Mantra treated.

Contact voices of any sound, acoustic vibrations to nerve centers in particular has been fully studied and widely used in practice in the East.
Below are some sounds and sound combinations that have been developed in ancient India and today is used in yoga to treat a variety of diseases. They are not based on the semantic meaning of the words, but on the healing effects of vibrations arising in the utterance of sound combinations, called mantras. Before pronouncing the mantras have to sit in a comfortable chair, hands down along the body to completely relax physically and mentally to focus on the affected organ. Pronounce the mantra should be made clear, in a low voice, in an active exhalation. Speak their recommended 8 to 12 times at intervals of 2-3 seconds.
The sound of "MN". His utterance makes life easier, and difficult situations we often they are treated.
The sound of "Yu" very beneficial effect on the kidneys and bladder, cleans and fills them with energy.
The sound of "FL" in the singing of a beneficial effect on the heart.
The sound "U" has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and urinary bladder, relieves painful spasms.
The sound of "SI" relieves stress, but not as much as in repentance, when pronouncing the sound "A". When a person is frightened by something, the sound of "SI" relieves stress.
The sound of "Oh" beneficial effect on the colon. The sound sounds like a howl, it can howl. Treats hemorrhoids.
Sound "MBOA" should be pronounced as if you're playing the trumpet. It has beneficial effect on the heart.
The sound of "PA" is sung in the same breath. This is also the activation of the heart, but in a lightweight version. The heart may ache, and with a lack of energy and an excess of, so you have to try everything and choose what is more appropriate. Sound "PEOHO" very beneficial effect on your breath. On the exhale, the sound of "OXO" produces the same purification as in breathing sound "ha". This sound also activates the heart.
Sound "EUOAIYAOM." It should be sung over a man who had lost consciousness, and sing to the person at the loss of power. It sounds repetitive. Of course, you first need to learn how to pronounce all the basic sounds correctly and cleanly, without strain, and then go to the singing of them. Remember the sequence ..
The sound of "O" turns into "E". This is a healing sound, and all the words of "O" - healing vowel, and "E" - cleansing. Chief harmonizing sound - the sound of "O".
Very important sound - the "NG", the utterance which stimulates the pituitary gland and expands the creative possibilities of man.
When pronouncing the sound "E" are stimulated by the throat, parathyroid gland, trachea. The sound of "E" should try to sing in high pitch.
Sound "EYUYA" affects the physical body, cleanses and harmonizes. It must say the 2, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26 and 29th lunar days and fast days.
Sound "AUOUM" affects the mental body. He must recite the sound of a bell, very complete, with a strong articulation. This sound animates, purifies and energises the mental body. Work with this sound to be 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25 and 27 minutes lunar days.
"IAEEYI" should be pronounced to highlight each syllable, that is to say they must be separately, sequentially. Thus, the sound harmonizes and calms our emotions and energy. The most favorable sing the sound of 3, 11, 12, 28 and 30th lunar days.
The most important sound that we must learn and often enough to say - it's the sound "Ngongo". The sound of "H" to begin to say to the mooing, it is necessary to focus on first letters. The sound should come out from all the holes in the head. This sound has beneficial effects on the liver, stomach, brain, and revitalizes the vocal cords. Pronunciation even parts of the sound is healing. Clear, silvery pronunciation of this sound cures sinusitis. Sound "Ngongo" is very useful to the solar plexus, stomach and liver. When you pronounce it, it must come from the head, but at the same time should vibrate the entire body. Your head becomes an instrument that produces the sound and creates a similar field around itself. When pronouncing the sound "Ngongo", the conditions for activation of the simultaneous operation of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.