A woman can go for tenderness...
Seventy seven million eight hundred thirty nine thousand sixty six
A woman can go for Tenderness, leaving the wealth and well-fed life.
And about the men and say nothing — Tenderness can be led, like on a string, the nose and all the other places.
But if you suddenly fell ill some nonsense — a runny nose or common cold — actually it is not cold and deficient Tenderness.
No vitamins, no antibiotics needed, and Tenderness!Tenderness lifts us immunity... better than any medicine, it rejuvenates and gives us the impetus to live.
In short, live with Tenderness, feel free to be Gentle and remember that Tenderness is never too much.
Talk to each other Affection, say it repeatedly, say it in private and in public, not forget that it is banal, intimate, indiscreet…
Speak and you will marvel at the result, just amazed! published
© Eduard Topol
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: liwli.ru/lifestyle/zhenshchina-mozhet-uyti-za-nezhnostyu/
A woman can go for Tenderness, leaving the wealth and well-fed life.
And about the men and say nothing — Tenderness can be led, like on a string, the nose and all the other places.
But if you suddenly fell ill some nonsense — a runny nose or common cold — actually it is not cold and deficient Tenderness.
No vitamins, no antibiotics needed, and Tenderness!Tenderness lifts us immunity... better than any medicine, it rejuvenates and gives us the impetus to live.
In short, live with Tenderness, feel free to be Gentle and remember that Tenderness is never too much.
Talk to each other Affection, say it repeatedly, say it in private and in public, not forget that it is banal, intimate, indiscreet…
Speak and you will marvel at the result, just amazed! published
© Eduard Topol
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: liwli.ru/lifestyle/zhenshchina-mozhet-uyti-za-nezhnostyu/