ru/articles/2015/06/10/spiridonov/
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