Vasilisa Volodina told how the pandemic will develop in the coming months
In times of global turmoil, the temptation to look into the near future is greater than ever. To do this today will allow us astrological forecast Vasilisa Volodina at the end of 2020.
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The last week began when Vasilisa Volodina Astrocenter takes orders for Signs of Destiny 2020, my favorite light horoscope. I developed Signs 7 years ago so that everyone could get a personal forecast for the year in all areas of life, with clear shapes, without water and abstractions. So if it is important for you to get your personal forecast for the last months of 2020 - accurate and not for many thousands of rubles - you have the last days to order your 2020 signs. Active link in the profile or dial www.astrogift.ru/lite-horoscope/destiny-signs.shtml ► Well, or those who do not cope, I will send an active link to the DIRECT. So write to the Director – “I want the signs of fate.” And during these days I will finally prepare the messengers of the future – “Signs of fate. 2021”. And each of your likes brings a bright future. Don't sting!
Publication by Vasilis Volodin. ASTROLOGUE (@vasilisa.volodina) September 21, 2020 at 9:30 PDT
Most readers Vasilisa is known as one of the hosts of the program “Let’s get married”. In April of this year, she left the wedding talk show “First channel” to adhere to the mode of self-isolation and focus on the compilation of private horoscopes.
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The most important topic of recent months is the coronavirus. I already wrote about my forecasts on this topic at the very beginning of the process - in mid-March and called the total estimated duration of the epidemic (the consequences are up to 3.5 years). It was “before”, not 3.5 years, as some representatives of the press immediately misrepresented. I'm focusing on that. But even this "do" is not very happy. Make sure you share our peace and quiet with you! And I gave predictions on my YouTube channel in summer and September. Who hasn’t seen it yet – an active link in the profile or dial www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtCZanOVGGGeymGMPFeBWw › I constantly work with morbidity statistics and cross astrological methods of prognosis with mathematical ones. Unfortunately, the statistics themselves are still too few to draw confident conclusions about the future. You didn't hear me, there's not much going on. Some of the planetary cycles of the “suspects” didn’t even go from start to finish once to reveal the patterns by which this particular virus lives. The most recent findings are that retrograde planets (especially Mercury!) slow the spread of disease. I attribute this to the fact that retro-Mercury prevents limitless and uncontrolled communication. In addition to Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have the same effect to a lesser extent. The most influential for world statistics were the connection of Pluto with Saturn (accelerates the rate of the epidemic by 25%) and with Jupiter (9%). But the interaction of Neptune and Jupiter statistically restrained the spread of the virus (by 35% compared to the average). For non-astrologers, all this means that right now the rate of increase in the incidence of disease in the world is accelerating. And we see it with you. And in the area of October 16, they should slow down a little (Merck will turn back, but it is the pace, not the number of cases, alas). And then accelerate again to 20.11, after which they can stay quite high for a long time. I don’t know if I should publish my schedule or not. More detail?
Publication by Vasilis Volodin. ASTROLOGUE (@vasilisa.volodina) 5 Oct 2020 at 9:30 PDT
Naturally, any predictions this year somehow touch on the topic of coronavirus. I didn't miss her and Vasilis. On October 6, a post appeared on her Instagram, where the famous TV matchmaker tries to look at the near future through the prism of astrology.
No one doubts the fact that 2020 someone cursed. Epidemics, wars, terrorist attacks, acts of civil disobedience, economic downturn and natural anomalies. Of course, we expected some problems from the leap year, but not as much!
Yet astrologers have warned that 2020 will be special long before it begins. Judge for yourself: the completion of the Jupiter-Pluto cycle, an alarming abundance of eclipses, a parade of planets, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (occasionally every 20 years) and their transition into the sign of Aquarius, which triggers a cycle of changes no less than 200 years.
Against this background, the forecast Volodina also does not look comforting. The astrologer believes that her forced vacation will be delayed, and predicts an increase in the number of cases. Surprisingly, Mercury retrograde, which is traditionally blamed all the troubles, in this situation, on the contrary, restrains the spread of the epidemic.
Mercury retrograde (closest from October 14 to November 4) prevents all types of communication, travel, free communication, thereby reducing the likelihood of transmission of the virus.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Mercury retrograde! Please love and reward! From now until November 3. No, you can not love and complain, but it is pointless. Let's use it for our own good! I will tell you immediately after your constructive like зыв️ this post. R-Mercury inhibits all processes of human communication, movement, communication. Things are going slower than usual. I wrote a couple of days ago that the two previous periods of retro-Mercury had slowed the rate of the pandemic. Most likely, it is due to the fact that people at this time communicate less and are more divided! As you can see, separation is not always a bad thing. Does this mean that those with a retro Merck natal chart have less covid risk? Alas, no. This time we have 3 weeks of scorpion retrograde, which ideally should immerse everyone in deep introspection. The time has come to realize the important things that were previously only felt, and only now there are chances to formulate them clearly, in words. Understand where mistakes or mistakes have been made over the past 3 months, how to correct them, what to refine, what to breathe more thought into, which was too superficially thought out and therefore failed. Aware. To move on. Such introspection can be quite painful, the sign of Scorpio often picks out of our unconscious feelings of guilt. But there is a way to better understand who is to blame and what to do. It is called the individual calculation “Keys of the Year. 2020”. The keys will clearly show in which house of your personal horoscope Mercury is retrograde this time. They contain specific personal advice. Active link to the keys in the profile or type www.astrogift.ru/news/kljuchi-goda-ot-vasilisy-volodinoj.shtml › Or – out of lazy habit – write a request to the DIRECT “I need the keys” Share how you feel the last 2-3 days – immersion in the inner world? Light sadness or black longing? Or, conversely, increased activity?
Publication by Vasilis Volodin. ASTROLOGUE (@vasilisa.volodina) 14 Oct 2020 at 9:30 PDT
According to Vasilisa, special attention should be paid to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto: “The current pandemic is developing in the same rhythm in which the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto is formed.”
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We have just overcome the first half of 2020, which is extremely difficult and eventful. Now I want to announce a list of other significant astro-phenomena that await us. Retrograde of Mars in Aries (from 10.09 to 11.11) will increase tension in the world, including military. It can bring conflict and strife to the inhabitants. Unpleasant but potentially profitable situations in high-risk businesses. I plan to write about retro Mars more than once or twice in the near future. Against his background, retro Mercury in the second half of October is already a familiar, almost native trifle. Moreover, in the sign of Scorpio, it will not be as acutely felt as usual. Pluto's third conjunction with Jupiter in November. The March-June period is still remembered. November is the risk of continuing. Ingressions of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, followed there by conjunction in December – the most important in this list. They are launching a new big “air cycle” and the changes in the world economy are not much for 200 years. But let's not be afraid, we'll figure it out. Increases the importance of the last months of the year pair of eclipses (November 30 and December 14). In total, the periods from 06.08 to 29.08, from 25.09 to 12.10 promise to be difficult. November and the first half of December. Here we go. Stir, but not shake. For those who absolutely do not understand anything, the main idea is that we only dream of peace. The second half of the year will also be combative and will hardly let you relax. I am happy to answer personal questions within the framework of personal consultations. My official website www.astrogift.ru/
Publication by Vasilis Volodin. ASTROLOGUE (@vasilisa.volodina) July 20, 2020 at 9:30 PDT
It was particularly severe in April, coinciding with an outbreak in Europe, with the next peak in November. After that, the spread of the virus will be high for a long time.
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Fun in form, although quite serious in fact, the forecast for August 2020 you already saw 2 days ago. And now it’s time for a more global “overview” of the month and autumn. Don’t forget about likes, as I don’t forget to write forecasts for you in a timely manner. The forecast itself came out in the magazine “Stars and tips” this week. Don't miss it! While the magazine is on sale, you can still touch the beautiful. Or read it on my website. Active link in your profile or dial www.astrogift.ru/press/vtoraja-volna-koronavirusa-vozmojna ► Save in bookmarks ️. Send it to your friends.
Publication by Vasilis Volodin. ASTROLOGUE (@vasilisa.volodina) July 31, 2020 at 9:30 PDT
But, according to Volodina, although the prospects look gloomy, it is difficult to predict exactly something. After all, eclipses, which are rich in 2020, often turn the course of events into a completely unexpected course.
So in any case, do not relax, but do not lose optimism. The year 2020 is nearing completion. What will happen to us in 2021 and whether we will face another tightening of quarantine, while only stars and epidemiologists can predict.
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The last week began when Vasilisa Volodina Astrocenter takes orders for Signs of Destiny 2020, my favorite light horoscope. I developed Signs 7 years ago so that everyone could get a personal forecast for the year in all areas of life, with clear shapes, without water and abstractions. So if it is important for you to get your personal forecast for the last months of 2020 - accurate and not for many thousands of rubles - you have the last days to order your 2020 signs. Active link in the profile or dial www.astrogift.ru/lite-horoscope/destiny-signs.shtml ► Well, or those who do not cope, I will send an active link to the DIRECT. So write to the Director – “I want the signs of fate.” And during these days I will finally prepare the messengers of the future – “Signs of fate. 2021”. And each of your likes brings a bright future. Don't sting!
Publication by Vasilis Volodin. ASTROLOGUE (@vasilisa.volodina) September 21, 2020 at 9:30 PDT
Most readers Vasilisa is known as one of the hosts of the program “Let’s get married”. In April of this year, she left the wedding talk show “First channel” to adhere to the mode of self-isolation and focus on the compilation of private horoscopes.
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The most important topic of recent months is the coronavirus. I already wrote about my forecasts on this topic at the very beginning of the process - in mid-March and called the total estimated duration of the epidemic (the consequences are up to 3.5 years). It was “before”, not 3.5 years, as some representatives of the press immediately misrepresented. I'm focusing on that. But even this "do" is not very happy. Make sure you share our peace and quiet with you! And I gave predictions on my YouTube channel in summer and September. Who hasn’t seen it yet – an active link in the profile or dial www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtCZanOVGGGeymGMPFeBWw › I constantly work with morbidity statistics and cross astrological methods of prognosis with mathematical ones. Unfortunately, the statistics themselves are still too few to draw confident conclusions about the future. You didn't hear me, there's not much going on. Some of the planetary cycles of the “suspects” didn’t even go from start to finish once to reveal the patterns by which this particular virus lives. The most recent findings are that retrograde planets (especially Mercury!) slow the spread of disease. I attribute this to the fact that retro-Mercury prevents limitless and uncontrolled communication. In addition to Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have the same effect to a lesser extent. The most influential for world statistics were the connection of Pluto with Saturn (accelerates the rate of the epidemic by 25%) and with Jupiter (9%). But the interaction of Neptune and Jupiter statistically restrained the spread of the virus (by 35% compared to the average). For non-astrologers, all this means that right now the rate of increase in the incidence of disease in the world is accelerating. And we see it with you. And in the area of October 16, they should slow down a little (Merck will turn back, but it is the pace, not the number of cases, alas). And then accelerate again to 20.11, after which they can stay quite high for a long time. I don’t know if I should publish my schedule or not. More detail?
Publication by Vasilis Volodin. ASTROLOGUE (@vasilisa.volodina) 5 Oct 2020 at 9:30 PDT
Naturally, any predictions this year somehow touch on the topic of coronavirus. I didn't miss her and Vasilis. On October 6, a post appeared on her Instagram, where the famous TV matchmaker tries to look at the near future through the prism of astrology.
No one doubts the fact that 2020 someone cursed. Epidemics, wars, terrorist attacks, acts of civil disobedience, economic downturn and natural anomalies. Of course, we expected some problems from the leap year, but not as much!

Yet astrologers have warned that 2020 will be special long before it begins. Judge for yourself: the completion of the Jupiter-Pluto cycle, an alarming abundance of eclipses, a parade of planets, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (occasionally every 20 years) and their transition into the sign of Aquarius, which triggers a cycle of changes no less than 200 years.

Against this background, the forecast Volodina also does not look comforting. The astrologer believes that her forced vacation will be delayed, and predicts an increase in the number of cases. Surprisingly, Mercury retrograde, which is traditionally blamed all the troubles, in this situation, on the contrary, restrains the spread of the epidemic.

Mercury retrograde (closest from October 14 to November 4) prevents all types of communication, travel, free communication, thereby reducing the likelihood of transmission of the virus.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Mercury retrograde! Please love and reward! From now until November 3. No, you can not love and complain, but it is pointless. Let's use it for our own good! I will tell you immediately after your constructive like зыв️ this post. R-Mercury inhibits all processes of human communication, movement, communication. Things are going slower than usual. I wrote a couple of days ago that the two previous periods of retro-Mercury had slowed the rate of the pandemic. Most likely, it is due to the fact that people at this time communicate less and are more divided! As you can see, separation is not always a bad thing. Does this mean that those with a retro Merck natal chart have less covid risk? Alas, no. This time we have 3 weeks of scorpion retrograde, which ideally should immerse everyone in deep introspection. The time has come to realize the important things that were previously only felt, and only now there are chances to formulate them clearly, in words. Understand where mistakes or mistakes have been made over the past 3 months, how to correct them, what to refine, what to breathe more thought into, which was too superficially thought out and therefore failed. Aware. To move on. Such introspection can be quite painful, the sign of Scorpio often picks out of our unconscious feelings of guilt. But there is a way to better understand who is to blame and what to do. It is called the individual calculation “Keys of the Year. 2020”. The keys will clearly show in which house of your personal horoscope Mercury is retrograde this time. They contain specific personal advice. Active link to the keys in the profile or type www.astrogift.ru/news/kljuchi-goda-ot-vasilisy-volodinoj.shtml › Or – out of lazy habit – write a request to the DIRECT “I need the keys” Share how you feel the last 2-3 days – immersion in the inner world? Light sadness or black longing? Or, conversely, increased activity?
Publication by Vasilis Volodin. ASTROLOGUE (@vasilisa.volodina) 14 Oct 2020 at 9:30 PDT
According to Vasilisa, special attention should be paid to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto: “The current pandemic is developing in the same rhythm in which the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto is formed.”
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We have just overcome the first half of 2020, which is extremely difficult and eventful. Now I want to announce a list of other significant astro-phenomena that await us. Retrograde of Mars in Aries (from 10.09 to 11.11) will increase tension in the world, including military. It can bring conflict and strife to the inhabitants. Unpleasant but potentially profitable situations in high-risk businesses. I plan to write about retro Mars more than once or twice in the near future. Against his background, retro Mercury in the second half of October is already a familiar, almost native trifle. Moreover, in the sign of Scorpio, it will not be as acutely felt as usual. Pluto's third conjunction with Jupiter in November. The March-June period is still remembered. November is the risk of continuing. Ingressions of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, followed there by conjunction in December – the most important in this list. They are launching a new big “air cycle” and the changes in the world economy are not much for 200 years. But let's not be afraid, we'll figure it out. Increases the importance of the last months of the year pair of eclipses (November 30 and December 14). In total, the periods from 06.08 to 29.08, from 25.09 to 12.10 promise to be difficult. November and the first half of December. Here we go. Stir, but not shake. For those who absolutely do not understand anything, the main idea is that we only dream of peace. The second half of the year will also be combative and will hardly let you relax. I am happy to answer personal questions within the framework of personal consultations. My official website www.astrogift.ru/
Publication by Vasilis Volodin. ASTROLOGUE (@vasilisa.volodina) July 20, 2020 at 9:30 PDT
It was particularly severe in April, coinciding with an outbreak in Europe, with the next peak in November. After that, the spread of the virus will be high for a long time.
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Fun in form, although quite serious in fact, the forecast for August 2020 you already saw 2 days ago. And now it’s time for a more global “overview” of the month and autumn. Don’t forget about likes, as I don’t forget to write forecasts for you in a timely manner. The forecast itself came out in the magazine “Stars and tips” this week. Don't miss it! While the magazine is on sale, you can still touch the beautiful. Or read it on my website. Active link in your profile or dial www.astrogift.ru/press/vtoraja-volna-koronavirusa-vozmojna ► Save in bookmarks ️. Send it to your friends.
Publication by Vasilis Volodin. ASTROLOGUE (@vasilisa.volodina) July 31, 2020 at 9:30 PDT
But, according to Volodina, although the prospects look gloomy, it is difficult to predict exactly something. After all, eclipses, which are rich in 2020, often turn the course of events into a completely unexpected course.
So in any case, do not relax, but do not lose optimism. The year 2020 is nearing completion. What will happen to us in 2021 and whether we will face another tightening of quarantine, while only stars and epidemiologists can predict.
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