10 signs that you encounter a psychopath
One percent of the world's population - psychopaths. Psycho - not the person who is waiting for you with sharpening in a dark stairwell. It's not a serial killer, and no inhabitant of the hospital for the mentally ill. < In the normal person a psychopath and there is only one difference - psychopaths have no conscience. They do not feel pain, and not the slightest sense of remorse or guilt. They know how to simulate normal human emotions, but do not feel they really are. Compassion, love, trust, forgiveness - these emotions makes you vulnerable, as only psychopaths use them to affect you.
The site publishes a list of the 10 alarm bells that warn that you meet with a psychopath. Data is collected on the basis of real-life stories and interviews on site Psychopath Free.
1. It surrounds you with declarations of love and compliments. You would think that this is the perfect partner for you h3> When you first meet a psychopath, things are moving rapidly. He inspires you that you have a lot to do, that you are perfect for each other. Like a chameleon, it reflects your hopes, dreams, fears, to form trusting relationships and exciting. He always wants to chat with you and seems fascinated with you completely. Your Facebook wall or "VKontakte" is littered with songs, compliments, jokes, poems and sweet, clear only the two of you.
2. He hunts for your emotions, telling pitiful stories h3> You quickly will discover a place in his heart for pity for him. He's so sweet and innocent. It is not like the cinematic images of psychopaths - violent men with a contemptuous smile in an expensive car. Surely he mentions about his ex, which is still in love with him. But all he wants - it's peace and quiet, he hates drama. However, you will soon notice that the dramatic stories are constantly surrounded him and people close to him.
3. He draws you into a love triangle h3> When you were on the hook, you get into a love triangle, and even polygon. Psychopath surrounded himself with former and potential lovers, and anyone who pays attention to it. There will be the former of which he told you before, and assured that you are superior to them in everything. You'll feel embarrassed, and you have the impression that it is always in demand with the opposite sex.
4. He constantly distort reality and behaves abnormally h3> The psychopath always denied that he is manipulating you, and even ignores actual evidence of this. He responds to critical and dismissive, if you try to deny the facts of his tales. He lay the blame for the situation to you: you are too impressionable and adequately perceive the situation. He will convince you that the problem is not in it, but your wrong reactions to normal events.
5. He accuses you of emotions that he provokes h3> The psychopath will say that you are too jealous, though openly flirted with the former, often in social networks, to have seen it all. He will say that you are too clingy, but deliberately ignored you for several days. It stimulates your reaction to show others their targets, you are hysterical, and to gain sympathy. You thought you were a calm person? Meeting with a psychopath change you beyond recognition. Fortunately, temporarily.
6. You notice pathological lies and excuses h3> He always has an excuse, even in situations where it is not required. He comes up with another lie faster than you have time to ask questions. He always blames others, he is always at anything. He takes the time to concoct an explanation of his behavior, rather than improve it. Even caught in blatant lies, he does not express remorse or embarrassment. Sometimes it seems that he wanted you to be caught.
7. He provokes jealousy and rivalry, keeping the mask of innocence h3> At first, all attention is focused on you psychopath. And you do not understand what is happening when he suddenly switches to another person. He always does things that make you doubt that you have something for him to appear. If he is active in social networks, then lures the former songs, pictures, jokes, which were significant for their pair. It is as if in search of an active partner and thus ignores you.
8. It holds your attention and undermines self-esteem h3> First, he brings down on you knocking down the flow of admiration, and then you become uninteresting to him. You will hurt, because you've burned those passionate relationship. And now you feel a housekeeper with him and no more.
9. Psychopath selfish and requires constant attention to yourself h3> It sucked all the energy out of you and filled the rest of your life. He requires constant worship Me. You thought you were the only person that can make him happy, but now I understand that this role will approach anyone with a pulse beating. But the truth is that no one can fill the void in the soul of a psychopath.
10. You do not recognize yourself h3> Your love and compassion have become overwhelming panic and anxiety. You apologize and crying more than ever in my life. You do not sleep and wake up in a bad mood and disturbing. You can not understand what happened to you, where now this fun, relaxed, quiet person? After talking with a psychopath you feel exhausted, devastated and deprived of adequate perception of the world. Life rolls upside down: you spend money, sever ties with friends and family and is constantly looking for the cause of these actions.

The site publishes a list of the 10 alarm bells that warn that you meet with a psychopath. Data is collected on the basis of real-life stories and interviews on site Psychopath Free.