What explains the structural horoscope
What do you, dear readers, know about horoscopes? It turns out that in addition to the usual Bulls, Tigers, Capricorns and Gemini, there are structural horoscopeIt explains the total energy of these signs.
Structural horoscope to describe psychotype Most astrologers use the Western (European) and Eastern (Chinese) zodiac systems. The western horoscope examines in detail the characteristics of the month of birth, and the eastern one determines the nature of the whole year.
And what happens if you combine these two horoscopes, what is the prognosis? Combination by year and zodiac It allows you to calculate the astrological portrait of a person in more detail. This combination is called a structural horoscope.
It was developed in detail by an astropsychologist. Gregory Kvasha. The structural horoscope identifies seven personal portraits. They are determined by a special table.
To determine a personal psychological portrait, find in the table the intersection of your signs in the zodiac and eastern horoscopes and find out the detailed characteristic for this result. Whether you're a king, a joker, an aristocrat or... ?
Decoding of the structural horoscope
Structural horoscope of Gregory Kvashi It is different from all previous ones. This is clear, clear and very clear information, presented in simple and accessible language. I hope this knowledge will help you understand yourself, realize your emotions and find harmony with the world around you.

Structural horoscope to describe psychotype Most astrologers use the Western (European) and Eastern (Chinese) zodiac systems. The western horoscope examines in detail the characteristics of the month of birth, and the eastern one determines the nature of the whole year.
And what happens if you combine these two horoscopes, what is the prognosis? Combination by year and zodiac It allows you to calculate the astrological portrait of a person in more detail. This combination is called a structural horoscope.

It was developed in detail by an astropsychologist. Gregory Kvasha. The structural horoscope identifies seven personal portraits. They are determined by a special table.
To determine a personal psychological portrait, find in the table the intersection of your signs in the zodiac and eastern horoscopes and find out the detailed characteristic for this result. Whether you're a king, a joker, an aristocrat or... ?

Decoding of the structural horoscope
- King (I)
These people are wise from birth, courageous, purposeful and insightful. Always aiming for success, do not regret themselves. They have enormous intellectual, emotional and physical potential. These people achieve their goals at any cost. Success accompanies them in their careers, they feel no shortage of material goods.
Kings are very friendly. Like a magnet attracts people who see them as role models. At first glance, it seems that they are accompanied by luck and success, but this is not true. Behind every achievement is a lot of work and dedication.
To harness the hidden potential of this sign, Kings must get rid of vanity and the desire to command others. Do not pay attention to vile feelings (cunning, envy, anger, hatred). Kings succeed only by their wisdom and prudence. - Chief (II)
People born under the sign of the Leader birthmaster and leaders. They know what others need, they know how to inspire, interest and direct the efforts of a person in the right direction. Their strength is not in intelligence, but in persuasion. Their purpose in life is to lead people.
In order to achieve harmony, the leaders need to realize themselves. Preferably in a leadership position. If this is not possible, you should become a mentor and teacher for people who are looking for knowledge. You should not abuse your own power. True leaders will never deceive or hypocrisy. They value justice and willpower in others. - Knight (III)
The knight is the personification of kindness, mercy and dedication. These are people who accept other people’s troubles as their own. They always try to protect the weak, feed the hungry and shelter the lost.
In any field of activity Knights dream And prove yourself. But life often happens so that their actions go unnoticed. Therefore, if you were born under the sign of a Knight, do not expect worldwide recognition. Your destiny is to help people selflessly, giving yourself 200%. Only then will the universe stand on your side. - Aristocrat (IV)
These are people whose vocation is to bring beauty to the world. Aristocrats love luxury, dress stylishly and pay much attention to their appearance. They have good taste and sense of style, but weak willpower. Not purposeful, fixate They like to be the center of attention.
Nature has rewarded the aristocrats with outstanding talents, but they do not seek to develop their abilities due to natural laziness. They are interested in quick results, if it is impossible to achieve, prefer not to do anything.
In order not to be at a broken trough, aristocrats should develop perseverance and consistency. Try to find a mentor who will point out a mistake and at the right time direct you on the right path. - Professor (V)
These are sensible and rational people who know how to speak beautifully, persuade and instruct. They're highly intelligent. They never act rashly, do not pity themselves and are guided by cold calculation. Unlike a leader and a king, the Professor does not expect fame, recognition or public approval. His actions are aimed at results for the sake of results.
In order to show their best traits, professors are not recommended to interfere in conflicts and quarrels. Panic, stress, as well as any other excessive emotions, can ruin everything previously achieved, and the stable, familiar world will collapse. - Jester (VI)
At first glance, it seems that jokers have fun all day and live for their own pleasure. But in fact, Jester is an extravagant, self-sufficient and non-standard person. He likes people, charges them with positive, but he is often sad and depressed.
Jokes do not like to be like everyone else, abandon the usual way of life and do not accept pressure. More than other signs are prone to bad habits. This reveals their true mission - to show human vices and protect others from the fall. To be happy, a joker must find a supportive environment that values him for who he is. - Vector (VII)
Vector is a bright and unpredictable person, often an adventurer and a lover of profit. This is a non-standard personality with magnetism, sexuality and attractiveness. In a word, a storm of passions!
Such people can work day in and day out, not sparing themselves, and at one moment, quit everything and leave for another country forever. They are multifaceted individuals, but fickle. All my life I look for myself in work or in love.
People under the Vector sign are very developed spiritually. They think a lot about the meaning of life, they have a well-developed intuition. Some people can dream and predict the future. In order not to lose their uniqueness, people of the vector type need to accept their changeable essence and not try to remake themselves under the generally accepted canons.
Structural horoscope of Gregory Kvashi It is different from all previous ones. This is clear, clear and very clear information, presented in simple and accessible language. I hope this knowledge will help you understand yourself, realize your emotions and find harmony with the world around you.