What to Remember About Archangels
Archangels (from the Greek “elder angels”) are the conductors of divine revelations and evangelists. They come to prophesy, and each of them has helpers, angels.
According to the mystical traditions of ancient Christians, each of the archangels is inextricably linked with one of the zodiac constellations. Whether or not you feel the presence of Angels and Archangels, believe in their existence, they are always there to help and answer your prayers.
"Site" It will tell you which archangels are considered the strongest for each of the signs of the Zodiac and how to attract the great power of the messengers of the will of God into your life.
In Orthodoxy eight archangels are venerated, but in the canonistic books of Pisania only three of them are mentioned: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.
Mention of the archangels Selaphiel, Uriel and Jeremiah can be found in the non-canonical book of Ezra, and the archangels Barahil and Jehudiel are not mentioned in the Bible at all and are known only from legend.
If the Orthodox believer wants to ask for protection and help from the archangels, then he should say special prayer petitions, which can be found in the holy books. This is one of the prayers that should be said in the morning and in the coming sleep.
O St. Michael the Archangel, have mercy on us sinners in need of your help, preserve us servants of God from all visible and invisible evils, deliver us from the terror of death and from the temptation of the devil, and help us to appear without shame before our God in the hour of His terrible and righteous judgment.
Great Michael the Archistratig, do not neglect us, slaves of sinners, praying to you and other archangels for your help and intercession now and in the future. Help us with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
On June 6, 2019, Orthodox believers celebrate a great holiday – the Ascension of the Lord. This is one of the most important church holidays. Editorial "Site" It will tell you what prayers to say on the day of Ascension.
For centuries, people believed that the Archangel Michael will protect and protect, because he is the embodiment of absolute good. Learn about the bans on Mikhailov Day, traditions and history of this holiday.
There are many important church holidays ahead this year. To avoid missing any of them, take a look at the most detailed Orthodox calendar for 2019.

According to the mystical traditions of ancient Christians, each of the archangels is inextricably linked with one of the zodiac constellations. Whether or not you feel the presence of Angels and Archangels, believe in their existence, they are always there to help and answer your prayers.

"Site" It will tell you which archangels are considered the strongest for each of the signs of the Zodiac and how to attract the great power of the messengers of the will of God into your life.
In Orthodoxy eight archangels are venerated, but in the canonistic books of Pisania only three of them are mentioned: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

Mention of the archangels Selaphiel, Uriel and Jeremiah can be found in the non-canonical book of Ezra, and the archangels Barahil and Jehudiel are not mentioned in the Bible at all and are known only from legend.
- Aries the Archangel Jehudiel
Translated from ancient Hebrew, the name Jehudiel is translated as “glorifying God,” “glory to God.” This archangel rules Mars and belongs to the archangels of the sun.
In the icons, Jehudiel is depicted with a crown in one hand and a whip in the other. The golden crown symbolizes the reward from the Lord for God-pleasing deeds, and the whip represents the punishment of sinners.
The Jew is always ready to give advice and help in a difficult situation to the one whom he protects. These are priests and monks, as well as people who are engaged in truly God-pleasing deeds - the glorification of the Lord and saints, the creation and restoration of temples, as well as icon painting.
Born under the sign of Aries, Jehudiel will help get rid of laziness, despondency or greed. Here is an example of a short prayer to the Archangel Jehudiel: “Holy Archangel Jehudiel, confirm me for all work and work.” And pray to God for me, a sinner. Amen. - Taurus - Archangel Selafiel
In the sphere of influence of the archangel Selaphiel (his name translates as “prayer to God”) are all praying people. He listens to the prayers and gives them to God. Only he knows whether the reward for every one who recites a prayer is necessary, or whether the trials for a person are not yet finished.
Archangel Selaphiel is depicted on icons with his face leaning downwards and with his hands prayerfully folded on his chest, as happens in a praying person. Selafiel helps everyone who has recently set foot on the path of faith. In addition, with the help of Salafil, you can direct your relatives and loved ones to the true path. Salafil is also prayed to when interest in faith and prayer begins to fade.
The Holy Archangel Salaphiel, excite me day and night to the praise of God. And pray to God for me, a sinner. Amen. - Twins - Archangel Raphael
The Archangel of the East Raphael, who rules the element of Air, is usually depicted in fluttering robes of golden yellow and with fish in his hands, which is a reference to the Book of Tobit.
The name Raphael in Hebrew means “help, healing of God, healing of God.” Raphael is credited with the ability to heal and relieve any pain.
In Orthodoxy and Catholicism archangel He is considered the patron saint of travelers and healers, the helper of the sick and suffering.
Born under the sign of Gemini, Raphael often gives unique healing abilities. They accumulate a lot of energy, but they don’t always share it with others. - Cancer - Archangel Gabriel
The Guardian of the West, who rules the element of Water, is usually depicted in blue. According to tradition, Gabriel is considered the Angel of the Annunciation. His name literally means “God is my strength.”
Gabriel brings the news of the birth of Christ to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which begins with an immortal greeting: “I salute you, Mary, full of grace...” On the icons it can be seen with a rod, branch or lily.
Archangel Gabriel gave Cancers sensitivity and compassion. They pray for the conception of children with infertility and for help in adoption, future mothers and fathers turn with a prayer for the safe course of pregnancy. - Leo as Archangel Michael
In Scripture, the archangel Michael (“who is like God” in Hebrew) is called a prince and is depicted as the main fighter against the devil and all lawlessness among people. Hence his ecclesiastical name is the archistratig, that is, the elder warrior, the leader.
The head of the Heavenly Hosts controls the element of Fire and is associated with the South. The main color of Michael is red. He is usually depicted armed, holding a fiery sword or pike.
Archangel Michael patronizes Leos in search of hidden knowledge and life purpose. Daily prayer to the Archangel Michael is a very strong defense against the evil eye, malignants and any misfortune. - Virgo - Archangel Raphael
Raphael gave Dev an analytical mindset. In this case, "God's healing" Raphael is needed rather by their reason, which is very tired of the eternal striving for the ideal. - Libra - Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel, or Uriel, controls the element of the Earth and is associated with the North. According to icon painting canons, he is depicted with a sword in his right hand and tongues of the divine flame in his left.
The name of the archangel translates as “God’s light” or “God is light.” Uriel enlightens people, giving them insight. He is called the patron saint of students and students of schools. As the protector of Libra, he gives them diplomacy and patience. - Scorpion as Archangel Varahil
The name Varahil ("Blessed by the Lord") is not found in the Bible. This archangel became famous thanks to the apocryphal sources of Enoch and the records of the Catholic monk Amadeus of Portugal.
From the XV century he began to be revered by Catholics, and two centuries later Dmitry Rostovsky transferred him to the Orthodox “Life of Saints”. The colors of this archangel are purple, purple, purple and blue.
Barahil is the angel of the blessings of the Lord, through whom blessings are sent. It is depicted with white roses as a sign of bliss in the Heavenly Kingdom.
He not only blesses, but also rewards believers by God’s command. If you think that you did not get what you deserved, turn to the archangel in prayer, draw his attention. - Sagittarius - Archangel Jeremiel
The name Jeremiah is translated as “the exaltation to God” or “the height of God.” According to legend, archangel He helps to bring people back to God by leading an army of angels of repentance. On icons, he is usually depicted with scales on which he weighs the souls of people.
Jeremiah can help in any situation that concerns repentance. He can save the soul from the torment of hell. Enoch calls Jeremiah the guide of the souls of the righteous to Paradise, so you can pray to the archangel for your deceased relatives. - Capricorn - Archangel Jehudiel
The hard work of Jehudil can be enough for two. Therefore, it is not surprising that he is the patron of Capricorns, for whom hard work is the norm of existence. - Aquarius as Archangel Michael
If Leos were given the driving force of the archangel Michael, then Aquarius - creative. Unlike Leo, they know exactly what to do and why. But with the active actions themselves, they still have some problems. - Pisces - Archangel Selafiel
Archangel Selaphiel encourages self-development and spiritual growth of Pisces. If Taurus left the more material part of his energy, then Pisces got the spiritual part. But no one knows how to express their emotions so skillfully and colorfully as Pisces.
If the Orthodox believer wants to ask for protection and help from the archangels, then he should say special prayer petitions, which can be found in the holy books. This is one of the prayers that should be said in the morning and in the coming sleep.
O St. Michael the Archangel, have mercy on us sinners in need of your help, preserve us servants of God from all visible and invisible evils, deliver us from the terror of death and from the temptation of the devil, and help us to appear without shame before our God in the hour of His terrible and righteous judgment.
Great Michael the Archistratig, do not neglect us, slaves of sinners, praying to you and other archangels for your help and intercession now and in the future. Help us with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
On June 6, 2019, Orthodox believers celebrate a great holiday – the Ascension of the Lord. This is one of the most important church holidays. Editorial "Site" It will tell you what prayers to say on the day of Ascension.
For centuries, people believed that the Archangel Michael will protect and protect, because he is the embodiment of absolute good. Learn about the bans on Mikhailov Day, traditions and history of this holiday.
There are many important church holidays ahead this year. To avoid missing any of them, take a look at the most detailed Orthodox calendar for 2019.