Strong prayers for getting rid of any addiction
“How to pray at home so that my husband will stop sitting with his friends so often, skipping a glass or two?” asked my sister six months ago, Father Alexander. When the requests and encodings do not work, it is only in God that we trust. faith.
“One must believe and pray. Everything will improve, the main thing is not to give up! said the father, and then gave the sister the icon of the Mother of God. In 21 days, like a sister. prayed before this icon, Michael, her husband, as substituted. He found a job that made him get up in the morning with joy, sparked and inspired. But communication with lovers to fall to the bottle somehow stopped by itself.
How to Pray at Home
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what. icons and prayers They help to get rid of harmful addictions. I am sure that these prayers will help many people to find family happiness!
Prayer in front of the icon “Inexhaustible Cup” of the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Cup” is the first assistant for those who want to help a loved one who is dying from addiction. Reading a prayer before this way helped to get rid of the sinful ailment of addictions for many thousands of suffering people.
“O Most Merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but listen graciously to us, wives, children, mothers and the grave illness of pianism possessed, and that for the sake of our mother, the Church of Christ, and the salvation of the fallen brothers, sisters and relatives of our healing.
O merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the fall of sinners and bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, that He may forgive us our sins and not turn away His mercy from His people, but may He strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.
Receive, O Most Holy Mother of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, wives, for their weeping husbands, children of the wretched and the wretched, forsaken, and all of us, to the icon of Your coming, and may this cry come, by Your prayers, to the throne of the Most High.
Cover us and keep us from evil fishing and all the plots of the enemies. But in the terrible hour of the end of our aid to pass unquestionably airy torments, by Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may the mercy of God cover us in endless ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker prayer From drunkenness is considered an appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker. There is a large amount of evidence when prayer in the miraculous image saved from the “green serpent”.
“Miracleworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. I beg you and ask for immediate help. Remove the negative attraction of the slave (slave) (name of the person). Cold him (her) hunting and remove the obsession. Cleanse your body and soul from addiction. Give me strength to help the suffering and guide us to holy healing. Your will be done. Amen.
Prayer to St. John of Kronstadt Also the clergy advise to pray to John of Kronstadt. This Orthodox miracle worker during his lifetime had the gift of miracle-working and healing others from bad habits. Prayer at the icon St. John of Kronstadt helps to forget about harmful addictions and never return to them again.
“O Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt!” Pray to the Lord for God’s servant (name), that God may have mercy on him and deliver him from the addiction to carnal pleasure of pernicious habits. May the Lord grant him to know the joy of abstinence and a quiet life in love with all his neighbors and in the house of God. Amen.
And, of course, pray that a loved one gets rid of the harmful ones. habits and addictions The Savior himself.
I also want to know what to ask for in your prayers. Tells Archpriest Andrei Tkachev!
Now you know how pray At home, to keep a strong family and bring prosperity and love to the home. These prayers truly work wonders. The main thing is to say them sincerely and from the heart.
And I want to end this article with the wise words of Father Alexander: “We should pray as if everything depends on God, and act as if everything depends on us!” With all my heart I wish you, dear reader, that harmful addictions bypass your house. God bless you!
“One must believe and pray. Everything will improve, the main thing is not to give up! said the father, and then gave the sister the icon of the Mother of God. In 21 days, like a sister. prayed before this icon, Michael, her husband, as substituted. He found a job that made him get up in the morning with joy, sparked and inspired. But communication with lovers to fall to the bottle somehow stopped by itself.
How to Pray at Home

Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what. icons and prayers They help to get rid of harmful addictions. I am sure that these prayers will help many people to find family happiness!
Prayer in front of the icon “Inexhaustible Cup” of the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Cup” is the first assistant for those who want to help a loved one who is dying from addiction. Reading a prayer before this way helped to get rid of the sinful ailment of addictions for many thousands of suffering people.

“O Most Merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but listen graciously to us, wives, children, mothers and the grave illness of pianism possessed, and that for the sake of our mother, the Church of Christ, and the salvation of the fallen brothers, sisters and relatives of our healing.
O merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the fall of sinners and bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, that He may forgive us our sins and not turn away His mercy from His people, but may He strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.
Receive, O Most Holy Mother of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, wives, for their weeping husbands, children of the wretched and the wretched, forsaken, and all of us, to the icon of Your coming, and may this cry come, by Your prayers, to the throne of the Most High.

Cover us and keep us from evil fishing and all the plots of the enemies. But in the terrible hour of the end of our aid to pass unquestionably airy torments, by Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may the mercy of God cover us in endless ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker prayer From drunkenness is considered an appeal to Nicholas the Wonderworker. There is a large amount of evidence when prayer in the miraculous image saved from the “green serpent”.
“Miracleworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. I beg you and ask for immediate help. Remove the negative attraction of the slave (slave) (name of the person). Cold him (her) hunting and remove the obsession. Cleanse your body and soul from addiction. Give me strength to help the suffering and guide us to holy healing. Your will be done. Amen.

Prayer to St. John of Kronstadt Also the clergy advise to pray to John of Kronstadt. This Orthodox miracle worker during his lifetime had the gift of miracle-working and healing others from bad habits. Prayer at the icon St. John of Kronstadt helps to forget about harmful addictions and never return to them again.
“O Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt!” Pray to the Lord for God’s servant (name), that God may have mercy on him and deliver him from the addiction to carnal pleasure of pernicious habits. May the Lord grant him to know the joy of abstinence and a quiet life in love with all his neighbors and in the house of God. Amen.

And, of course, pray that a loved one gets rid of the harmful ones. habits and addictions The Savior himself.
I also want to know what to ask for in your prayers. Tells Archpriest Andrei Tkachev!

Now you know how pray At home, to keep a strong family and bring prosperity and love to the home. These prayers truly work wonders. The main thing is to say them sincerely and from the heart.
And I want to end this article with the wise words of Father Alexander: “We should pray as if everything depends on God, and act as if everything depends on us!” With all my heart I wish you, dear reader, that harmful addictions bypass your house. God bless you!
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