What are the icons to pray for the health
Prayer helps those who truly believe, and believe it should always be.
Icons save
The icon "unexpected joy" helps women to get pregnant, to cure diseases of the ears and returns lost hearing.
The icon of the Mother of God "inexhaustible Cup" helps to fight alcoholism and drug addiction.
The icon "vsetsaritsa" heals cancer patients.
The icon of John the Baptist, relieves headaches, treats injuries and painful joints, heals hopeless cases.
The icon of the Theotokos of Kazan heals blindness and eye disease.
Prayer in sickness
Lord God, master of my life, You Thy said, do not want death of the sinner, but that he converted and was still alive. I know that this illness which I suffer is the punishment for Your and my sins and iniquities; you know, that for my I deserve a most severe punishment, but the lover of mankind, do with me according to my anger and boundless mercy you. Not wish to kill me, but give me strength, that I patiently endured illness, as well as my test, and recovery addressed with all your heart, with all thy soul and all my feelings for You, the Lord God, my maker, and live of the saints for the fulfillment of Thy commandments, for peace of mind my family and for my well-being. Amen.
Prayer for healing heart disease Saint Ioasaf, Bishop of Belgorod
Oh, Saint of God, the Holy Hierarch Joasaph! From the depths of my heart I cry to thee, Rabbi of God (names), protect us from the temptation of heresies and schisms, teach lofty mudrstvovat, absent-minded our mind and enlighten on the path of truth lead, cold heart warm with love for one's neighbor and revnosti to the fulfillment of the commandments of God, sin, and negligence weakened the will of our jivotnoe the grace of the Holy spirit. Yes, your pastoral voice later, save in the purity and truth of our souls, and tacos pomogayu God, the Heavenly Kingdom will be inhabited by kupno with you will voprosam most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for healing from cancer to the most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her icon "vsetsaritsa" (Pantanassa)
Benevolent, destacada mother of God, Pantanassa, the seven arrows! Nesme decent, videshi under my roof! But thou, gracious God laboraotory Mother, RCI the word healed my soul and strengthened my body nedostoyuschie. Imashi of Bo's power is invincible, and will not succumb You have any verb on the seven arrows! You begged me! You for me to our Holy. Yes, I praise Your glorious name always, now and to endless ages. Amen.
Prayer to Archangel Rafail about healing different ailments and diseases
Oh, great Holy Archangel Raffaele, the Throne of God predstoje! You, through the grace of the Almighty physician of souls and bodies of our you this, the righteous husband of Tobit from blindness bodily heal Yoshi, and his son Tobias, puteshestvuya him from the evil spirit has preserved ESI. Sausage pray thee, Wake me guide in my life, keep from all visible and invisible enemy, heal mental and physical illness my upravi my life to repentance in gresik and to the creation of good deeds. O Holy and great Archangel Raphael! Hear praying to thee, and vouchsafe in this and the future life of blagodarit and the General slavici our Creator in the endless ages of ages. Amen!
Prayer for deliverance from mental depression venerable Ephraim the Syrian
O Saint of Christ, our father Ephraim! Bring prayer to our merciful and Almighty God and we ask for, God's servants (names), of His goodness the whole ordeal for the benefit of souls and Telesem our faith right, hope nesomnenno, neizmerno love, meekness and gentleness, in temptation, courage in suffering patience, godliness presiana. Yes not evil turn the gifts of the merciful God. Not Saudi, chudotvorca Holy, and the Holy temple (the house), this parish our: preserve and keep them by thy prayers from every evil. Her swatches of God, vouchsafe us the demise of good ulucay and the Kingdom of heaven, Nasledie, let us glorify the wondrous in His saints, God, Eat for befits all glory, honor and dominion, forevermore. Amen.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/bestvkclub?w=wall-85254668_9994
Icons save
The icon "unexpected joy" helps women to get pregnant, to cure diseases of the ears and returns lost hearing.
The icon of the Mother of God "inexhaustible Cup" helps to fight alcoholism and drug addiction.
The icon "vsetsaritsa" heals cancer patients.
The icon of John the Baptist, relieves headaches, treats injuries and painful joints, heals hopeless cases.
The icon of the Theotokos of Kazan heals blindness and eye disease.

Prayer in sickness
Lord God, master of my life, You Thy said, do not want death of the sinner, but that he converted and was still alive. I know that this illness which I suffer is the punishment for Your and my sins and iniquities; you know, that for my I deserve a most severe punishment, but the lover of mankind, do with me according to my anger and boundless mercy you. Not wish to kill me, but give me strength, that I patiently endured illness, as well as my test, and recovery addressed with all your heart, with all thy soul and all my feelings for You, the Lord God, my maker, and live of the saints for the fulfillment of Thy commandments, for peace of mind my family and for my well-being. Amen.
Prayer for healing heart disease Saint Ioasaf, Bishop of Belgorod
Oh, Saint of God, the Holy Hierarch Joasaph! From the depths of my heart I cry to thee, Rabbi of God (names), protect us from the temptation of heresies and schisms, teach lofty mudrstvovat, absent-minded our mind and enlighten on the path of truth lead, cold heart warm with love for one's neighbor and revnosti to the fulfillment of the commandments of God, sin, and negligence weakened the will of our jivotnoe the grace of the Holy spirit. Yes, your pastoral voice later, save in the purity and truth of our souls, and tacos pomogayu God, the Heavenly Kingdom will be inhabited by kupno with you will voprosam most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for healing from cancer to the most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her icon "vsetsaritsa" (Pantanassa)
Benevolent, destacada mother of God, Pantanassa, the seven arrows! Nesme decent, videshi under my roof! But thou, gracious God laboraotory Mother, RCI the word healed my soul and strengthened my body nedostoyuschie. Imashi of Bo's power is invincible, and will not succumb You have any verb on the seven arrows! You begged me! You for me to our Holy. Yes, I praise Your glorious name always, now and to endless ages. Amen.
Prayer to Archangel Rafail about healing different ailments and diseases
Oh, great Holy Archangel Raffaele, the Throne of God predstoje! You, through the grace of the Almighty physician of souls and bodies of our you this, the righteous husband of Tobit from blindness bodily heal Yoshi, and his son Tobias, puteshestvuya him from the evil spirit has preserved ESI. Sausage pray thee, Wake me guide in my life, keep from all visible and invisible enemy, heal mental and physical illness my upravi my life to repentance in gresik and to the creation of good deeds. O Holy and great Archangel Raphael! Hear praying to thee, and vouchsafe in this and the future life of blagodarit and the General slavici our Creator in the endless ages of ages. Amen!
Prayer for deliverance from mental depression venerable Ephraim the Syrian
O Saint of Christ, our father Ephraim! Bring prayer to our merciful and Almighty God and we ask for, God's servants (names), of His goodness the whole ordeal for the benefit of souls and Telesem our faith right, hope nesomnenno, neizmerno love, meekness and gentleness, in temptation, courage in suffering patience, godliness presiana. Yes not evil turn the gifts of the merciful God. Not Saudi, chudotvorca Holy, and the Holy temple (the house), this parish our: preserve and keep them by thy prayers from every evil. Her swatches of God, vouchsafe us the demise of good ulucay and the Kingdom of heaven, Nasledie, let us glorify the wondrous in His saints, God, Eat for befits all glory, honor and dominion, forevermore. Amen.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/bestvkclub?w=wall-85254668_9994