"A woman can go for tenderness"

woman can go for tender, leaving the wealth and well-fed life.
And as for the men, and say nothing - Tenderness can be led, like on a string, with the nose and all the other places
. And if you suddenly fall ill some nonsense - a runny nose or a cold - it really is not any cold, but a sign of tenderness deficit
. Do not vitamins do not need antibiotics, and Tenderness!
Tenderness lifts immunity of us ... better than any drug, it rejuvenates and gives an impulse to live.
In short, live with tenderness, do not hesitate to be gentle and remember: never too much Tenderness
. Talk to each other tenderness, speak them several times, speak of their private and in public, do not hesitate to order it banal, intimate, indiscreet ...
Speak - and you will be amazed at the result, simply amazed !
Author: Eduard Topol
Preview: Ivan Troyanovskiy
via vk.com/ivantroyanovsky
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