In moments of despair, I say a prayer to the Mother of God, help comes unexpectedly.
In moments of despair I say a prayer to the Virgin Mary, help comes unexpectedly. This special prayer to the Mother of God for protection helped me and my family more than once!
Today's edition. "Site" share prayerIt is spoken in moments of despair. Helps in the most difficult life situations!
Prayer to the Mother of God for the protection of the Virgin Mary, the Most Holy Mother of God Jesus ChristIn Orthodoxy, of all mankind. That is why absolutely any believer can turn to her as the most caring, dear and loving parent. Not everyone has such a mother.
The Mother of God contains all love, care and tenderness. She prays before the throne of God for every Christian who turns to her. For her there is no difference in age, social status, sinful state of the soul of the petitioner. The Virgin loves everyone equally. Before God, all people are equal, and therefore the Mother of God prays for all people.
Here is the text of this powerful prayer. Say the prayer words thoughtfully and consciously to get into the essence of the text. “Holy Mother of God, save us sinners!”
O Most Holy Mother of God, Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim most honorable, and most holy of all, the Virgin Mother of God!
Save me, your humble and sinful servant. For thou shalt be merciful to the Lord, for I lay all my hope in Bose upon thee, and bring me another refuge of salvation, that thou, the All-Good, You are my fortress, Lady, You are my strength, You are my joy in sorrow. You are my refuge in temptation, you are my correction in my downfalls.
You and my salvation are all-reliable, O Mati the Creator and my Lord. Help me who swims in the abyss of this life, ravage the bereaved and distressed by the sinking of the sinful. Give me a hand of help, my helper, and deliver me from the imposition of depth, lest I be mired in the abyss of despair: a storm of sins and passions rise upon me, and waves of iniquity sink me.
But Thou, merciful Mother, in the abode of dispassion, instruct and save me, hopeless and intercessor of my salvation. Amen.
Takprosto Editorial Council I also suggest to know what words to say when it is not good at heart. To protect themselves and their families from harm.
In addition to praying to the Mother of God for protection, I also read the 90th Psalm and the prayer “To the Honest Cross.” And I say these prayers every day 7 times, so that difficult times for me and my family passed as smoothly as possible. I also pray for my friends and for my country. Now. spiritual support Especially important!
If you believe and say the prayer words sincerely and from the heart, then everything falls into place. Help comes unexpectedly, just pray. Amen.
Today's edition. "Site" share prayerIt is spoken in moments of despair. Helps in the most difficult life situations!
Prayer to the Mother of God for the protection of the Virgin Mary, the Most Holy Mother of God Jesus ChristIn Orthodoxy, of all mankind. That is why absolutely any believer can turn to her as the most caring, dear and loving parent. Not everyone has such a mother.
The Mother of God contains all love, care and tenderness. She prays before the throne of God for every Christian who turns to her. For her there is no difference in age, social status, sinful state of the soul of the petitioner. The Virgin loves everyone equally. Before God, all people are equal, and therefore the Mother of God prays for all people.
Here is the text of this powerful prayer. Say the prayer words thoughtfully and consciously to get into the essence of the text. “Holy Mother of God, save us sinners!”
O Most Holy Mother of God, Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim most honorable, and most holy of all, the Virgin Mother of God!
Save me, your humble and sinful servant. For thou shalt be merciful to the Lord, for I lay all my hope in Bose upon thee, and bring me another refuge of salvation, that thou, the All-Good, You are my fortress, Lady, You are my strength, You are my joy in sorrow. You are my refuge in temptation, you are my correction in my downfalls.
You and my salvation are all-reliable, O Mati the Creator and my Lord. Help me who swims in the abyss of this life, ravage the bereaved and distressed by the sinking of the sinful. Give me a hand of help, my helper, and deliver me from the imposition of depth, lest I be mired in the abyss of despair: a storm of sins and passions rise upon me, and waves of iniquity sink me.
But Thou, merciful Mother, in the abode of dispassion, instruct and save me, hopeless and intercessor of my salvation. Amen.
Takprosto Editorial Council I also suggest to know what words to say when it is not good at heart. To protect themselves and their families from harm.
In addition to praying to the Mother of God for protection, I also read the 90th Psalm and the prayer “To the Honest Cross.” And I say these prayers every day 7 times, so that difficult times for me and my family passed as smoothly as possible. I also pray for my friends and for my country. Now. spiritual support Especially important!
If you believe and say the prayer words sincerely and from the heart, then everything falls into place. Help comes unexpectedly, just pray. Amen.
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