15 signs that you are connected with a psychopath
The clinical psychopaths not so little - under the most pessimistic estimates applies to them about every 30 minutes. That is statistically a psychopath was in each class, and the university only on your course has a couple of personazhey.V criminal chronicle get one. The rest of the fold and the blood are eating the liver of his own neighbor figuratively. And there is no guarantee, next to you is not hanging around one of them.
Website published an article that will help calculate the psychopath in your environment.
He muzhchinaSkoree all. Nothing personal, but three-quarters of all psychopaths -. Men
He nevozmutimPsihopatiya - is the common name for a flower garden a variety of personality disorders. The common denominator among them is one - the psychopath quite frankly do not care about feelings, experiences, and the safety of others, he is not able to make any attachment, only for their imitation. Sympathy for him - it's like a round square for you, that is a thing absolutely incredible. These people live in a world populated by humans cardboard. Or robots. Or talking gadgets to meet their needs.
In short, in his universe psychopath - he is the only living person. That is why the psychopath is not too worried when his granny being taken to the hospital with flashing lights or best friend cynically throwing girl. Therefore psychopaths usually find people balanced and cold-blooded.
He talks about chuvstvahProfessor Cornell University (USA) Jeffrey Hancock spoke from the heart with a whole gang of diagnosed psychopaths and revealed an interesting pattern. When a normal person says something, he kept screwing something like "I already went cold," "thought - bursting with laughter," "I'm straight upset." The psychopath also mentions about their emotions are very rare, limited account of the events. But when it comes to such dull matters as food, shelter, clothes or money psychopath hours can be dispensed nightingale, in detail describing the new jacket
He zhertvaU psychopath hard life -. Poor adjusted, hurt and do not understand twenty times a day. If you catch it at some meanness, he proudly goes to the corner to suffer - and to do so he will be so loud, theatrical and convincingly, that you yourself also go running to comfort him - look how he killed
He. there is always more obyasneniePsihopat otgryzet his ear, than say, yes, I screwed up in full. He never, not guilty of anything. Moreover - in fact you are guilty. He did not write a report because you have it constantly reminds us of this, and it discourages the inspiration. He changed you, and what to do - you yourself 18 January 2012 looked at it as something unkind, which will carry a man? No matter how crazy any excuse psychopath justify it clearly and precisely: experts estimate that such people take turns "because" and "because" in some times more likely than all other
He vpechatlyaetEta breakdown in the brain. - innate, and it usually manifests itself in 13-15 years, and by the time you get to a psychopath, he matured and become strong. He will have a normal job, a normal company, a decent suit and no inclination to rush with the hatchet in the district, or eat grass from the lawn. Exactly the opposite - psychopaths usually eloquent, like to arrange dances around his person and impress. It is on the third date they take away the girls to Paris, arrange sudden party for 300 people and a horse bathed in champagne.
He sits on sheeVse above the joy of life psychopath rarely pays for itself. These people are very successful parasites on other organisms - parents, friends, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, and when the previous trough gives him a kick, he immediately finds the next. Psychopaths quietly run in the hand of the wicked party funds or the family piggy bank. Or simply accept the invitation to the restaurant, and in the late evening beaming smile and reported that the money they generally do not have
He nyuhPsihopaticheskie slight inclination -. Not just a lousy character, and destruction "in iron" that is, in a certain part of the brain cortex. A side effect of this problem - the inability to distinguish between the many odors. Scientists from Sydney conducted a study and found that people with psychopathic tendencies really hard to distinguish the smell of orange from the smell of popcorn or freshly cut grass, while normal people, even assholes, with the first scent recognize these odors.
He was married. Five razPsihopaty not particularly picky about relationships, and by the age of 30, they have time to fall desperately in love a few times, throw the whole world at the feet of a beautiful lady, cool off and fall in love all over again. They do not really know how to evaluate the consequences of their actions are weak in planning and do not understand the meaning of the word "responsibility", so often instead of candy buketnogo period immediately offer crazed by such pressure Passo honeymoon. Usually all month and ends
He changes roliPsihopaty -. Born manipulators, they do not even need to read the relevant books and go to training. Any ordinary psychopath expert in the manipulation of floor wash. Psychopaths have to knock you out of the rut, and the best tactic - to set your inadequate. Here he votes, beating in convulsions and batters set, but it is worth to you the most to raise his voice as a psychopath instantly calms and puzzled looks at you - good heavens, well, you and hysterical. Drink valerian.
He has an excellent memory for pain tochkiOni not averse to mock a man when he is in the disassembled state. The psychopath can be very sympathetic, as long as you, sniffing and eating the third martini, dumped him sore. Oh, better if you did not. People like your counterpart perfectly remember what you most frustrating, and on occasion not averse to kick you in the most sensitive spot. "Of course, you have no one - who want to listen to so much whining»
He torchokEmotsionalny adrenaline world of the psychopath is poor, as an African village, and he was often bored.. In the best case, it will be to blame others for what they have turned his life into a swamp, and at worst - to seek thrills where no hitting - in the bottle, the local pusher, in street fights and overtaking on the opposite line. Psychopaths can not stand the silence, peace and solitude, in this grace they may even start a panic attack
He trollitV every troll is a little psycho, but in every psychopath fully troll -. He just likes to annoy and humiliate people, and it has nothing to do with the art of verbal sword-play. Psycho will proudly tell you how naughty child brought to tears (education - it is), put in place fellow idiots and showed Baba, who is the boss
He said Gregory vretKak our House, lie all. - but the psychopath in this sense literally bears and throws. Noodles on the ears he hangs solely for the love of art, or to stir interest in his person, but very rarely -. To avoid trouble
proigryvatPsihopat He can not always convinced of his superiority, and therefore does not tolerate rivals. Even first-graders with salochki he will play as if he is involved in the Rugby World Cup. But losing in the "Monopoly", may well seriously angry and slam the door, finally accusing all of cheating.
Text Olga Lysenko, the source Pics.ru
via factroom.ru

Website published an article that will help calculate the psychopath in your environment.
He muzhchinaSkoree all. Nothing personal, but three-quarters of all psychopaths -. Men
He nevozmutimPsihopatiya - is the common name for a flower garden a variety of personality disorders. The common denominator among them is one - the psychopath quite frankly do not care about feelings, experiences, and the safety of others, he is not able to make any attachment, only for their imitation. Sympathy for him - it's like a round square for you, that is a thing absolutely incredible. These people live in a world populated by humans cardboard. Or robots. Or talking gadgets to meet their needs.
In short, in his universe psychopath - he is the only living person. That is why the psychopath is not too worried when his granny being taken to the hospital with flashing lights or best friend cynically throwing girl. Therefore psychopaths usually find people balanced and cold-blooded.
He talks about chuvstvahProfessor Cornell University (USA) Jeffrey Hancock spoke from the heart with a whole gang of diagnosed psychopaths and revealed an interesting pattern. When a normal person says something, he kept screwing something like "I already went cold," "thought - bursting with laughter," "I'm straight upset." The psychopath also mentions about their emotions are very rare, limited account of the events. But when it comes to such dull matters as food, shelter, clothes or money psychopath hours can be dispensed nightingale, in detail describing the new jacket
He zhertvaU psychopath hard life -. Poor adjusted, hurt and do not understand twenty times a day. If you catch it at some meanness, he proudly goes to the corner to suffer - and to do so he will be so loud, theatrical and convincingly, that you yourself also go running to comfort him - look how he killed
He. there is always more obyasneniePsihopat otgryzet his ear, than say, yes, I screwed up in full. He never, not guilty of anything. Moreover - in fact you are guilty. He did not write a report because you have it constantly reminds us of this, and it discourages the inspiration. He changed you, and what to do - you yourself 18 January 2012 looked at it as something unkind, which will carry a man? No matter how crazy any excuse psychopath justify it clearly and precisely: experts estimate that such people take turns "because" and "because" in some times more likely than all other
He vpechatlyaetEta breakdown in the brain. - innate, and it usually manifests itself in 13-15 years, and by the time you get to a psychopath, he matured and become strong. He will have a normal job, a normal company, a decent suit and no inclination to rush with the hatchet in the district, or eat grass from the lawn. Exactly the opposite - psychopaths usually eloquent, like to arrange dances around his person and impress. It is on the third date they take away the girls to Paris, arrange sudden party for 300 people and a horse bathed in champagne.
He sits on sheeVse above the joy of life psychopath rarely pays for itself. These people are very successful parasites on other organisms - parents, friends, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, and when the previous trough gives him a kick, he immediately finds the next. Psychopaths quietly run in the hand of the wicked party funds or the family piggy bank. Or simply accept the invitation to the restaurant, and in the late evening beaming smile and reported that the money they generally do not have
He nyuhPsihopaticheskie slight inclination -. Not just a lousy character, and destruction "in iron" that is, in a certain part of the brain cortex. A side effect of this problem - the inability to distinguish between the many odors. Scientists from Sydney conducted a study and found that people with psychopathic tendencies really hard to distinguish the smell of orange from the smell of popcorn or freshly cut grass, while normal people, even assholes, with the first scent recognize these odors.
He was married. Five razPsihopaty not particularly picky about relationships, and by the age of 30, they have time to fall desperately in love a few times, throw the whole world at the feet of a beautiful lady, cool off and fall in love all over again. They do not really know how to evaluate the consequences of their actions are weak in planning and do not understand the meaning of the word "responsibility", so often instead of candy buketnogo period immediately offer crazed by such pressure Passo honeymoon. Usually all month and ends
He changes roliPsihopaty -. Born manipulators, they do not even need to read the relevant books and go to training. Any ordinary psychopath expert in the manipulation of floor wash. Psychopaths have to knock you out of the rut, and the best tactic - to set your inadequate. Here he votes, beating in convulsions and batters set, but it is worth to you the most to raise his voice as a psychopath instantly calms and puzzled looks at you - good heavens, well, you and hysterical. Drink valerian.
He has an excellent memory for pain tochkiOni not averse to mock a man when he is in the disassembled state. The psychopath can be very sympathetic, as long as you, sniffing and eating the third martini, dumped him sore. Oh, better if you did not. People like your counterpart perfectly remember what you most frustrating, and on occasion not averse to kick you in the most sensitive spot. "Of course, you have no one - who want to listen to so much whining»
He torchokEmotsionalny adrenaline world of the psychopath is poor, as an African village, and he was often bored.. In the best case, it will be to blame others for what they have turned his life into a swamp, and at worst - to seek thrills where no hitting - in the bottle, the local pusher, in street fights and overtaking on the opposite line. Psychopaths can not stand the silence, peace and solitude, in this grace they may even start a panic attack
He trollitV every troll is a little psycho, but in every psychopath fully troll -. He just likes to annoy and humiliate people, and it has nothing to do with the art of verbal sword-play. Psycho will proudly tell you how naughty child brought to tears (education - it is), put in place fellow idiots and showed Baba, who is the boss
He said Gregory vretKak our House, lie all. - but the psychopath in this sense literally bears and throws. Noodles on the ears he hangs solely for the love of art, or to stir interest in his person, but very rarely -. To avoid trouble
proigryvatPsihopat He can not always convinced of his superiority, and therefore does not tolerate rivals. Even first-graders with salochki he will play as if he is involved in the Rugby World Cup. But losing in the "Monopoly", may well seriously angry and slam the door, finally accusing all of cheating.
Text Olga Lysenko, the source Pics.ru
via factroom.ru