The main icons that should be in every house

Granddaughter, remember, the obligatory icons of the house, in addition to the face of the Savior and the Most Holy Mother of God, are the icons of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity, Panteleimon the Healer. Grandmother listed the icons that should house (from thieves and the evil eye), and I wrote. Listen to the wise advice of the elders!

Today's edition. "Site" I will tell you what wonderful icons are. protect the house. Protection from evil people and thoughts!

Almost every Orthodox Christian in the house has icons of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. In these holy images, you can pray for anything that bothers you. And also ask the higher forces for help, protection from ailments and evil. The icon of the Lord is placed on the right of the person who prays, and the Virgin is placed on the left.

They should be placed meaningfully, it is not allowed to hang icons above the Savior or the Virgin. Only the Holy Trinity can be found above!

However, in addition to these main icons, it is good to put in the red corner of your home the images of saints who protect the house from all kinds of misfortunes and misfortunes.

Nicholas the Wonderworker protects from need, problems at work, in business. Prayer will help him cope with all the difficulties that a person may face in the field of employment and work.

The icon of the Mother of God “Indestructible Wall” will rid the house of unwanted and harmful guests, and the icon “Inextinguishable Cup” will save the house from fires.

Well, to the face of St. John the Warrior is addressed, asking for help and guidance, for healing and before starting a new business. Also, this image is considered a powerful talisman from enemies and robbers.

For good reason, the holy warrior is depicted on the icon with three indispensable attributes: a cross, a spear and a shield. The cross is the faith he carried through all the trials. The spear is the power given by God in the name of war against sin and unbelief. But the shield is the protection of the Lord, capable of protecting the slave devoted to Him from any misfortune.

One of the most powerful protective icons is the Seven Arrow Icon of the Mother of God. It protects against envious and ill-wishers. The Mother of God softens their hearts and the person in whose house this icon is located. The icon also protects against injuries and ailments. The Mother of God protects and gives healing.

The prayer of the Mother of God helps to find strength in yourself to preserve peace. We can ask that such forces be given to those who are angry against us or want to offend.

The protection of the Most Holy Mother of God will give powerful protection and shelter from any troubles, ailments and misfortunes. It also protects the house from evil eyes and envy.

Diveevsky icon Mother of God Ostrobramskaya will help to protect yourself from the evil eye, envy, gossip and other problems. It also protects spouses from interference and helps to maintain love for many years. Well, it is worth praying for healing before the icon of Panteleimon the Healer.

There are also icons of patron saints who help in finding work, in solving material and everyday problems, in gaining prosperity and well-being.

These include the Icon of Spiridon of Trimifunt and the icon of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The first will help you find a job, build a decent career, suggest the right decision when doing business and farming. Well, the second helps in everyday needs.

An icon is like a window to God, looking through which a Christian turns to the Primary Source, that is, to the Lord Himself. The more such windows in the house, the brighter and more comfortable it is, for the Lord will be invisible with them in our house! says Father Alexander, and I cannot disagree with him.

I also suggest you find out who and why should wear the church belt. A very important talisman for Orthodox Christians!

Listed mandatory house icons I already have it on my wall. The priest from the temple approved the list dictated by my grandmother. He says that these images must be present in the home of every Christian, because they protect the family and bring prosperity, being symbols of true harmony!


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