What not to do on the feast of the Protection of the Virgin on October 14

In 2021, believers around the world will celebrate the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God on October 14. This great church holiday is timed to the appearance of the Mother of God praying in the Church of Vlacher in Constantinople. This happened in 910. The Lord’s Prayer took the veil from the head and stretched it over the people, showing that it was a secret. ready to protect them. In the people of this holiday received the name - "Sweetheart".

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you how to better celebrate the holiday.The Protection of the Most Holy Virgin in goodness. It is believed that prayers lifted up on the Intercession do not go unheard!

In order not to bring trouble to the house and relatives, refrain from such things as cleaning, washing, ironing. Don't sew and knit either. It is advisable not to cook anything until late dinner, but it is at your discretion.

Most importantly, it is worth abstaining and avoid any negativity: quarrels, profanity, resentment, pride, arrogance. Don't get angry even in the shower. Try not to overshadow this bright holiday with anger and envy.

According to folk tradition, matchmakers cannot be denied Pokrov. Notes say that if an unmarried girl decides to do this, she will not find a husband for the next three years. True believers are forbidden to imagine and guess.

It is impossible to take and lend money on Pokrov: according to popular beliefs, this can most likely spoil relations between people who decided to borrow on a great holiday.

They say that prayers on this day have a special power, so it is better to start celebrating this holiday with a prayer to the Mother of God. We need to pray sincerely and from the heart. If this is done, throughout the year the Mother of God protects a person, as if covering him with her cover.

Better go to the temple. morning-service. At the festive service, be sure to put a candle at the icon, but you can also at home. Young women traditionally pray before the icon soon-marriage. Since Pokrov is considered a maiden holiday and a great patron of weddings. In Russia, before Pokrov began the season of weddings and parties – gatherings of young people. According to legend, on the day of this holiday (October 14), the first snow fell and popular rumors compared the snow cover with a white wedding veil.

In prayer It is customary to ask for well-being, protection, help and support, family well-being and love. Well, girls who dream of getting married, ask for a decent groom. The people say that a girl who wants to marry successfully, on the Intercession you need to get up before everyone, be sure to light a candle and pray to the Virgin for an early wedding and a worthy groom.

There is also an Orthodox conspiracy to marry, which helps to get married faster. If a guy or a man is not in a hurry to propose, it is worth saying: “Holy Mother of God, cover the earth with a snowball, and me with a wife.” So be it. Amen! Read it 3 times on the feast of the Intercession, during the church service.

Traditionally, they bake pancakes and pancakes. People believe that the smell of baking at home on this day appeases the house. And unmarried girls bake pancakes to attract a betrothed. The pancake should be torn into 2 parts: one half the girl should eat herself, and the other - give to the birds. It was believed that they would take her beloved. But these are just popular beliefs.

I also suggest you find out what prayers you should definitely read on the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God in order to successfully marry and protect your home from adversity. With all my heart I wish you the grace of God!

The Holy Mother of God in 2021 will be celebrate. First we go to the temple for the morning festive service. And then we will gather with family and friends at the festive table.

With all my heart I wish you the grace of God! Be sure to spend the day of the Intercession, maintaining peace of mind. May the Holy Spirit be upon you forever!