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Introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Mother of God

On December 4, Orthodox Christians celebrate a great holiday. Introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Mother of GodIt is called the introduction or the third pure. On this day, believers remember the very small three-year-old Virgin Mary, which Saints Jaokim and Anna led to the Old Testament Jerusalem Temple.


The feast of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos Parents brought the young Virgin Mary to the temple for a reason. Long before that, a childless couple vowed to dedicate their child to the service of the Lord. Waiting for the girl to be three years old, the faithful father and mother fulfilled their promise.

After the introduction, the Virgin Mary lived at the temple for eleven years. She studied the Holy Scriptures and spent her days in prayer until she was engaged to the righteous Joseph. Then began the long and difficult journey of the Mother of God.


The introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos is the second two-tieth Theotokos (dedicated to the Mother of God) feast of the Church year. There is no mention of the feast in the canonical Gospels, but it is known from the Church Tradition – “The Story of Jacob on the Birth of Mary” and “The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew”.

This day has a special significance for women, since from time immemorial the Mother of God is considered the patroness of women’s fate. Before. Icon “Introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Mother of God” All women pray for healing from various ailments.


The day begins with morning prayer. If possible, go to the temple and take care of your soul. Time can be found, because the festive service takes place all day. Try to set aside a few minutes to attend a liturgy or evening service.

If for one reason or another you do not have the opportunity to visit the church, read Kondak at home. tropar of the feast of the Introduction to the Church of the Blessed Virgin.


“Today, God’s blessings and the people of salvation are preached: in the temple of God, the Virgin appears clearly and heralds Christ to all.” And we will cry out, “Rejoice in the sight of God.”

The Most Pure Temple of the Saviors, the Most Valuable Palace and the Virgin, the sacred treasure of the glory of God, is now being introduced into the house of the Lord, grace summoning. This is the village of heaven.”


After prayer and worship, light housework is allowed. In no case can you knock, sew, make repairs. Worldly affairs will wait until the next day, and on December 4 it is better to devote yourself to the perfection of your spiritual world. Since the holiday falls on Christmas fastingOn this day you can eat fish and drink wine in moderation.

The Holy Fathers say that Third Most Pure. The best time to bring children over the age of seven to their first confession. It is very important from a young age to introduce a child to the faith. Orthodox teaching, which children learn from parents and in the church, helps to overcome everyday difficulties.

The history of the holiday in Russia has many traditions. With the introduction, the new year began. Noisy fairs with festivities were held in the cities, and peasants performed a special ritual - "sleigh way" with a trial trip on a sled. In the houses where the newlyweds were, the whole family gathered and asked the Virgin for a happy life for the new family. On this day, you cannot borrow money and lend it.

On the night of the Introduction, before going to bed, unmarried girls asked the Virgin Mary to show them in a dream the house where the future chosen one lives. Childless couples spent an entire day at church service asking for a child. After all, the Virgin is a symbol of the continuation of the family: prayer They're especially valuable on this day.

On the Third Most Pure, we always remember dead relatives. People believed that on this day the Lord allowed the souls of the righteous to return to the earth and see how their loved ones live. Hearing the prayer, the soul returned to heaven.


There were in Russia. ban about the holiday. From December 4 until the Annunciation (April 7), it is forbidden to dig the land so as not to disturb its peace and yield. You can not go to another’s house with a bad mood, so as not to bring misfortune to its owners.

It was believed that the well-being of the next year depends on who first sets foot on the doorstep of the house. If a young man and even with money, a year will pass in prosperity and everyone will be healthy. If you're an old woman, don't wait.


Weather signs
  1. Frost stings and the sun shines - summer will be warm and productive.
  2. If it is cold, wait until Christmas.
  3. How much for the introduction of water, so much for Yuri (May 6) grass.
  4. If the introduction builds bridges, and Nicholas (December 19) hammers nails, then a fierce winter will be.
  5. When the winter is deep, prepare deep holes.
  6. The introduction puts ice on the water.
  7. If this day is cold, then the summer will be hot and hot.


To believe or not to believe the signs of the people is a personal matter. Blindly follow, of course, is not worth it. But as part of our history, traditions are definitely worth noting. After all, in this way our ancestors expressed their desire to achieve bodily health and earthly well-being.


The introduction of the Most Holy Mother of God to the Temple is a great miracle for Orthodox Christians. Spend this saving and graceful time for the benefit of the soul. It teaches us to love the church as God’s temple. After all, it is in the church that we receive Baptism and ask for health, it is in the church that earthly life ends and prayers for the repose of the soul are heard.


Don’t be indifferent to the world around you. Be kind to people, do not judge or be jealous. Remember that prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God can change fate and life. Only in unity with God can we find peace and security.

Happy holiday, dear readers! May the Mother of God protect your families from trouble, give good health and support your faith.

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