I constantly pray to the Most Holy Mother of God for children and grandchildren, I ask for their protection and protection.
When a child appears in the family, it serves as good news for the father and mother, their relatives and friends. But it also happens when children do not appear in the family for a long time. Or they are not born completely healthy. At this time, people need to turn to God. Prayer for children and grandchildren It will not be superfluous not only in times of adversity, but also in happy days.
Not everyone knows how to pray. Or they know only the basic, basic words for calling to God and all the saints. So we decided that it would not be superfluous to remind how it is done. Some save texts to the hard drive of their computers and phones. Others are more likely to record. We believe that in the first and second case there is no wrong decision. Everyone does what they are comfortable with.
Prayer for children and grandchildren Often personal or family problems make us panic. The reaction to such stimuli can be very different. Including some in an attempt at consolation, without knowing it, can turn not to anyone, but to real charlatans. As a result, they will lose time, money, and the wagon will remain there.
On this occasion we wish to advise the following prayer addressed to the Most Holy Mother of God. May it bring a lot of good, happiness and save from adversity.
O Most Holy Lady of the Virgin Mary,
Save and keep under your roof my children.
All children, children and infants,
baptized and nameless and in the womb of the mother-wearable.
Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood,
Keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents.
Pray to my Lord and your Son that He may give them what is useful for their salvation.
I give them to your mother’s watch.
For you are the divine cover of your servants.
Opinions vary, whether it is necessary to pray in the temple or you can limit yourself to house prayers. Some say that at least once every two weeks, a month, a believer should come to the temple in order to renew himself from the bustle of the world. Others are more relaxed and point out that even going to church on holidays won’t make you worse. It's all about habits and personal consciousness.
Be that as it may, every faithful should have at least a basic understanding of how to pray and to whom. Therefore, we want to offer you another prayer addressed to the Most Holy Mother of God. It looks like this:
Mother of God, Most Holy Mother of God, my Lord Jesus Christ, and all the Holy Trinity, I ask, I pray, give consolation, bless my grandchildren for a happy life, for longevity. I pray for them, sinful and unworthy. I'm not praying for myself.
So that they always have smart heads, clear eyes, fast feet, clean souls. Remove them from evil as well as from a bad life. Cover with your holy veil, protect from a great ailment, from a treacherous knife, from rifle fire, from an evil eye, from damage, from all sorts of attacks.
Have mercy, save, save my dear grandchildren! I'll give you a hundred bows, I'll ask you a hundred times and all the same. Amen!
Even in the Orthodox tradition, the patron of children is considered Nicholas the Wonderworker. He helps children in their lives, saves them from evil eyes and evil intentions. He can be asked not only for the good health of the child, but in general for a happy life. What parent does not want their child to be the best in the future?
O good shepherd and teacher, Nicholas of Christ!
Hear my words about my own little man, my child (name)!
I call on you to help him, help him, help him, help him.
Do not leave him in the midst of evil deeds.
Pray for our Creator, Lord!
So that the life of God’s servant may go on in purity and tranquility of thought,
So that happiness and peace will be in step with him,
All the problems and troubles were avoided.
And those that have already happened have done no harm!
I trust in Your intercession, in Your intercession!
The older generation has a more conservative approach than the younger generation. Despite the influence of the USSR in its time, the church for grandparents is a must. So they too can ask Nicholas the Wonderworker for the good of their beloved grandchildren.
Oh, the Most Holy God-pleasing Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Grant mercy for the recovery of my beloved grandson.
Please forgive my sinful sorrow and do not be angry with me for ignorance.
In general, these prayers, these appeals should be enough so that any believer can turn to the higher forces in a moment free from fuss and ask them for a drop of good. Not for yourself, but for your child or grandson. Because our descendants are nothing but the best extension of ourselves. And we have to do our best to make sure that everything goes well with them and that their lives go well.

Not everyone knows how to pray. Or they know only the basic, basic words for calling to God and all the saints. So we decided that it would not be superfluous to remind how it is done. Some save texts to the hard drive of their computers and phones. Others are more likely to record. We believe that in the first and second case there is no wrong decision. Everyone does what they are comfortable with.
Prayer for children and grandchildren Often personal or family problems make us panic. The reaction to such stimuli can be very different. Including some in an attempt at consolation, without knowing it, can turn not to anyone, but to real charlatans. As a result, they will lose time, money, and the wagon will remain there.

On this occasion we wish to advise the following prayer addressed to the Most Holy Mother of God. May it bring a lot of good, happiness and save from adversity.
O Most Holy Lady of the Virgin Mary,
Save and keep under your roof my children.
All children, children and infants,
baptized and nameless and in the womb of the mother-wearable.
Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood,
Keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents.
Pray to my Lord and your Son that He may give them what is useful for their salvation.
I give them to your mother’s watch.
For you are the divine cover of your servants.
Opinions vary, whether it is necessary to pray in the temple or you can limit yourself to house prayers. Some say that at least once every two weeks, a month, a believer should come to the temple in order to renew himself from the bustle of the world. Others are more relaxed and point out that even going to church on holidays won’t make you worse. It's all about habits and personal consciousness.

Be that as it may, every faithful should have at least a basic understanding of how to pray and to whom. Therefore, we want to offer you another prayer addressed to the Most Holy Mother of God. It looks like this:
Mother of God, Most Holy Mother of God, my Lord Jesus Christ, and all the Holy Trinity, I ask, I pray, give consolation, bless my grandchildren for a happy life, for longevity. I pray for them, sinful and unworthy. I'm not praying for myself.
So that they always have smart heads, clear eyes, fast feet, clean souls. Remove them from evil as well as from a bad life. Cover with your holy veil, protect from a great ailment, from a treacherous knife, from rifle fire, from an evil eye, from damage, from all sorts of attacks.
Have mercy, save, save my dear grandchildren! I'll give you a hundred bows, I'll ask you a hundred times and all the same. Amen!

Even in the Orthodox tradition, the patron of children is considered Nicholas the Wonderworker. He helps children in their lives, saves them from evil eyes and evil intentions. He can be asked not only for the good health of the child, but in general for a happy life. What parent does not want their child to be the best in the future?
O good shepherd and teacher, Nicholas of Christ!
Hear my words about my own little man, my child (name)!
I call on you to help him, help him, help him, help him.
Do not leave him in the midst of evil deeds.
Pray for our Creator, Lord!
So that the life of God’s servant may go on in purity and tranquility of thought,
So that happiness and peace will be in step with him,
All the problems and troubles were avoided.
And those that have already happened have done no harm!
I trust in Your intercession, in Your intercession!

The older generation has a more conservative approach than the younger generation. Despite the influence of the USSR in its time, the church for grandparents is a must. So they too can ask Nicholas the Wonderworker for the good of their beloved grandchildren.
Oh, the Most Holy God-pleasing Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Grant mercy for the recovery of my beloved grandson.
Please forgive my sinful sorrow and do not be angry with me for ignorance.

In general, these prayers, these appeals should be enough so that any believer can turn to the higher forces in a moment free from fuss and ask them for a drop of good. Not for yourself, but for your child or grandson. Because our descendants are nothing but the best extension of ourselves. And we have to do our best to make sure that everything goes well with them and that their lives go well.
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