When we celebrate the day of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God and what you can ask for a miraculous shrine

One of the most common images of the Most Holy Mother of God is the Iberian icon of the Mother of God. It depicts the Virgin Mary holding the little Jesus Christ in her arms. The original icon is kept in the monastery on Athos. There is an assumption that it was written by the evangelist Luke during the life of the Virgin. However, modern experts refer the icon to the XI - XII centuries.

Copies of the image are available in Christian churches around the world and are often present in the homes of believers. It is easy to recognize, because the distinctive feature of the icon is a wound on the face of the saint, which was left by the spear of the iconoclast. According to legend, in the ninth century, a poor widow from Nicaea, saving the image of the Virgin from destruction, threw him into the sea. Two centuries later, the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God appeared off the coast of Greece. The monks took her to the monastery. It happened immediately after Easter around the beginning of the XI century. Since then, the icon has not left the walls of the temple and, according to legend, will dissolve in the air with the onset of the end of the world.

The Iberian Icon of the Mother of God is also known as the Gatekeeper or Turner. The image was called so after repeated miraculous movements to the gates of the monastery. It seemed that the saint herself chose the place where her icon should hang and protect the monastic monastery.

There are several dates in the year when the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God is venerated. These are February 25 (12.02 on the updated calendar), the first Tuesday after the Bright Sunday of Christ and October 26 (13.10 in a new way). In the days of remembrance, icons in churches hold special divine services and read a prayer that is intended for the Most Holy Mother of God.

Prayer to the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God: “Merciful Virgin Mary, Most Holy Mother of God, I appeal to you with a plea for intercession before our Lord, for you are powerful and majestic, and your grace-filled face protects us from sorrow and misfortune.” Mother of God, bless us sinners and reward us with endurance and patience so that we may bear all the hardships that have fallen on our age. Forgive us all our sins and guide us to the right path. Grant us strength of spirit and unshakable faith in our Lord, that we may follow his word and stand in repentance at the judgment of God. Pray to the King of Heaven that He may honor us to become followers of your Son, Jesus Christ! Amen!

The Iberian Icon of the Mother of God has long been used as a saint in the event of natural disasters, deadly epidemics or enemy invasions. Eyewitnesses claimed that the icon each time warned the monks about the approaching disaster. The lamp in front of her began to wobble when people were in danger. The more serious the problem, the more the lamp swayed. Sometimes it even spilled butter.

Believers worship the image of the Virgin in all critical situations. They pray to the icon in the hope of a good harvest, it is asked for healing from diseases and salvation from all-consuming sorrow.

The saint is asked for protection from evildoers and ill-wishers. To protect the house from envy, the icon is advised to keep at the front door.

The Day of Remembrance of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God is considered a great church holiday, so today it is not recommended to clean the house and work hard. It is also necessary to refrain from quarrels and scandals, and lean dishes should stand on the dining table. On this day, you should visit the temple and pray that the Most Holy Mother of God does not refuse intercession.


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