Amazing train Invisible merges with the environment!
More faster, quieter, and most importantly - environmentally friendly. Japanese trains are always surprised the world with their engineering excellence, but the train with a new design - it's just something! Edition Site in delight from the idea to "hide" a train among the environment. We tell podrobnosti.Dizayn created by Kazuo Sedzhima, scheduled to go into production in 2018, and was designed specifically to train merged with the surrounding landscape, in contrast with bright compositions, which are now moving to the Japanese railways. Inside the new trains are comfortable and unusual, there is a compartment compared with these
new trains will run along the lines of the Red Arrows, ie across the country. But if the design proves popular, these camouflaged "psevdostelsy" may become the standard and displace other preparations that technique does not detract from the mountains and meadows around the railways.
via www.popmech.ru/technologies/236988-poezd-nevidimka-slivaetsya-s-okruzhayushchey-sredoy/

new trains will run along the lines of the Red Arrows, ie across the country. But if the design proves popular, these camouflaged "psevdostelsy" may become the standard and displace other preparations that technique does not detract from the mountains and meadows around the railways.
via www.popmech.ru/technologies/236988-poezd-nevidimka-slivaetsya-s-okruzhayushchey-sredoy/
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15 optimistic cards, which will help to see the world positively