Every woman should offer prayers to the Mother of God in May to protect the family from harm.
What? prayer Does every day help with anxiety? May is believed to be the month of the Most Pure Virgin. We can call on the Mother of God all year round. But in May, women can turn to the Virgin for help with growing crops. So that there is no hunger, so that the family does not get sick, so that the house is under the reliable protection of the Holy Mother.
The Virgin Mary can become the spiritual mother of everyone who seeks herself. If a person does not know what to do in life, he can turn to his Heavenly Mother with a prayer. The Mother of God is the wisest saint, she must necessarily help those who are sincere in their impulses and turn to her from the purest of heart.
If a person did not know anything about the Mother of God, then it is not terrible. The important thing is that he realized the need to study the right books or seek help from a priest. For example, the priest will tell you what prayers are worth reading and to which icon. temple. One of the strongest icons is considered “Unfading color”.
Perhaps you noticed that in the spring-summer period in the churches. There's a lot of green.. Believers bring flowers and decorate the houses of God. This is a sign of love for God and all the saints. If you plan to go to the temple, be sure to bring a bouquet. Not necessarily expensive, you can present a modest bouquet of tulips.
So what is the importance and power of the icon “Unfading color”? The Most Pure Mother of God holds in her arms not only her son, but also lily. It is a symbol of her purity, purity, perseverance and feminine strength. The offering of flowers to this icon will be a very valuable gift for the pious Virgin.
Prayer to the icon “Unfading color” Believers can recite this prayer in front of this beautiful icon: “The Holy Virgin, the hope of Christians and the refuge of sinners.” Protect all those who come to you in misfortunes, hear our lamentations. O Lord and Mother of our God, do not despise those who demand Your help, understand and teach us. Do not leave us, your servants. Be our Mother and Protector, we give ourselves to Your Merciful Cover. Lead us to a peaceful, quiet and serene life.
“Mother Mary, our good and speedy Intercessor, protect us from enemies visible and invisible.” Soften the hearts of evil men who rebel against us. Oh, Holy Mother of God! Send help to us infirm. Let us see the light of our eyes, that we may see the way of God. Let us give up our sins, and let us give up our sins. And we will be justified by Your first miracle intercession.
Now on the territory of Ukraine continues full-scale war in May 2022. The Russian occupiers do not stand on ceremony with the elderly or children. Authority They ask all believers. Be extremely careful and, if possible, avoid mass gatherings. If you understand that there is a threat of rocket flights, then it is better not to risk your life and not go to the temple. Say a prayer at home. Perhaps it is not so atmospheric, but no less effective.
In fact, You need to be careful. Even on a trip to the garden. Especially if we are talking about those territories that were liberated by hero soldiers of the Ukrainian army. The average person may not notice the threat the occupiers may have left behind. There are plenty of surprises. If the military or the authorities do not advise you to return or visit any territory, then you should wait. Let professional pyrotechnics work first.
Prayer to the Mother of God for every day Do not be sad because there is no opportunity to visit the temple. The main thing is to pray sincerely. You can do it anywhere. Prayer to Icon "Unfading Color" It is a great alternative to church services. Begin with these words every day and let the Most Pure Virgin hear everyone who speaks to her. Help anyone who sincerely asks.

The Virgin Mary can become the spiritual mother of everyone who seeks herself. If a person does not know what to do in life, he can turn to his Heavenly Mother with a prayer. The Mother of God is the wisest saint, she must necessarily help those who are sincere in their impulses and turn to her from the purest of heart.
If a person did not know anything about the Mother of God, then it is not terrible. The important thing is that he realized the need to study the right books or seek help from a priest. For example, the priest will tell you what prayers are worth reading and to which icon. temple. One of the strongest icons is considered “Unfading color”.

Perhaps you noticed that in the spring-summer period in the churches. There's a lot of green.. Believers bring flowers and decorate the houses of God. This is a sign of love for God and all the saints. If you plan to go to the temple, be sure to bring a bouquet. Not necessarily expensive, you can present a modest bouquet of tulips.
So what is the importance and power of the icon “Unfading color”? The Most Pure Mother of God holds in her arms not only her son, but also lily. It is a symbol of her purity, purity, perseverance and feminine strength. The offering of flowers to this icon will be a very valuable gift for the pious Virgin.

Prayer to the icon “Unfading color” Believers can recite this prayer in front of this beautiful icon: “The Holy Virgin, the hope of Christians and the refuge of sinners.” Protect all those who come to you in misfortunes, hear our lamentations. O Lord and Mother of our God, do not despise those who demand Your help, understand and teach us. Do not leave us, your servants. Be our Mother and Protector, we give ourselves to Your Merciful Cover. Lead us to a peaceful, quiet and serene life.
“Mother Mary, our good and speedy Intercessor, protect us from enemies visible and invisible.” Soften the hearts of evil men who rebel against us. Oh, Holy Mother of God! Send help to us infirm. Let us see the light of our eyes, that we may see the way of God. Let us give up our sins, and let us give up our sins. And we will be justified by Your first miracle intercession.

Now on the territory of Ukraine continues full-scale war in May 2022. The Russian occupiers do not stand on ceremony with the elderly or children. Authority They ask all believers. Be extremely careful and, if possible, avoid mass gatherings. If you understand that there is a threat of rocket flights, then it is better not to risk your life and not go to the temple. Say a prayer at home. Perhaps it is not so atmospheric, but no less effective.

In fact, You need to be careful. Even on a trip to the garden. Especially if we are talking about those territories that were liberated by hero soldiers of the Ukrainian army. The average person may not notice the threat the occupiers may have left behind. There are plenty of surprises. If the military or the authorities do not advise you to return or visit any territory, then you should wait. Let professional pyrotechnics work first.

Prayer to the Mother of God for every day Do not be sad because there is no opportunity to visit the temple. The main thing is to pray sincerely. You can do it anywhere. Prayer to Icon "Unfading Color" It is a great alternative to church services. Begin with these words every day and let the Most Pure Virgin hear everyone who speaks to her. Help anyone who sincerely asks.
The prophetic words of Hayal Alekperov begin to come true, we tell what the psychic warned about.
Topinambur can be confused with a weed, a powerful, unpretentious and very productive plant.