What words to say in moments of despondency

On December 4, Orthodox Christians celebrate a great feast – the Introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Mother of God, popularly called the Introduction or the Third Most Pure. This holiday reminds us of the events that happened to the little Virgin Mary, whom Saints Joachim and Anna brought to the Jerusalem Temple.

And today's edition. "Site" He remembers this event and shares it with you. prayerfully.

From this visit to the temple began a long and difficult journey of the Virgin Mary. The young girl was brought to the temple for a reason. Joachim and Anna could not become parents for a long time. The couple vowed that if they had a child, they would dedicate it to the service of the Lord. When Mary was three years old, her parents kept their promise. After the introduction, the Virgin Mary lived at the temple for eleven years. She spent her days in prayer and studied the Holy Scriptures.

The introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos is the second twelfth feast of the Church year. This day is important for all believers, especially women. From time immemorial, the Virgin is considered the patroness of women, and therefore many try to visit the temple on this day and pray to the Virgin Mary.

Before the icon “Introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Mother of God”, all women pray for healing from various ailments. Prayer to the Holy Virgin It can be spoken at any time of the day. If you can’t go to church, you can pray at home. You can ask the Virgin for health, for help and protection, for children and their welfare. In general, everything you care about.

Prayer for the Introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos “O Most Holy Virgin, Queen of Heaven and Earth, before a century the chosen Bride of God, in the last times came to the temple lawful to betrothal to the Heavenly Bridegroom!” Thou hast forsaken thy men and thy father's house, to sacrifice unto thyself the pure and unblemished God, and the first has made a vow of everlasting virginity.

Grant us also to observe for ourselves in chastity and purity and in the fear of God all the days of our life, that we may be temples of the Holy Spirit, and most of all help to imitate you in the dwellings who live and betrothed themselves to the service of God in the purity of virginity to carry out their lives and from youth to bear the yoke of Christ, the good and easy, keeping holy their vows.

You have spent all the days of your youth in the temple of the Lord, far from the temptations of this world, in prayerful vigilance, and in all spiritual abstinence and bodily, help us also to repel all the temptations of the enemy from the flesh, peace and devil who find them from our youth, and to conquer them by prayer and fasting.

You have been adorned with all virtues in the temple of the Lord with angels, but you have been adorned with humility, purity and love, and have been educated with dignity, so that the incompatible Word of God may be ready to contain the flesh.

Like us, possessed of pride, incontinence and laziness, clothed in every spiritual perfection, so that one day, with Your help, the garment of his marriage soul and the oil of good-doing will be prepared from us, so that we do not naz and unprepared appear to our Immortal Bridegroom and Your Son, Christ the Savior and our God, but that we receive with the wise virgins in the abode of paradise, and that with all the saints we may be glorified with all the Holy Spirit and always in the glory of ages, and in the glory of Your Son, and in the present day. Amen.

God hears all of them, hears all their prayers. The main thing is that they are spoken with a pure heart. Don’t forget to thank the Mother of God for everything. Have a good holiday!


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