Creepy, but once in-demand occupations
In the history of mankind there were many professions that even the masters made me wince in disgust. They expected long hours, demeaning labor and often were associated with serious risk to life and health.
However, even the most disgusting profession had its advantages, and thus attracted people with the right warehouse. Among these professions was as follows:
10. Servant in the toilet
A servant in the toilet called a servant, who was responsible for the spotless purity of the Royal seat of His Majesty, Henry VIII, after the king had emptied his bowels in the Royal pot. Among the other duties of such a servant was the release of the pot and cleaning of the Royal rear seats with a sponge impaled on a stick. It was a job where you had to get your hands dirty in the worst sense.
And despite the fact that the only concern of such servants was messing with human feces, which was so fat that his corpse burst after death, this position was considered a “tasty morsel”. According to the book on the subject, that important position was considered only the position of the Chamberlain, since only this position is allowed to be with the king most of the time.
It is impossible not to admit that this makes some sense. Cleaning the back seat, the fat man is a small price to pay to keep the most powerful man in the state literally by the balls three times a day.
9. Whipping boy
When we talk about the profession of whipping boy, we are referring to is whipping boy. This post took a little boy who was subjected to punishment instead of other, rich boy (often a Prince). In other words, the whipping boy received a belt every time rich asshole people point out thier flaws.
As awful as it may sound, but most of the boys'd give anything for this work, because the whipping boy got raised with a rich boy and enjoyed its many privileges and advantages. For example, small named William Murray spent all his childhood was a boy to beat when the young Charles the First. When both grew up and Charles became king, he gave the former boy to fight for the title of count. Today, many would agree to a spanking, if in the future it is guaranteed to receive a beautiful castle.
8. Jester
The jesters were walking objects of ridicule in Medieval England — they were forced to wear humiliating costumes and dance for the amusement of others. At dinner, if gentlemen and ladies would want to run in your fruit, you had to take it with a smile and waved. Clowns were supposed to be in - readiness to be on call and answered to the king and Queen were always in a good mood. It was an utterly thankless job, involving the constant blatant humiliation.
However, this ill-treatment had paid off substantial bonuses. Let's start with the fact that the jesters had full freedom of speech, thanks to what could say whatever came to their minds, without fear of consequences. The jester could openly insult people he doesn't like, you could even pry the king himself, and to be sure that you won't get in. Jesters were entrusted to be the bearer of bad news, because they could do it, without risking his head.
In addition, since the clowns spent a lot of time in the company of the king and his courtiers, they often managed to work their way up the social ladder. Sometimes they have gained such influence that they even consulted before battles.
7. Porter sandals
The work of porter sandals may seem boring, but it is very difficult to pereuvelichili all this boring work. This position was held by people who served the Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt all the days they was wearing sandals everywhere Pharaoh in case he ever needed them. Porters sandals had to be ready to be at your Beck and call and dutifully briskly everywhere to follow the Pharaoh under the scorching Egyptian sun.
Despite the fact that this job could handle and specially trained monkey, this profession is universally revered. For the same reason people wanted to while away the days next to the Royal ass – because of its proximity to the Pharaoh is worth the whole day to carry wooden sandals under the Egyptian sun.
6. Herald
The proclaimers – it's the guys who you've seen in movies about ancient times, like in that episode of "the Simpsons", where the guy from Assassin's Creed 3 is on the Central square and tells everyone that the taxes here-here will raise. In the absence of bad news, which would need to trumpet from the rooftops, the heralds still Wake everyone up by ringing a giant bell, which, we believe, ever definitely ended with a beating from a disgruntled citizen. They had to get up at the crack of dawn and worked all year round without a single day off.
Nevertheless, the heralds were considered the voice of the king, therefore to attack the Herald would be akin to an attack on the king himself. That is why the heralds enjoyed a certain kind of person. In other words, the position of the Herald is entitled to wear a beautiful hat and yelling at people without worrying that they will supply you the black eye.
5. Bestiary
Bestiaries in Ancient Rome was a group of people who were forced to fight to the death with wild animals. Very often bestiaries had died from the claws of the beasts, but to top it off they were considered the entertainment of a lower order.
What you need to be a psychopath to voluntarily subscribe to a death in the jaws of a lion? A psychopath, who is paid with a capital "P". As noted here, free men voluntarily sold themselves into slavery to try to be in the shoes of the bestiary. It was believed that to fight with animals much easier than humans because animals, as a rule, no giant swords, and the position of the bestiary, moreover, guaranteed food, shelter and fame.
4. The pied Piper
If we talk about professions involving contact with terrible diseases, then the Piper will still stand taller than the guard *specify the name of the celebrity that you hate*. Unpresentable work of the pied Piper was not only to her unscrupulous character, but also in a constant exposure to risk to be bitten by infectious rats. The work, moreover, required constant finding knee-deep in sewage, because the normal habitat of rats is sanitation.
What hidden benefits might this activity have to uravnavesil these horrible risks? Possessing a certain degree of ingenuity, the Piper could earn unlimited amounts of money, growing rats to participate in the rat fights, in analogy with the low-budget cockfights. More advanced catchers bred "elite" rats, caught them and sold to rich people as Pets. If you have enough brains, that being the Piper, you could make a fortune, even didn't touch a filthy street rat.
3. Squire
If you have ever watched "Game of thrones", you have an idea of what the squire – namely, doing everything ordered to him by his knight. The duties of the squire was to fulfill every whim, knight, including ensuring its security during sleep and the content of his armor and weapons polished and in working condition.
Squire combines the Butler and security guard, worked for two and practically nothing is not earned. However, he had to know the code of honor of a knight, that is, among other things, he had to study and pass the test. We have said that squires took 13 years?
The reason why squires willingly agreed to be at the Beck and call of the knight, was the fact that after serving long enough, they could also become knights.
2. Drummers
Drummers were an important part of military activities until the second half of the 19th century. Their main duty was to stand in the middle of the field and beat the drums until other people try to shoot them or stab them with a knife. The drums helped soldiers to survive the rhythm, and sometimes gave complex military orders. This profession is considered one of the most dangerous in history, as the boys who served as drummers, have often been at serious risk of being crippled or killed. Because drummers helped soldiers to coordinate actions, they become a Prime target on the battlefield.
Whatever it was, but when the drummers did not need to be on the battlefield, responsibilities they had, and they enjoyed special privileges and benefits in recognition of the risks they are taking. Thanks boys, boys and men left their homes and families to participate in the performance of drummers.
1. Dabbawala
Imagine a job where you need every day to deliver food to hundreds of people. Now imagine that you can't be late and make no mistakes and take weekends off, even if it is the rainy season. So can briefly describe the profession dabbawala, Indian courier, who is paid about three dollars a day to deliver food to office workers.
Despite the low earnings and difficult working conditions, people line up to get the opportunity to become dabbawalas because this service is known worldwide. Performance dabbawala shocking, according to reports, they make only one mistake in six million deliveries, accounting for 99,9999999% of success. Thanks to this impressive statistics dabbawala are highly respected in the business environment. Often members of the profession are invited to give lectures on business management.
Tell the incredible story that one day Prince Charles asked to meet with the team dabbawala to praise them for their incredible professionalism. They agreed on the condition that he will adapt to their schedule, and he willingly accepted this condition. We believe that working as dabbawalas should at least then to be able to tell people that once you forced the Prince to meet you on the platform.
Source: /users/1077
However, even the most disgusting profession had its advantages, and thus attracted people with the right warehouse. Among these professions was as follows:
10. Servant in the toilet
A servant in the toilet called a servant, who was responsible for the spotless purity of the Royal seat of His Majesty, Henry VIII, after the king had emptied his bowels in the Royal pot. Among the other duties of such a servant was the release of the pot and cleaning of the Royal rear seats with a sponge impaled on a stick. It was a job where you had to get your hands dirty in the worst sense.
And despite the fact that the only concern of such servants was messing with human feces, which was so fat that his corpse burst after death, this position was considered a “tasty morsel”. According to the book on the subject, that important position was considered only the position of the Chamberlain, since only this position is allowed to be with the king most of the time.
It is impossible not to admit that this makes some sense. Cleaning the back seat, the fat man is a small price to pay to keep the most powerful man in the state literally by the balls three times a day.
9. Whipping boy
When we talk about the profession of whipping boy, we are referring to is whipping boy. This post took a little boy who was subjected to punishment instead of other, rich boy (often a Prince). In other words, the whipping boy received a belt every time rich asshole people point out thier flaws.
As awful as it may sound, but most of the boys'd give anything for this work, because the whipping boy got raised with a rich boy and enjoyed its many privileges and advantages. For example, small named William Murray spent all his childhood was a boy to beat when the young Charles the First. When both grew up and Charles became king, he gave the former boy to fight for the title of count. Today, many would agree to a spanking, if in the future it is guaranteed to receive a beautiful castle.
8. Jester
The jesters were walking objects of ridicule in Medieval England — they were forced to wear humiliating costumes and dance for the amusement of others. At dinner, if gentlemen and ladies would want to run in your fruit, you had to take it with a smile and waved. Clowns were supposed to be in - readiness to be on call and answered to the king and Queen were always in a good mood. It was an utterly thankless job, involving the constant blatant humiliation.
However, this ill-treatment had paid off substantial bonuses. Let's start with the fact that the jesters had full freedom of speech, thanks to what could say whatever came to their minds, without fear of consequences. The jester could openly insult people he doesn't like, you could even pry the king himself, and to be sure that you won't get in. Jesters were entrusted to be the bearer of bad news, because they could do it, without risking his head.
In addition, since the clowns spent a lot of time in the company of the king and his courtiers, they often managed to work their way up the social ladder. Sometimes they have gained such influence that they even consulted before battles.
7. Porter sandals
The work of porter sandals may seem boring, but it is very difficult to pereuvelichili all this boring work. This position was held by people who served the Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt all the days they was wearing sandals everywhere Pharaoh in case he ever needed them. Porters sandals had to be ready to be at your Beck and call and dutifully briskly everywhere to follow the Pharaoh under the scorching Egyptian sun.
Despite the fact that this job could handle and specially trained monkey, this profession is universally revered. For the same reason people wanted to while away the days next to the Royal ass – because of its proximity to the Pharaoh is worth the whole day to carry wooden sandals under the Egyptian sun.
6. Herald
The proclaimers – it's the guys who you've seen in movies about ancient times, like in that episode of "the Simpsons", where the guy from Assassin's Creed 3 is on the Central square and tells everyone that the taxes here-here will raise. In the absence of bad news, which would need to trumpet from the rooftops, the heralds still Wake everyone up by ringing a giant bell, which, we believe, ever definitely ended with a beating from a disgruntled citizen. They had to get up at the crack of dawn and worked all year round without a single day off.
Nevertheless, the heralds were considered the voice of the king, therefore to attack the Herald would be akin to an attack on the king himself. That is why the heralds enjoyed a certain kind of person. In other words, the position of the Herald is entitled to wear a beautiful hat and yelling at people without worrying that they will supply you the black eye.
5. Bestiary
Bestiaries in Ancient Rome was a group of people who were forced to fight to the death with wild animals. Very often bestiaries had died from the claws of the beasts, but to top it off they were considered the entertainment of a lower order.
What you need to be a psychopath to voluntarily subscribe to a death in the jaws of a lion? A psychopath, who is paid with a capital "P". As noted here, free men voluntarily sold themselves into slavery to try to be in the shoes of the bestiary. It was believed that to fight with animals much easier than humans because animals, as a rule, no giant swords, and the position of the bestiary, moreover, guaranteed food, shelter and fame.
4. The pied Piper
If we talk about professions involving contact with terrible diseases, then the Piper will still stand taller than the guard *specify the name of the celebrity that you hate*. Unpresentable work of the pied Piper was not only to her unscrupulous character, but also in a constant exposure to risk to be bitten by infectious rats. The work, moreover, required constant finding knee-deep in sewage, because the normal habitat of rats is sanitation.
What hidden benefits might this activity have to uravnavesil these horrible risks? Possessing a certain degree of ingenuity, the Piper could earn unlimited amounts of money, growing rats to participate in the rat fights, in analogy with the low-budget cockfights. More advanced catchers bred "elite" rats, caught them and sold to rich people as Pets. If you have enough brains, that being the Piper, you could make a fortune, even didn't touch a filthy street rat.
3. Squire
If you have ever watched "Game of thrones", you have an idea of what the squire – namely, doing everything ordered to him by his knight. The duties of the squire was to fulfill every whim, knight, including ensuring its security during sleep and the content of his armor and weapons polished and in working condition.
Squire combines the Butler and security guard, worked for two and practically nothing is not earned. However, he had to know the code of honor of a knight, that is, among other things, he had to study and pass the test. We have said that squires took 13 years?
The reason why squires willingly agreed to be at the Beck and call of the knight, was the fact that after serving long enough, they could also become knights.
2. Drummers
Drummers were an important part of military activities until the second half of the 19th century. Their main duty was to stand in the middle of the field and beat the drums until other people try to shoot them or stab them with a knife. The drums helped soldiers to survive the rhythm, and sometimes gave complex military orders. This profession is considered one of the most dangerous in history, as the boys who served as drummers, have often been at serious risk of being crippled or killed. Because drummers helped soldiers to coordinate actions, they become a Prime target on the battlefield.
Whatever it was, but when the drummers did not need to be on the battlefield, responsibilities they had, and they enjoyed special privileges and benefits in recognition of the risks they are taking. Thanks boys, boys and men left their homes and families to participate in the performance of drummers.
1. Dabbawala
Imagine a job where you need every day to deliver food to hundreds of people. Now imagine that you can't be late and make no mistakes and take weekends off, even if it is the rainy season. So can briefly describe the profession dabbawala, Indian courier, who is paid about three dollars a day to deliver food to office workers.
Despite the low earnings and difficult working conditions, people line up to get the opportunity to become dabbawalas because this service is known worldwide. Performance dabbawala shocking, according to reports, they make only one mistake in six million deliveries, accounting for 99,9999999% of success. Thanks to this impressive statistics dabbawala are highly respected in the business environment. Often members of the profession are invited to give lectures on business management.
Tell the incredible story that one day Prince Charles asked to meet with the team dabbawala to praise them for their incredible professionalism. They agreed on the condition that he will adapt to their schedule, and he willingly accepted this condition. We believe that working as dabbawalas should at least then to be able to tell people that once you forced the Prince to meet you on the platform.
Source: /users/1077